
Two CFs at the same club

avatar for MrDeuce

I tend to have a single CF at each of several clubs that I visit over the course of a year. I appreciate the advantages of being someone's regular: you can often schedule your visits with her, especially on a slow day shift; she knows what you like in the VIP room; the level of service tends to be higher than with a new girl; and she might even take less money one day when you're short, knowing that you'll make up for it another time.

However, I'm the type who sometimes has trouble choosing between attractive alternatives. I want both the rock concert and the strip club; both the expensive entree and the dessert; both the beach vacation and the voyage of exploration; and both of the hottest and/or most fun-loving strippers in a particular club. So at the club that I visited on Thu and Fri afternoons, I had two CFs who were competing with each other to make me their regular. As I've mentioned in another thread, the one of two years' duration has just taken herself out of the running by bailing both days before I got to the club -- at 2:30 and 3:15 p.m.! -- because she had apparently already made all the money she wanted to that day. So I guess I'm down to one CF there.

At my favorite day shift, which I visit every 2-3 weeks, I have two CFs, who happen to be best friends and who have been competing for my attention since the beginning of summer. I have tried to keep things going with both by doing a VIP with each on almost every visit, but that's hard on both my wallet and my aging body, so henceforth I think I'll alternate between them and simply explain "I did a VIP with you last time, Mercedes, so I'm doing one with Lexus today!" Having two CFs tends to make them try harder to compete for my business, but it also leads to hard feelings when I choose one over the other.

How do you feel about having two CFs at the same club? Does it bring out healthy competition between them or do they end up hating each other and/or you? Is it an inherently unstable situation, doomed to end in an explosion of some sort?


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avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 yrs ago

To me it depends on how invested you already are in the current CF. The more you are entrenched as her regular already, the harder and more difficult it will be to switch.

For example I'm so established as my ATF DS regular that I wouldn't even entertain a second CF at the club unless she worked a different shift. Everybody at the club knows who I am there for so it would be very awkward to start changing.

But at my previous club I had not established a regular relationship for long with one CF as I started switching to another. I had only been a regular to the former for a few months and she already knew I got dances with others, so it wasn't a touchy issue. Both dancers would simply check in with me at some point and both knew if I passed on dances that I was there to see the other one.

avatar for Subraman
7 yrs ago

I tend to only have a single CF at a time, just because it suits me better. If it suited me better to have two CFs -- and that has happened a few times, but last time was a few years ago -- I'd be completely above-board and transparent, exactly as you're proposing. "hey, I love you and Porsche, and I sat with you last week, so I'm hanging out with Porsche today, have a great day" kind of thing.

avatar for houjack
7 yrs ago

I've never had issue, because when I have CFs I make appointments to see them. So if I show up and a CF sees me and we haven't made an appointment she'll usually ask if I'm waiting on someone and will not assume I'm there to see her. I'll let her know when the next time is I plan to see her.

Honesty seems to work well in this scenario in my experience.

avatar for joc13
7 yrs ago

Last winter at my most regular club, I had 2 CFs on night shift and 1 on dayshift. The two night shift CFs hardly ever worked the same night, and they both had enough other admirers and were both great room workers that if they were both there it would work out to whichever one got to me first. The other would come see me when the first had to go on stage, and then do her after stage thank yous, then after stage freshening up. (Part of the reason they were my CFs is that they were the kind of girls that would go say thank you to everyone who tipped, and stay for a dance or two if they wanted, but they would eventually come back to me.)

They both gave me their numbers, but only one ever texted on a regular basis, so I ended up going in to see her specifically more often, but I'd still end up getting dances from the other.

One night, I think the two of them conspired and both showed up at my bar stool at exactly the same time. They convinced me to let both stay and we had a great time. Ended up taking them to VIP at the same time. Was my only "greater than $1000 of my own money" strip club night. Definite bucket list item crossed off, though.

Alas, they are both gone.

avatar for Subraman
7 yrs ago

houjack-->"I've never had issue, because when I have CFs I make appointments to see them"

I do exactly the same thing, I never surprise my CF, I want to make sure she's there and has reserved the afternoon for me. That said, if another CF sees me, she'll just assume I popped in, so I do think it's important to just be upfront and natural ... as long as YOU act in control and as if you're not doing anything wrong (which you're not), this can be totally drama free. Just be transparent and honest

avatar for Dougster
7 yrs ago

Our very own RickBoyDugan, famous for inventing The System, ran into the very problem of two CFs working in the club at the same time. His "real man" (as he fancies himself) solution? Just stay at home from months on end when this happens so you don't have to deal with the problem at all.

avatar for Mate27
7 yrs ago

Dougster beat me to it. I was going to recommend the OP (Deuce) to inquire with Rickyboy how to handle this going forward.

avatar for Clubber
7 yrs ago


Didn't see this before I mentioned in a topic, "family dancers".

avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 yrs ago

Sometimes, the two favorites don't like each other. Then it becomes an even sticker situation when you pick one over the other.

avatar for larryfisherman
7 yrs ago

The closest thing I’ve had to that is at the same club one CF working the mid shift, and the other CF working the night shift. I’ve had clubs where I have a CF, but there are other girls there I get dances from. On the occasions where my CF and the other girls I get dances from were there at the same time, my CF obviously got most of my money.

avatar for MrDeuce
7 yrs ago

houjack and Subraman: Wise advice, as usual. Because my two CFs are besties and work the same shift, when I schedule an afternoon with one of them, the other one always finds out and texts me: "Are you gonna spend any time with me, too?" Over the summer I usually replied "Yes, Mercedes, I wanna spend early afternoon with Lexus and late afternoon with you" but now that I'm busier, I'm starting to say "This time is for Lexus. I'll see you next time!" I can't say they're crazy about sharing me, but I'm the customer and don't want to have to choose. It's not up to them!

avatar for georgmicrodong
7 yrs ago

A few years back, four of my favorites all moved from their separate clubs to work at the same club at the same time. I'm as upfront as others, like Subraman, and they were all cool with it.

Only lasted about three months before they all split for different clubs again.

Was a little weird while it lasted though.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 yrs ago

With me the 2nd CF ended up out performing the 1st CF and over time I just stopped getting dances with her and went exclusive to the 2nd one. The 1st took it in stride and we would still small talk and I would tip her during her stage set. And we never even had to talk about it. She was the #1 earning dancer at the club, so losing me was not a huge hit to her budget.

avatar for Clubber
7 yrs ago


You state, "Once you become a regular she gets lazy and takes your patronage for granted." You must pick them wrong. I've never had that problem with a CF. Or perhaps you don't realize "CF" is a two way street.

avatar for anonlvone
7 yrs ago

It's an inherently unstable situation. I've been told several times I "have too many girls" and in one sense I guess it's true. I tend to visit 3-4 clubs on a regular basis, and usually have 2-3 favorites at each club, so at any given time I usually have about 10 favorites, with the top 5 getting the most attention.

Females are jealous and possessive by nature. With dancers you have that plus competition for money. And if that's not bad enough, over the past year I'd begun experimenting with several Cuban dancers, who seem to have that "hot-blooded Latin" thing x10. Then when you throw in the fact that most Cuban girls speak little or no English, well, misunderstandings are easy to get into and hard to get out of.

A while back I was in one of my favorite clubs while a certain dancer was on stage. I then happened to see a waitress who I was used to seeing at its sister club. So I waved her over while my hot-blooded Cuban dancer started fuming. Because I was chatting to a fricking waitress! I am so sick of this crap, of dancers acting like I'm married to them. And the irony is that I wasn't just catching up with someone I knew, I had also been getting tip money for the dancer on stage. But instead, while she's still on stage, I pulled out my phone and deleted both her number and her Snapchat. As I'm punching buttons I'm thinking: I.Am.So.Done.With.This.Shit.

I'm in the process of getting rid of almost all my Cuban regulars. One of the exceptions is a girl who's basically retired, but who will still meet up with me in a club if I call her. I'm also going to strongly consider reducing my favorites list to just 1 (possibly 2) girls per club - not counting "retired" dancers like the Cuban girl I mentioned above.

avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 yrs ago

I've has as many as 5 regulars in one club. Usually, they're not all working the same night, but if they are that usually means i'm in trouble. I guess it can be a good or a bad problem depending how you look at it. At the very least, it usually means i'm going to be spending quite a bit of money. How many of them i dance with usually depends on how the dances go. If one dances gets numerous dances, then i have to forgo getting dances with a couple of them. I also tend to give priority either to the preferred dancers (if there is a noticeable difference in how much i like each one) or the ones i'm less familiar with (as some regulars can get a little long in the tooth).

avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 yrs ago

At that club where I juggled two CFs on the same afternoon shift I also had two others that were on separate night shifts.

At my current club I have two other dancers on the same shift as my ATF DS but I dare not "cheat" on her when she is there. She's told me not to get bored of her though, so when she isn't there I do a few investment dances every month or so with the other two just to keep the CF pipeline queued up. They also know to leave me alone when my ATF DS is working.

I think strippers and PLs have their own pecking order with each other.

avatar for Lurker_X
7 yrs ago

Pecking order can work the other way, too. I have been somewhat developing a fave at one club, (although I can sense the conversations are not very fluid since we are very different in age, interests and political orientation.) plus some runners up.

The potential fave gives good dances and a modest discount to me as a regular. I saw her yesterday for one VIP and then a guy showed up willing to spend several hundred on her.

I learned from her co-stripper best friend that the guy saved up money for 4 months to do this. So, I shrugged it off. He can't do that all the time, and I will see this girl again on my usual payment plan, in a week or two.

avatar for rockstar666
7 yrs ago

I have only one CF at a time; the rest are "regulars".

avatar for skibum609
7 yrs ago

CF means nothing to me. Even my ATF only gets first call on my affections if I feel like it and she isn't busy with another customer.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 yrs ago

As subraman has posted in the past, dancers will use passive-aggressive ways to show their displeasure and/or manipulate PLs.

As long as many of us have been at this, we still don't like to deal w/ the "punch in the stomach look" many fave dancers give us when we say "not today".

Again as subraman has posted in the past, one should be firm/direct but polite, and as subra has posted if one comes-up w/ "LBS" (little bitch syndrome) excuses then many sharks/dancers smell PL-blood and instinctively see that as a weakness/opening to be exploited and to go-in for the kill (kinda like the instinct of a wild-animal LOL).

These girls well/instinctively know they have competition in the club and that most custies like to play the ho-field, so they'll often lay on the disappointment/I'm-so-hurt dressing, extra-thick.

In the end it is not unfair that a PL does not get w/ the same-girl every damn time he steps in the club nor is it fair for a dancer to make a PL feel that way - we know that and more importantly the dancers know that - and it's not as if they (dancers) are not gonna be happy to take our $$$ on another visit; hell often times they treat us better when they know they are not the only game in town and that they gotta step-it-up to keep you as a custy even if just as a semi-regular one.

avatar for Clubber
7 yrs ago


If they didn't "put any effort" into it, they'd never become a CF. As I said, a two way street.

avatar for Clubber
7 yrs ago


To answer the simple question first, I build my house myself. No bidding!

I have not stated that what you say doesn't happen. It does that are perhaps to dense to see it coming or when it is actually happening.

To put it in your words, "Personally, I avoid CF situations. I find that you get better service when the girl sees that you have some cash to spend and is trying to make you her regular."

See, in your own words you never get to the "CF situations". Should you decide to NOT quit with a particular dancer, then you might understand what a two way street is and involves.

Now that I've said that, I have found that in life it is important to know when to stop arguing with some people and simply let them be wrong. Take care!

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