Ugh. I just got back from a recon missions to develop a future ATF for LDKs. My ATF DS did not work today so I went to another club on the way home. It was my first time there and right away my jaw hits the floor as I walk in. I see this beautiful 5'10" dancer with some nice Ds that looked like Wonder Woman. I was pretty sure those Ds were all natural too, so already I was thinking I had a potential future ATF in her.
On the stage I confirm she has just perfect all natural 36 Ds. Perky and firm and just beautiful. She also had legs for days and a tight ass and toned body. Pretty face too. I'm not a brunette guy but she was an 8+ so I didn't care.
We get dances ($25 ea) and she is ok at the start and gradually amps up the contact. By the end of the first song I have had some good grind on my dick to get a decent boner, some ass grab, and awesome squeezing of her amazing titties in my face. Things are looking good. Her potential for being a future ATF is high at that point. We have good chemistry and light convo too.
Then at the start of the second dance is when things start taking a turn for the worse. As things get more intense with her and she gives me more grind and titties in face, I notice that she starts to sweat more and more and she was a slow and sensual dancer so it wasn't because of her energy level. She was literally sweating like a pig by the middle of the dance and I was not at all and so when she shoved her tits in my face she left a layer of it in my face that I had to wipe it off. It was a total turn off and boner kill. At that point I knew she wouldn't be an ATF. No way with that sweat. She was glistening in it. So at the end of the dance I was actually resisting contact, and I pay her. We have just a little more light convo before I leave. As I walk away she said I should come back again. I doubt it.
Wow I have had a lot of different LDs from strippers that got sweaty, and mutually with me, but this one was off the charts. It made her skin texture feel weird too. Totally not attractive.
Ever have a sweaty stripper encounter and do you like it or not?
Don’t count her out yet. Many dancers are sweaty after coming off stage because their stage show is “high energy” or they sweat under the intense stage lights.
She likely just didn’t “wipe off” enough after her stage set. Next time check her out after she hasn’t been on stage for awhile and there’s a chance she won’t be sweaty.
@lopaw she was a vegan and so her sweat was not smelly at all. It was just too wet for me.
Also I don't sweat much. I never have and so I admit that I don't like being in contact with sweaty people. I'm always the one getting theirs on me rather than mine on them.
There was a petite little redhead spinner that used to work at one of the clubs I frequent. The first night I got dances with her, she was a very good upseller. She convinced me to do VIP instead of couch dances because she would allow touching (anywhere but the pussy), and she would get nude halfway through the dance. What she didn't tell me was that she would work up a sweat half way through the dance as well. It may seem gross, but this is how I see it. If their skin is dry when they begin the dance and they are sweaty by the end, it means they are putting all their effort into the dance. It is actually very flattering to know I gave her a good workout ;-)
I'm not too finicky about most things; the sweat in it of itself usually does not bother me - only bothers me if it kinda gets in the way; e.g. I can't grope her well or can't suck her tits b/c I'll get a mouth full of sweat.
It's neither a big turn-on nor a big turn-off for me; a bit of a turn-on in that it tells me she's willing to get down and dirty; a bit of a turn-off for what I mentioned above - I prefer this over a chick that cuts down on the action b/c she wants to keep herself looking good.
Sometimes chicks take some weird pills that are meant to lose-weight/burn-fat and these things tend to increase their metabolism and cause them to sweat - also some of the bigger girls will naturally often sweat more.
"I can't grope her well or can't suck her tits b/c I'll get a mouth full of sweat."
^@Papi_Chulo This is it right here. It was torture, her beautiful 36 Ds were in my face and she was literally wetter than my tongue and left my face and lips with a layer I had to wipe off. I don't mind beads of sweat on the face and a mist on the body, but almost dripping is too much.
And LMAO for sure an AC or high powered fan would have helped.
Within reason, I think it's kind of hot when a stripper works up a sweat while dancing for my pleasure. If she's as hot as you say, I would give her another chance.
Now that I think if it, I've never encountered that. Usually these dancers skin is always super soft and smooth to the touch. Never sweaty. It makes sense that if she doing her stage set that she worked up a sweat under the lights and didn't hit the dressing room immediately after to wipe down. I'd also give her another shot, either before or well after she goes on stage.
Only other secenario I can think of is she does coke. I hope not. I had a supervisor that had a nasty coke habit at my first job about 20 years ago. 30 seconds of work and his entire dress shirt would be drenched. It was so obvious and I felt bad for him.
I figured out what it was. She had the kind of sweat that you feel when you shake hands with someone with sweaty and clammy hands. It was that clammy hands sweat texture except that's what her entire body felt like. Yep. It wasn't just the sweat. It was the clammy skin texture too.
Last week I was with a tall blonde 18 yearl old dancer ITC and were both sweating like pigs in a warm.VIP but then again we were doing FS. I actually find it arousing but it sucks being soaking wet after when you have nothing to wipe off on. Dont even suggest the curtain...
diet diet diet. can make all the difference. You have to think what they are doing may seem small but they are dancing all day. Those muscle have to hurt at some point.
I have had a few that had a little BO an not sweat. I had an affair with a co-worker and I swear her sweat tasted like strawberries. I loved that..
I tend to like a sweaty stripper at least if it happened while she was dancing on me. It doesn't always usually mean she's super active in the dance, but it's I like to see one sweat while she's dancing. To me it likes she's doing what she has to do for the money and doesn't care about the sweat.
Yes, what someone said previously about coming off the stage is true. Often a girl will sweat much easier right after doing her stage show if she isn't sweating already. Then compound that with additional body heat from a customer. That's why most girls go straight to the dressing room after the stage, especially if she does a lot of pole work. Some girls still don't sweat much even after a bit of working out or when it's warm and pick up customers right off the stage when they're done.
But yeah, some girls just sweat more regardless. And if they're doing "extra" activity it'll get even worse. One of my very favorite dancers was a sweater. As long as it doesn't smell bad (as long as it isn't mostly armpits and feet and sweaty hands are just awkward) and as long as it isn't grimy (that just nasty and it gets all over your clothes) it can be quite sexy. I still prefer it dry and glowing...
Another thing, sometimes girls get sweaty (and wet of course) when they're turned on and their internal body just creates more heat combined with any heavy breathing so a particular dancer might not sweat with every customer and not every time, so when i feel (imagine) that it's because of me, yes it can be quite the turn on.
Sweat doesn't bother me, it's not like it's a conscious choice on her part, she's just getting hot, lol.
Although I hate getting sweaty and assume it ain't fun for them either so if just off stage I give them a song or two to cool down. I might even take a break between dances, depending on how close I feel I am to busting.
Based on your description - she had a great body - and her sweat wasn’t smelly at all. Those are good things - if a dancer is naturally one who sweats.
I’d give her a second try. It might be what Shailynn mentioned - about getting her body going during her stage set.
I can understand your lack of enjoyment - as it can be a bit too much - since you are a less sweaty type. This could also be a major issue if you come home to a SO - as a change of clothes and a shower - might be needed.
I enjoy getting sweaty when fucking a girl. However, I’d probably not enjoy it if a dancer got sweaty while dancing for another PL - and then danced for me - as I’d get the “second hand” sweat. That might not make sense - but that’s my crazy logic.
@Cashman1234 LOL nice points. Based on the posts to this thread I'm realizing I'm a bit of a 'sweat-a-phobe'. LMAO the thought of secondhand PL sweat getting on me makes me queasy.
Recently did a couple of songs w/an 18 yo "amateur" (read: touring semi-pro). She was fit and wasn't visibly sweating, but during the 2nd song when she positioned her body over mine at a certain angle I caught a whiff of pretty serious BO from her armpit. Shame, as she was otherwise a sweet gal and more than met my physical standards, but the funk was too much of a mood-killer to keep going.
Moral of the story: Sweat? No problem. Stink? No thank you.
last commentShe likely just didn’t “wipe off” enough after her stage set. Next time check her out after she hasn’t been on stage for awhile and there’s a chance she won’t be sweaty.
Also I don't sweat much. I never have and so I admit that I don't like being in contact with sweaty people. I'm always the one getting theirs on me rather than mine on them.
It's neither a big turn-on nor a big turn-off for me; a bit of a turn-on in that it tells me she's willing to get down and dirty; a bit of a turn-off for what I mentioned above - I prefer this over a chick that cuts down on the action b/c she wants to keep herself looking good.
^@Papi_Chulo This is it right here. It was torture, her beautiful 36 Ds were in my face and she was literally wetter than my tongue and left my face and lips with a layer I had to wipe off. I don't mind beads of sweat on the face and a mist on the body, but almost dripping is too much.
And LMAO for sure an AC or high powered fan would have helped.
Only other secenario I can think of is she does coke. I hope not. I had a supervisor that had a nasty coke habit at my first job about 20 years ago. 30 seconds of work and his entire dress shirt would be drenched. It was so obvious and I felt bad for him.
I have had a few that had a little BO an not sweat. I had an affair with a co-worker and I swear her sweat tasted like strawberries. I loved that..
But yeah, some girls just sweat more regardless. And if they're doing "extra" activity it'll get even worse. One of my very favorite dancers was a sweater. As long as it doesn't smell bad (as long as it isn't mostly armpits and feet and sweaty hands are just awkward) and as long as it isn't grimy (that just nasty and it gets all over your clothes) it can be quite sexy. I still prefer it dry and glowing...
Although I hate getting sweaty and assume it ain't fun for them either so if just off stage I give them a song or two to cool down. I might even take a break between dances, depending on how close I feel I am to busting.
I’d give her a second try. It might be what Shailynn mentioned - about getting her body going during her stage set.
I can understand your lack of enjoyment - as it can be a bit too much - since you are a less sweaty type. This could also be a major issue if you come home to a SO - as a change of clothes and a shower - might be needed.
I enjoy getting sweaty when fucking a girl. However, I’d probably not enjoy it if a dancer got sweaty while dancing for another PL - and then danced for me - as I’d get the “second hand” sweat. That might not make sense - but that’s my crazy logic.
It’s still an exchange of fluids - regardless of whether one enjoys it or not.
However, if a dancer has another PL’s sweat on her body - and she doesn’t wipe it off before dancing for me - that would be awful.
Moral of the story: Sweat? No problem. Stink? No thank you.