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15 days ago
YMMMV- Your mileage may vary. What does that mean on TUSCL?
I end most of my reviews with the acronym, YMMV. I do this for two reasons:
1. Just because that is the experience I had on that particular day at that particular club, with that particular dancer or dancers doesn't mean...
15 days ago
When Actual PLs “Thought She Was Gonna”
There is steak house close to the local arena in my city where I am a regular. Before games/shows/events me, possibly some friends and possibly a young lady who shakes her bum bum for blue bills tip the hostess, file...
I'd live this way again
22 days ago
My Top 5 Cuban Stripper Stories
Ah, the Cuban Stripper. Possibly the most polarizing kind of person that actually dances in the strip club. (Most polarizing non dancer staff? Bathroom attendants.) The lack of English, pretending to lack English, general lack of interest in OTC, drinking...
I'd live this way again
a month ago
The REAL Reasons Some Dancers Are Annoyed By Regulars
I get, from personal experience, that we ought to take what dancers post online with a boulder of salt. When you patronize a dancer and see what they post or there peers post on social media it comes immediately apparently...
I'd live this way again
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4 days agoby