
Why is your CF no longer your CF?

So the discussion about the shelf life of CFs made me wonder what a CF would have to do or not do to no longer be your favorite. Apparently on SW as well, regular PLs also have a shelf life, but of course strippers try to keep them as long as possible. My guess is that you either get tired of her, she quits, or another stripper catches your interest and becomes your favorite. But are there any other common reasons she may lose that status? Also has an ATF ever done anything to lose such status, as it is much harder for her to be replaced by a better ATF although it does still happen if you club long enough.


  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    Schedules and/or club locations that no longer align with my schedule and drive home are my main reasons.

    I have also moved on because I found a better CF in terms of looks and/or LDK technique.

    Also I left one CF because she downgraded her mileage after I got used to a standard for months. She paid much less attention to my dick so I dropped her fast.
  • houjack
    7 years ago
    The most common reasons for me are:

    * She quits.
    * I have found another to become a CF and I "bounce" the lowest off my list as I have limited funds.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    CFs come and go for a variety of reasons and their shelf life can vary widely as well, from a week or so (!) to many years. At a club that I just visited on Thu and Fri afternoons, I had two CFs, one of whom had provided UHM VIPs (BBBJs) 11 times in a row going back two years and the other of whom had just appeared on my radar earlier this year., providing the same service three times However, the two-year CF lost her favored status by agreeing to wait for me both days but disappearing before I got there! BTW, my arrival times were 2:30 and 3:15 p.m. -- not exactly in the wee hours of the morning! Apparently she had made all the money she intended to by 2:00 one day and 3:00 the next and just bailed before I got there. (Alternatively, maybe she just didn't want to see me LOL.) So the new CF gets *all* my VIP business from now on.

    My ATF at another club remains my ATF (I've even written an article about her) but fell of my radar for the last several months because she was in jail for probation violations. Within a couple of hours of getting out two weeks ago, she called me to tell me that she's on house arrest for three months and wants me to visit her sometime, but in the meantime I've moved on and found new two new CFs at her old club, so our relationship will never be the same.

    Customers have favorite dancers, dancers have favorite customers, and these relationships have a limited life expectancy for a number of reasons. OTOH, as a counterexample in my own clubbing history, I had a CF whom I first met when she was an 18-year-old baby stripper in 1997 and continued to get lap dances from over an 18-year period until she finally hung up the ol' G-string in 2015 at the ripe old stripper age of 36. I thought I had lost contact with her forever but recently became Facebook friends with her and even occasionally run into her in town.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Nothing she did, just ready to move on.
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    There were certain dancers I've stopped going to see because I've moved away to a different state, and therefore could no longer go to the club they worked at.

    There are other dances that I've stopped seeing because they no longer work at the club, and they may have even moved on to a career other than stripping.

    With my CF/ATF, there are reasons why I am no longer going to see her, but I am not going to get into details. It is just time for me to move on.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    This concerns my latest CF. I have none at present. May seem strange, but it was a breast enlargement that did it for me. She had already had one and was pushing the limits of "going overboard". This time she when overboard with an anchor attached!

    That said, it was the enLARGEment that ended it, but it was on the down slide already as I saw no future in the realationship.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    She has standards! Ha.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    ^ This.
    I can't tell you how sad and disappointed i have been when a dancer "ruins" her body this way (and i'll add labiaplasty to the list). She could have spent all her life savings on this stupidity (and yes i have no problem with calling it stupidity because it does nothing to address the real reasons she got the surgery in the first place) which carries serious risks and health complications down the road as well as costing more money for additional modifications and any eventual complications. She will never recoup the cost and in many cases she might make even less money than before for the double whammy. This happened to one my longer time favorites at a particular club although she doesn't work at that club anymore.
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    Usually, i find a better one and let the other slide. A couple of times they have quit dancing or moved elsewhere. I would drop one immediately over drug use in my presence, stealing from me, or making bullshit claims. But I have been lucky that these things have not happened.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    For me the dancer usually leaves the club for whatever reason (quit, fired, retired, moved).
  • Corvus
    7 years ago
    Almost without exception my former CF dancers have left the club, quit dancing or stopped responding to my texts. You just never know what happens with these girls.

    One dancer I saw for four years, ITC and OTC, pissed me off to the extent I deleted her phone number before she reached the parking lot and her car after our last OTC romp. Disrespecting my time and money one too many times. Even though she was just about perfect physically and I am very attracted to her.
  • magicrat
    7 years ago
    With my last one, it lasted a couple years, the club closed down and she got a real job.

    With the one before that, it lasted a year or so and it ended when I started seeing my last cf at a different club.

    My first cf and atf ended after 3-4 years when the club closed down and her husband knocked her up soon thereafter
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    Often a CF will lose her spot in line due to her becoming complacent about my time and my money. When she starts getting lazy & taking me for granted & assumes that I will tolerate her SS and her dances start to get shitty it's time to move on to someone new.
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    ^^^ That right there. What lopaw said is mostly on point with what I've experienced with my CF the last few times I went to see her. Her dances have not gotten shitty, but everything else that was mentioned does indeed apply to my situation.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Many different reasons over the years. I had to move on from one because I started developing feelings (stronger than is healthy) for her.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    If she’s just an itc cf - then it could be a number of things. The harsh truth could be that I grew tired of her - and moved to another cf. One cf started smoking - and it ruined her breath - and being close to her in vip was less arousing because of her smoke smell.

    If I’ve been seeing a dancer otc - sometimes I will keep things going a bit longer - if something changes. But - if a go to otc dancer gets very sketchy - I’ll drop her - as I make assumptions about her either getting into drugs - or about her having a scumbag boyfriend or pimp.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    ^ Yeah, it's also very sad when a dancer ruins her life because of drugs. Her body gets ravaged, she just isn't sexy at all anymore and i don't need her acting like a cheap trick to every customer so she can get her fix. All i can hope is that she gets her life back together somehow.
  • Huntsman
    7 years ago
    +1 to lopaw's comment.
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