
Longest-lasting CF

avatar for MrDeuce

What is the longest that you've had the same CF at a given club? , I had a CF whom I first met when she was an 18-year-old baby stripper in 1997 and continued to get lap dances from over an 18-year period until she finally hung up the ol' G-string in 2015 at the ripe old stripper age of 36. I thought I had lost contact with her forever when she quit dancing but recently became Facebook friends with her and even occasionally run into her in town. Can anyone top an 18-year ITC stripper/customer relationship?

I would think that an OTC relationship with a stripper is an inherently more volatile situation, with a life expectancy usually measured in weeks or months rather than years. I've seen four different strippers OTC in the past two years, two of them just 2-3 times in a few months until the relationship just petered out. I've seen my current OTC girl four times at intervals of 2-3 weeks and we seem to be getting along great, with her fulfilling my sexual needs and me fulfilling her monetary needs with no imminent end in sight. Then there's my ATF, whom I saw several times last year and then several more times early this year until she went to jail. Now that she's out, we may start up again, though who knows how long it will last this time! What is the longest that you've maintained an OTC relationship with a stripper? I know that gawker has had the same OTC girl for over ten years -- is that the record here?


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avatar for GoVikings
7 yrs ago

that's really cool that you've known one for 18 years.

as for me, i've only ever had one favorite and i've known her for slightly over 2 years and still see her

avatar for MrDeuce
7 yrs ago

Thanks, GoV -- I think so, too! Our relationship never advanced beyond lap dances, but I'll bet I did at least 80 sets of 2-4 lappers with her over an 18-year period. Now it's cool that we Like each other's FB posts and run into each other occasionally at concerts and restaurants.

avatar for Subraman
7 yrs ago

Damn, I was almost embarrassed about mine, but yours blows me away. But, my longest-running ATF is one of my top-5 ATFs overall. I've never tallied this in my head before, but recreating our ATF/PL history:

5 years at extra club #1: she was on and off a CF over those years

1 year at extra club #1: she became my absolute ATF

--- 2 years apart when she got pregnant

2 years at non-extras club #1: she's my ATF, and for a while my one and only ATATF

--- 1 year apart, when she quits non-extras club #1, and her bf catches her OTCing with me and forces her to cut off all communication

3 months OTC: we get back in touch, and start OTCing again

1 month at non-extras club #2: she's my ATF

2 years at extras club #2: she's my ATF

That should add up to roughly 12 years, it's a little more than that since I rounded up in places.

avatar for Clubber
7 yrs ago

About 6 years, with a caveat. She was dancing in Key West and I was up in S. Dade County. Usually I'd see her about every other month, or sometimes a couple times a month.

Ended when I no longer traveled to Key West on a fairly regular basis.

As a side note, I met her up in S. Dade many years later at a bar. A friend of mine said this lady he had danced with told him she used to dance in a Key West SC. Turned out, same name.I knew she used her real name as I'd seen her ID. I talked to her later and even showed her pictures she had given me. She must have put on about 75 or more pounds! Surprising since she had been a worked out freak when she was a dancer.

avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 yrs ago

Probably 3+ years, for the same dancer i mentioned on the shelf life discussion. She always varied between the number 1 or 2 at that club, and still works there, which is a key to how long she stays. I still think she's still probably the most beautiful dancer there IMO, and they a huge amount of girls, and to this day gives overall close to the best if not the best dances there out of all the dances i've received there. It's not an extras club, so moderate to high contact lap dances is all i'm getting which removes her from ATF consideration. Can only spend so much money for that type of experience.

avatar for Clubber
7 yrs ago


"...so moderate to high contact lap dances is all i'm getting...".

So, in your book, sex is a requirement for ATF status. Do you think all ATFs are having sexual relationships?

avatar for Corvus
7 yrs ago

I had a nearly four year OTC/ITC relationship with a girl, lasted 45 months. I've seen her twice since then but have given her exactly zero dollars and scant little attention since she pissed me off. It's a shame too, she is just about perfect physically, just a bitch otherwise.

Doubt I'll ever have a longer relationship with a dancer from here on out.

avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 yrs ago


No, sex isn't necessarily a requirement for an ATF, but if another CF offers it or even more than just a moderate or high contact lapper, then there isn't much comparison between the two experiences. The particular club favorite, could have been in the running for an ATF, if i was able to OTC her, but i don't think she does it. Or if she went to a more extras friendly club, as she probably would do a bit more than regular lappers as some of our lappers were really stretching the rules of that club.

avatar for TXbananas
7 yrs ago

2 weeks tops

avatar for shailynn
7 yrs ago

^^^ I like that answer.

3 years is the max for me although she has hung up the g-string I get the semi-annual txt or phone call making sure I’m still alive. I think that’s just because when her current husband and her get divorced she thinks I’m a back up plan.

avatar for rockstar666
7 yrs ago

Abut 15 years. She just retired and I miss her, but that's how it goes!

avatar for DandyDan
7 yrs ago

About 17 years through 4 different clubs.

avatar for skibum609
7 yrs ago

CF's come and go. Same ATF for 12+ years, but we're slowly drifting apart and for all I know I have seen the last of her.

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