
Comments by MrDeuce (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How much has TUSCL helped you overall?
    TUSCL has helped my game tremendously. Somehow I managed to visit strip clubs almost weekly for almost 20 years without realizing that extras and OTC are readily available. It's just as well that I didn't get really active on this site until about four years ago, about the time I started having enough money to *truly* enjoy the hobby!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Life is strange.....
    Wow -- that's a puzzler! I've made many dancers cum, either before, during, or after my own pleasure, and I can't think of any who didn't want another round on my next visit. Though I think I'm, in your words, "easy money . . . [and] a relatively pleasant customer", it may be that I'm so much older that there's no chance of a stripper actually having feelings for me :)
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    7 years ago
    Shadowcat update
    I missed this! I wish all the best to the Godfather.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    extras girls in extras clubs
    I've been quite close to two extras girls from the same club. Both work a 6-hour afternoon shift and both have made as much as $1000 and as little as well under $100, with the average being on the order of $350-400. To make that much on a slow day shift, where the girls net about $100 per VIP, a few dicks are probably going to have to be sucked.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Worst Commercially Successful Band Ever?
    Wow -- I *love* most of the bands listed above, especially the Beatles, the Doors, Queen, Metallica, U2, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nirvana, and Coldplay. I even like Green Day, Rage Against the Machine, Disturbed, and Oasis. And I love Adele's songs as long she never speaks! Furthermore, I, too, would "shoot a world leader to play with her tits." LOL I'll tell you some overrated but highly successful bands: NKOTB, Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, 98 Degrees, etc. (you get the idea) Justin Bieber Nickelback and Hinder
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Two CFs at the same club
    houjack and Subraman: Wise advice, as usual. Because my two CFs are besties and work the same shift, when I schedule an afternoon with one of them, the other one *always* finds out and texts me: "Are you gonna spend any time with me, too?" Over the summer I usually replied "Yes, Mercedes, I wanna spend early afternoon with Lexus and late afternoon with you" but now that I'm busier, I'm starting to say "This time is for Lexus. I'll see you next time!" I can't say they're crazy about sharing me, but I'm the customer and don't want to have to choose. It's not up to them!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Social Media and ATF
    I have a FB account just for my SC life and have 30-some "friends", almost all of whom are strippers. (The others are SC bouncers, waitresses, or DJs.) I actually enjoy our FB interaction -- I tend to post lots of stripper-related humor on my FB and like it when they "like" it -- but it's all just for fun and in general I don't take it seriously when a stripper doesn't accept my friend request. The only exception is a CF at one club with whom I've done several hot VIPs and even discussed OTC -- but she refuses to accept my friend request! It's not that she's uninterested in FB -- she has 100s of FB friends, some of whom are customers. She's extremely nice to me ITC -- she kisses me as soon as I arrive, gets very touchy-feely when we're sitting at some remote table, and is quite accommodating in the VIP room -- but for some reason she just doesn't want to be FB friends with me. She's also pretty bad about answering texts. I've finally reached the point where I can just let it go and accept her for what she is: a sweet, beautiful stripper who wants to keep our relationship strictly ITC.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Longest-lasting CF
    Thanks, GoV -- I think so, too! Our relationship never advanced beyond lap dances, but I'll bet I did at least 80 sets of 2-4 lappers with her over an 18-year period. Now it's cool that we Like each other's FB posts and run into each other occasionally at concerts and restaurants.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip club etiquette
    I'm so confused -- so many questions! * You took a shower with a stripper in the VIP room? * You shower in your underwear? * You couldn't "do anything" about fucking her? * You have a penis? * What happened after she grabbed your chin? The list goes on! Well, let's see . . . how to respond to this stream-of-consciousness post? I know: with a stream-of-consciousness response! Here goes: Strip club etiquette is different in Australia than it is in the US, except in Tasmania, where the rules are more like those in New Zealand. It's kind of like Aussie vs Kiwi rules for rugby, you know what I mean? Of course you'd want to kiss a stripper when you have her for a half hour in the VIP room. We've all been there! When I take a shower with a stripper in the VIP room, I have a rule that only one of us can take our underwear off. So if her panties come off, mine stay on and vice versa. I'm not surprised that she was embarrassed at seeing your penis, as no stripper has ever seen a penis since the beginning of strip clubs. I prefer fucking strippers under the bar, but maybe that's just me. Once I've kissed a stripper, licked a stripper (but not her nipples), and let a stripper see me naked, she has every right to grab my chin. LMFAO! Seriously, dude: Think about the point you want to make before you post . . . and then make it!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why is your CF no longer your CF?
    CFs come and go for a variety of reasons and their shelf life can vary widely as well, from a week or so (!) to many years. At a club that I just visited on Thu and Fri afternoons, I had two CFs, one of whom had provided UHM VIPs (BBBJs) 11 times in a row going back two years and the other of whom had just appeared on my radar earlier this year., providing the same service three times However, the two-year CF lost her favored status by agreeing to wait for me both days but disappearing before I got there! BTW, my arrival times were 2:30 and 3:15 p.m. -- not exactly in the wee hours of the morning! Apparently she had made all the money she intended to by 2:00 one day and 3:00 the next and just bailed before I got there. (Alternatively, maybe she just didn't want to see me LOL.) So the new CF gets *all* my VIP business from now on. My ATF at another club remains my ATF (I've even written an article about her) but fell of my radar for the last several months because she was in jail for probation violations. Within a couple of hours of getting out two weeks ago, she called me to tell me that she's on house arrest for three months and wants me to visit her sometime, but in the meantime I've moved on and found new two new CFs at her old club, so our relationship will never be the same. Customers have favorite dancers, dancers have favorite customers, and these relationships have a limited life expectancy for a number of reasons. OTOH, as a counterexample in my own clubbing history, I had a CF whom I first met when she was an 18-year-old baby stripper in 1997 and continued to get lap dances from over an 18-year period until she finally hung up the ol' G-string in 2015 at the ripe old stripper age of 36. I thought I had lost contact with her forever but recently became Facebook friends with her and even occasionally run into her in town.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Doces said it well: ". . . damn, I love strippers . . . and damn[,] strippers drive me crazy"! Amen!!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    OT: Barbershop / Obituary
    For years I took my aging father to his barber and just got my hair cut when he did. When he died a couple of years ago (at age 90), I started looking for a new barbershop, because the three women there weren't that cute or that friendly. Currently I go to Great Clips (I think) near my house, but it just doesn't feel like the barbershops of my youth. I guess I'm still looking. And yes, I frequently check obituaries to make sure I'm not in them :) First my high school friends' parents almost all died, and now my classmates themselves are starting to go! Yeah, it's better not to read obits.
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    7 years ago
    Revealing Dancer Names with Specifics
    ^ Word, rickdugan!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Favorite movies about stripping or the sex industry
    "Showgirls" with Elizabeth Berkley, Gina Gershon, Rena Riffel, et al. "Lap Dancing" with Lorissa McComas "Dancing at the Blue Iguana" with Daryl Hannah, Kristin Bauer, Jennifer Tilly, et al.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    When doing ITC do you ....
    At the two extras clubs that I visit many times a year, I've learned *not* to negotiate details up front (which goes against my very planning nature) but to just go with the flow. Since most of the girls at these clubs are extras-friendly, it's not a big risk. Occasionally I'll end up doing a rather low-mileage VIP for $150, but the vast majority of the time it works out just the way I want.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Things you've learned in life because you go to strip clubs
    I have been very pleasantly surprised by the number and quality of strippers willing to do sexual things with me, both in the VIP room and OTC, and by how affordable OTC dates with hot strippers can be. OTOH, I have learned more than I ever wanted to know about heroin addiction -- withdrawal, Suboxone, methadone, Vivitrol, etc. -- and about our judicial system -- misdemeanors vs felonies, bench warrants, probation, drug court, etc.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Have you ever masturbated before going out to the club?
    Of course not! That would be like changing your own oil before you take your car in for an oil change. That would be like fixing yourself a meal before hitting a buffet. That would be like curing yourself and then going to the doctor. Why would you do that? Of course I'm speaking from the perspective of a 63-year-old, to whom every orgasm is precious, not a 21-year-old who cums if the breeze hits his junk just right.
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    7 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Sweaty Strippers
    Within reason, I think it's kind of hot when a stripper works up a sweat while dancing for my pleasure. If she's as hot as you say, I would give her another chance.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Lightning Does Strike twice - update
    Great story, bro! FWIW, I read between the lines and figured out that you tapped that. @dominic, I don't think you were being too mean.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Partially Clothed Lap Dances
    Almost all of the thousands of lap dances I've ever gotten have been topless and not nude. I've come to appreciate nude lappers, but not enough, in general, to pay $30 rather than $20 for them, as is the case in Chicagoland. At topless clubs I ask the dancer to take her top all the way off, rather than just pull her tits out, because I want to feel her bare back. My favorite part of nude lap dances is touching her nekkid ass, not feeling her bare pussy grinding on me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Anti LDK stripperweb thread
    Every day, at almost every strip club across the land, multiple customers have lapgasms. All strippers know that it happens and many welcome it, if only to get tips and repeat customers. Those of us "chumps" who enjoy this innocent pleasure should make sure to (a) keep our jizz off the lady and (b) tip her. Why, I lapgasmed myself last night after four very touchy-feely lappers with a busty Indiana farm girl. She certainly *tried* to make it happen and knew when it did. For my part, I kept my seed to myself and tipped her $20 on top of the $80 that I paid her. Everyone was a winner! Personally, I feel sorry for the studs who claim that they haven't cum in their pants since they were 15. I can and do last a long time in bed, where the goal is mutual pleasure, but during lap dances it's all about *my* pleasure. And before I forget: Fuck SJG for trying to tell the rest of us how to have fun in strip clubs!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How to handle dancers bringing up morality of stripping
    When the subject comes up, I have often told strippers, in all sincerity, that if there is sin in a sexual transaction between a customer and a stripper, the customer is the greater sinner because he is paying money for his pleasure whereas she is earning a living. We customers have no right to judge strippers for what they do when we're paying them to do it!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Anti LDK stripperweb thread
    It can't be said often enough: Fuck those SW cunts! And while I'm at it, fuck SJG for the hyper-repetitive, mind-numbingly boring way he tells the other 98% of us (by his own admission) how to have fun in SCs!! I logged out just now long enough to read SJG's posts that others were referring to. It reminded me of how ignoring him and a few others has greatly heightened my enjoyment of this site. Use the ignore feature -- it is your friend!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fast forward or slow down?
    Da-yum, dude -- it makes me tired just to hear about your escapades! I'm 63 and hit two clubs, or a club and OTC, about every week and it's wearing me out. I have a lot more fun planned between now and Halloween and then I think I'll slow down a bit in November. So on the one hand, I think you're in danger of burning out, but OTOH, if you can afford it in terms of time, money, and sexual energy, enjoy it while it lasts!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Never hit a woman?
    I have, of course, been to Pulse in Peoria, though I was safely gone by 7:30 or so. Actually it's not in such a bad neighborhood. The big surprise in Peoria is the *very* extras-friendly Elliott's, located in a very safe, prosperous area in the northern part of the city.