Would you dip into savings to pay for strippers?
![avatar for Cashman1234](https://images.tuscl.net/avatars/514558.png)
He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
Do you primarily use cash on hand to fund your clubbing? Or do you run out and dip into your savings to pay for your clubbing (and OTC) activities? I use cash on hand, but I know these habits can get expensive.
After meeting my interest-bearing checking's most profitable balance, and meeting my goals for monthly retirement and investing plans, everything left over goes into a high-yield savings account that is linked to my checking account. So technically, everytime I use the ATM to get cash for a strip club (which is the only time I really use cash anymore), I'm accessing my savings. Seriously, if I ever made the decision to skimp on savings contributions to fund a strip club trip, it would be time to find a 12 step program.
I have not hit my online savings accnt too-hard, but for the last 2-years or so have not been putting as much $$$ into my online savings accnt as I would like b/c of the damn T&A LOL.
This allows me to make good estimates of leftover "pad" in my monthly cash flow. I do not spend all of it on strippers, but *if I wanted to* i could throw about $1500 a month on that. Realistically save several hundred and pay down mortgage debt... And put another several hundred towards girls.
I ball when I can. Not trying to impress anyone. So do it if I have it, but I can have a good time on $50 too. Get your Pimp game up, don't need to break the bank every time to do it.
My rule is only disposable income is spent on fun stuff like strippers & hookers.
I also knew when I spent it that there were lifetime pensions at play, so money well spent.
For that reason, as long as the investment accounts are going up over time, I don't have a problem moving money into and out of them. Of course the flow is mostly into investment accounts, but I'm not religious about it. Also try not to do it too frequently because wiring money comes with fees that are more than they ought to be. Blockchain/Bitcoin will take care of that shortly.