Do you guys know of any good movies that take place within the sex industry? Any movies about stripping, strip clubs, or strippers that you know of? Or perhaps a movie with a stripper/escort/porn star/dominatrix/sex worker as a main character?
I've always thought that Striptease was a real missed opportunity. Based on the source material, it could have been great... instead of just being an embarrassment for everyone involved.
I also like the movie On The Doll. It was kind of an obscure indie thing, and definitely low quality. Meant more to shock and arouse the audience than anything else. But still entertaining.
Funny cameo stripper scene with Steve Caroll in "The Big Short." Steve's not looking for extras, just wants to understand if this stripper understands adjustable rate mortgages. Turns out she has 5 homes and a condo:
Some of these are movies that I love and have just forgotten about. The Girlfriend Experience was great and I've been meaning to check out the series spin-off on cable. Dancing at the Blue Iguana and the Ranch were both surprisingly good. I have not seen Spun, Hardcore, or Vice Squad, so I'll have to check those out.
@Cashman1234, I agree about Nicholas Cage. He's made a few good movies, but in general he's a hammy over-actor. If it weren't for his uncle, Francis Ford Coppola, he'd probably be working the door at a club on Hollywood boulevard or something, still waiting for his big break. But I loved Leaving Las Vegas.
BurlingtonHF I agree on Nicholas Cage as he’s the king of over the top hammy performances. However, I could deal with his performance in Leaving Las Vegas - since I loved the story - and I thought Elizabeth Shue was impressive.
He was also in 8mm - which was interesting - and the subject was less savory.
@RandomMember, it's funny, I actually just rented The Big Short the other day. I guess that scene with the stripper is what prompted my question. I liked the movie. They managed to make a dry topic into something funny and interesting. I wasn't happy that they completely glossed over the role the government played in the financial crisis, but what can you do?
The movie implies that the only thing that the government did wrong was to not regulate the market heavily enough. But the US government had actually been directly pushing more and more people to buy homes since at least the 70s. Then they put the whole thing on steroids in the 90s. HUD told Fannie and Freddie to increase the percentage of their portfolio that is subprime, so they did. Fannie and Freddie told banks to make as many subprime loans as they could, because they would buy anything that the banks had for sale, even the garbage. And the rest is history. Everyone was just stupid, never believing that the housing market could have a sustained collapse. It wasn't a conspiracy, it was stupidity. Stupidity facilitated by the federal government.
And now everyone wants to blame the banks for the bailouts. Let me ask you this: if a dog is begging at your table and someone steals your food off your plate and feeds it to the dog, who do you blame, the dog or the thief?
Anyway, I still liked the movie. You don't have to agree with the political leanings of a movie to enjoy it. I liked Miss Sloan, even though I'm against gun control. (That's another movie that has a sex worker in it, btw. A gigolo.)
"Showgirls" with Elizabeth Berkley, Gina Gershon, Rena Riffel, et al. "Lap Dancing" with Lorissa McComas "Dancing at the Blue Iguana" with Daryl Hannah, Kristin Bauer, Jennifer Tilly, et al.
JackSlash - I remember her performance - and she was excellent. The look of the club reminded me of a dirty Jersey strip club. Mickey Rourke was pretty good as the main character too.
I loved the Wrestler, too. I think every PL can see a tiny bit of himself in Mickey Rourke's character and his interactions with Marisa Tomei's character. It's true that the club in this movie really does look and feel like a typical grimy New Jersey club, and I wouldn't be surprised if they filmed on location. In fact, there's a stripper I know who looks a lot like Marisa Tomei at a local club; we once discussed this movie together.
@yahtzee74, I probably should have seen it. I shied away from it because it was on Lifetime and I always assume that Lifetime's programming is crap. It did look interesting though. Plus I grew up with Jennifer Love Hewitt's cleavage.
@pensionking, yep, mentioned that earlier. It looks pretty good. I'm recording the first season on my DVR now and I'm going to binge-watch it once I have the whole season. Btw, I think Riley Keogh is Elvis' granddaughter.
I gotta second Lap Dancing with Lorissa McComas. It reminds me of when I was a teenager before the internet and those HBO/Showtime softcore movies were the easiest jerk off material for a young lad like myself to access.
I love the scene where she gives her first lap dance, an air dance. Then the dude LDK82 style says 'I thought this was a lap dance' and pulls her down onto his crotch and grinds the hell out of her.
Or the girl who gives her FS extras outside in an alley behind the club. She tries to make small talk with the dude and he goes 'if I wanted to talk I'd be home with my wife. Now are we gonna fuck or what??!!'
Player's Club was pretty cool though, it's a black movie. "It's bitches like you... who make it harder for women like me!" Great quote, great scene. Lol.
Demi Moore's $12,000,000 tits and ripped MILF-bod in Striptease. I've never seen the whole movie, to my knowledge there's only one full frontal scene with bare breasts, but I would definitely DVR it and fast forward to that scene. 10/10
@PoolyD, I can't remember a stripper scene in I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell. But that movie was basically the apogee of Bro Culture. So I wouldn't be surprised that was at least one scene in a titty bar.
@gammanu95, you've never seen Striptease? I mean it wasn't *that* bad. Demi Moore has always been hot. She still is. Those tits were amazing and worth every penny. Anyway, Burt Reynolds was a fucking riot in that movie. Was it a stupid movie? Yes, but still probably worth watching once.
To be honest, even Showgirls is watchable. Stupid, but watchable. These movies are a window into how society views the women who sell their bodies and the men who pay for them. They both became cultural touchstones in their day. 1996 was the first year that Bruce Willis supported the Democratic candidate for president because Bob Dole (the GOP candidate) actually attacked Demi Moore on the stump for making Striptease. Seriously, that happened.
I agree with you regarding Burt Reynolds in Striptease - as his performance was very funny. The look of Demi Moore’s body was very sexy in that movie too.
Showgirls was fun to watch too. I enjoyed it because of a few scenes. Or I should say - I find Gina Gershon to be hot - and I should probably keep that to myself.
If we are talking stripper scenes - then From Dusk Till Dawn deserves mention - as Salma Hayek was incredible in that club scene!
I agree gammanu95. Bound is one of my favorite Gina films - as she and Jennifer Tilly were hot in it. I guess saying it’s one of my favorite Gina G films is misleading - as I only have 2 faves!
Also Gigi, (Truffaut's?) La Ronde, Breakfast at Tiffany's (well, she IS charging for tricks after all; and the novella is better because it doesn't have the crappy obvious saccharine contrived ending), Risky Business, and of course the greatest strippers references ever are in...
Probably one of the most accurate depictions of PL/dancer dynamics in a feature film is the 2001 indie The Center of The World. Socially awkward dot-com jillionaire makes a bargain with a stripper for a junket in Vegas. Pornstar Alisha Klass has a cameo as a background dancer.
Synopsis: King Uther Pendragon visits "Club Cornwall" after a war to unify all of England. At the club, he falls for an air dance SS from Igraine, the club's only dancer and wife of Cornwall. He uses the wizard Merlin to get BBFS extra ITC from Igraine while Cromwell is away. Because he went BB, Igraine gets pregnant and eventually has Arthur who becomes the king that unified England.
At its core it is a cautionary tale for PLs that practice BBFS. Here is the club scene with Igraine's ROB air dance:
@Burlingtonhofactory I remember both those Showtime series. I loved Beverly Hills Bordello and always said when I was older I'd try to find such a place. Only problem is I'm not rich like the clients in that show. Still, I loved it! Over 20 years later I distinctly remember one episode. A cop showed up to the house and had his way with every woman in the house in exchange for not shutting the place down. Then finally he went after the madam herself who secretly filmed their encounter and got rid of him.
@BHF you remember that Showtime show Sherman Oaks? Show about a rich plastic surgeon who had a wife and a mistress, a son who used to act black, a tall, blond, huge titted daughter, and a sexy housekeeper who used to get fucked in every episode. I remember I used to always jerk off to that daughter. Don't know her name but I'm sure some Google searching would help me find her.
@TFP, I always promised myself the same thing about finding my own Beverly Hills Bordello. I'm not rich either so I guess the titty bar will have to do. I don't think I started watching internet porn until like 2002 or 2003, so those cable shows were a godsend. I especially loved every episode with Nikki Fritz in it. (She also played one of the strippers in the aforementioned movie Go.) Can't say that I remember the series Sherman Oaks, but I probably did watch it at least once.
Requiem for a Dream was also ahead of its time in 2000 regarding the heroin factor. Back then, everyone I knew was more like, eww, a heroin addict vs. present day where RickDugan types are rubbing their hands together hoping a girl will get back on the shared needle to increase their chances of OTC.
Holy shit went looking for the blond chick I was talking about from Sherman Oaks and found out those huge boobs almost cost her her life.....sad stuff.
Oh and @BHF Nikki Fritz was my one of my dream girls when I was 16! I remember if I ever saw her name in a starring role for one of those soft core movies I was VHS recording that shit for sure!
@BHF not Beverly Hills classy, but classy for Atlanta. Both were in nice old houses, set far back off the road, with out of sight parking.
The downstairs were set up as a bar/lounge. You could make an appointment, or you could just show up, get a drink, talk to the girls, and pick one you liked to go upstairs with. One of the houses had an empty dining room that made a nice dance floor and some of the girls would slow dance with the guys. Great foreplay.
@TFP, yeah Nikki Fritz was hot AF back then. I think she used to be available as an escort. Not that that's unusual, about a third of adult film actresses are also P4P girls. At that time, I just didn't have the money, otherwise I would have pulled the trigger for sure.
@ppwh, @SirLapdancealot, thanks, I think I'll check out Requiem for a Dream. I grew up in Brooklyn and I remember Coney island (where it takes place) pretty well, so it should be nostalgic for me. Plus I always thought Jennifer Connelly was hot.
@joc13, that sounds like a pretty nice setup. I still prefer the SC environment, but I would check out a brothel if I knew of one. I'm sure it wouldn't be anything like it looks on tv, but how bad can it be? The problem is that you're either in the know or you're not. And I'm not. There are probably brothels operating quietly all over the country that we just don't know about.
@BHF Requiem is up high on my list as one of the greatest movies ever. The visuals, music, and acting is all perfect and it is a work of art. But note that it is a heavy movie that sucks you into the story of addiction. And although Jennifer is so beautiful in it, it is Ellen Burstyn that steals the show.
Requiem for A Dream is one of those movies that is so emotionally draining, that although it's almost as perfect as a film can get, it is not a movie I can watch often. I don't even own it, and I have a large DVD & blu ray collection of great films. I wouldn't count it as a sex-industry film though; the sex-industry is consequential of the drug use. The movie is about drug use, recreational and non-recreational.
last comment…
The Girlfriend Experience (starring Sasha Grey)
Spun (has a strip club and stripper in it)…
One movie that I loved was Leaving Las Vegas - as I liked the characters dependency on each other and the depressing nature of their lives.
Hardcore was an old movie that was pretty amazing - and one of the first legit movies to delve into porn.
I found 8 mm to be impressive - and interesting too. It’s not for everyone - but it was worthwhile.
A movie from the 80’s Vice Squad was rough - but interesting -
Obviously Boogie Nights was a critical success - and popular I guess.
I will post more when I think of them. I’m not a real Nick Cage fan - even though two of the films have him as their star.
He was also in 8mm - which was interesting - and the subject was less savory.
The movie implies that the only thing that the government did wrong was to not regulate the market heavily enough. But the US government had actually been directly pushing more and more people to buy homes since at least the 70s. Then they put the whole thing on steroids in the 90s. HUD told Fannie and Freddie to increase the percentage of their portfolio that is subprime, so they did. Fannie and Freddie told banks to make as many subprime loans as they could, because they would buy anything that the banks had for sale, even the garbage. And the rest is history. Everyone was just stupid, never believing that the housing market could have a sustained collapse. It wasn't a conspiracy, it was stupidity. Stupidity facilitated by the federal government.
And now everyone wants to blame the banks for the bailouts. Let me ask you this: if a dog is begging at your table and someone steals your food off your plate and feeds it to the dog, who do you blame, the dog or the thief?
Anyway, I still liked the movie. You don't have to agree with the political leanings of a movie to enjoy it. I liked Miss Sloan, even though I'm against gun control. (That's another movie that has a sex worker in it, btw. A gigolo.)
"Lap Dancing" with Lorissa McComas
"Dancing at the Blue Iguana" with Daryl Hannah, Kristin Bauer, Jennifer Tilly, et al.…
3. Elizabeth Berkeley in Showgirls
2. Marisa Tomei in The Wrestler
1. Sasha Grey in The Girlfriend Experience (duh, not really acting)
Honorable mentions:
Juno Temple in Afternoon Delight
Julia Stiles in Blue
Billie Piper in Confessions of a Call Girl
I loved the Wrestler, too. I think every PL can see a tiny bit of himself in Mickey Rourke's character and his interactions with Marisa Tomei's character. It's true that the club in this movie really does look and feel like a typical grimy New Jersey club, and I wouldn't be surprised if they filmed on location. In fact, there's a stripper I know who looks a lot like Marisa Tomei at a local club; we once discussed this movie together.
That's impressive reboot time!…
Pensionking - thanks for the link to those scenes. That’s hot -
Also give a shout out for Vanessa Ferlito giving a civie LD to Kurt Russell in Deathproof.
I love the scene where she gives her first lap dance, an air dance. Then the dude LDK82 style says 'I thought this was a lap dance' and pulls her down onto his crotch and grinds the hell out of her.
Or the girl who gives her FS extras outside in an alley behind the club. She tries to make small talk with the dude and he goes 'if I wanted to talk I'd be home with my wife. Now are we gonna fuck or what??!!'
Player's Club was pretty cool though, it's a black movie. "It's bitches like you... who make it harder for women like me!" Great quote, great scene. Lol.
Also I liked the champagne room scene in Go.
The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas
Bachelor Party
Is there really any club, any where, where the dancers get paychecks?
I liked that movie. Is the unrated version worth renting? Maybe I should check that out
Totally agree. I'm getting sentimental here. Does anyone remember Red Shoe Diaries? Or Beverly Hills Bordello? Memories...
To be honest, even Showgirls is watchable. Stupid, but watchable. These movies are a window into how society views the women who sell their bodies and the men who pay for them. They both became cultural touchstones in their day. 1996 was the first year that Bruce Willis supported the Democratic candidate for president because Bob Dole (the GOP candidate) actually attacked Demi Moore on the stump for making Striptease. Seriously, that happened.
Showgirls was fun to watch too. I enjoyed it because of a few scenes. Or I should say - I find Gina Gershon to be hot - and I should probably keep that to myself.
If we are talking stripper scenes - then From Dusk Till Dawn deserves mention - as Salma Hayek was incredible in that club scene!
Also Gigi, (Truffaut's?) La Ronde, Breakfast at Tiffany's (well, she IS charging for tricks after all; and the novella is better because it doesn't have the crappy obvious saccharine contrived ending), Risky Business, and of course the greatest strippers references ever are in...
Caddy Shack
Sin City is worth watching - just to see Jessica Alba on stage.
Synopsis: King Uther Pendragon visits "Club Cornwall" after a war to unify all of England. At the club, he falls for an air dance SS from Igraine, the club's only dancer and wife of Cornwall. He uses the wizard Merlin to get BBFS extra ITC from Igraine while Cromwell is away. Because he went BB, Igraine gets pregnant and eventually has Arthur who becomes the king that unified England.
At its core it is a cautionary tale for PLs that practice BBFS. Here is the club scene with Igraine's ROB air dance:
@BHF you remember that Showtime show Sherman Oaks? Show about a rich plastic surgeon who had a wife and a mistress, a son who used to act black, a tall, blond, huge titted daughter, and a sexy housekeeper who used to get fucked in every episode. I remember I used to always jerk off to that daughter. Don't know her name but I'm sure some Google searching would help me find her.
She was so hot 20+ years ago. Looks so different now.
The downstairs were set up as a bar/lounge. You could make an appointment, or you could just show up, get a drink, talk to the girls, and pick one you liked to go upstairs with. One of the houses had an empty dining room that made a nice dance floor and some of the girls would slow dance with the guys. Great foreplay.