
Comments by MrDeuce (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dancers knowing your name
    I have multiple CFs at two different clubs and they *all* know my name. Actually they all know my "stripper name" -- my real first name is uncommon, and I don't want any chance of overlap between my SC life and my real life, so I have used a stripper name for 20+ years. In all these years, only my ATF knew my real first and last names, and only because I occasionally advanced her money by Walmart moneygram.
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    7 years ago
    This is why I go......
    I went to a favorite club on a recent afternoon and did a 30-minute VIP for $150, of which the dancer keeps about $100. To my utter surprise and delight, she deep-throated me so that I came in her throat rather than her mouth. I gave her a $70 tip, which she seemed to be very happy with. To provide some context, we've done several VIPs before, all ending with either BBBJ or HJ -- oh, and one TF -- and I've always tipped her $50-70, so this tip was in my normal range.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    North Carolina
    Condoms for LD?
    My first two lapgasms, back in the mid-90s, were a surprise -- the first time, I literally didn't know it was possible to cum in a strip club and the second time, several months later, I knew but was taken by surprise by a dancer determined to get me off. Ever since then, if I'm at a club where the lap dances may lead to orgasm, I wear a condom. The vast majority of my 1000+ SCOREs (Stripper-Caused Orgasmic Release Events) have been lapgasms, though in recent years they have mostly been BJs. The best place to deposit one's load is in her mouth -- no muss, no fuss.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    For the freaks...
    At my favorite day shift, the VIP room is only semi-private, but the *other* advantage to going very early in the afternoon, besides getting an extras girl at her "freshest", is that you're likely to be alone with her. However, everyone knows the situation and no one rats anyone else out. I am no longer bothered by the thought of getting a BJ while another customer is getting (or giving) head or even banging his VIP companion. It's at the end of a hot VIP, or during the ensuing smoke break outside, that I get OTC offers. After a few VIPs, I deem the girl "OTC-worthy". I do prefer the privacy and unhurried nature of OTC dates to the lack of privacy and rush of the VIP room. Some clubs in Washington Park and around Peoria, OTOH, are a very different story: You pay the club, say, $100 for 15-20 minutes and go to a private room with a sofa, a wastebasket (if you're lucky), and a *lockable* door. You and the girl get as comfortable as you like, without fear of interruption, and do whatever is mutually agreeable for a prenegotiated price. You can call this a strip club if you'd like.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    What happened to Bj99 ?
    I wish I knew. I miss her -- she was my all-time favorite female member of this board, genuinely interested in understanding the mindset of the SC customer.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strippers and social media
    Being a fairly asocial person, I have avoided social media from the beginning. However, earlier this year I created a fake Facebook account, with mostly bogus biographical information, just for the purpose of friending strippers I know and for research on strippers and strip clubs. This has succeeded beyond my wildest expectations! I've gone from 0 to dozens of "friends", all of whom are either strippers or SC employees (bartenders, waitresses, bouncers, and DJs) and I do get great insight on a daily basis into the lives and mindsets of strippers. It is quite true that if you're FB friends with a SC bartender, bouncer, DJ, or waitress, you've hit the goldmine -- they lead to *lots* of other strippers, not only at their club but at other clubs in the same area. It's reached the point that my default way to communicate with several strippers, either to find out when they're working or to arrange OTC, is FB Messenger rather than texting. More recently I created a fake Instagram account, where I follow, and am followed by, many of the same strippers who are my FB friends. The next step is a Snapchat account, for the reasons cited by Subraman. I never thought I would have so much fun on social media!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Happy birthday to my old whore
    Sorry to hear about that whole unfortunate relationship. I can relate, though only to the tune of a few thou. You did well to delete her contact info!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Monopoly Money not good at strip clubs.
    A customer sits at the tip rail, gets a Stevie from the dancer, and tips her $5 of Monopoly money. On the second song her tips her a $10, also Monopoly money. When he tips her $20 of Monopoly money on third song, she asks "Why do you tip me with fake money?" He answers: "Because you rub fake titties in my face!"
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Girls that try to sell VIPs/CRs right away
    GoVikings, DirkDiggler, Cashman: I'm delighted with my $150 UHM VIP room! I'm there every 2-3 weeks even though it's an hour and a half drive. Not every dancer there is extras-friendly, but it seems that the ones who are and I gravitate to each other. It's also been happy hunting grounds for reasonably-priced OTC, e.g. $350-500 for 16-hour sleepovers. As far as the lack of privacy in the VIP room is concerned, all the girls on day shift know what goes on in there and don't, in general, rat each other out.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Girls that try to sell VIPs/CRs right away
    My favorite day shift has a fairly public $20 lap dance area and a semi-private VIP room (i.e. you might share it with others) that costs $150 for 30 minutes. Being a regular there, I've found that in most cases it works well to spend a little time with the girl just drinking and chatting and then go straight to the VIP room, without any $20 test dances and without negotiating particular services. In four years of doing VIPs at this club, I've almost always gotten either HJ, TF, or (usually) BJ, almost always BBBJ, without even asking. I realize that this is not typical of many clubs, but it's the reason that I keep going back.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    DS OTC
    Nominally my ATF was quite reasonable in her monetary expectations: $250 for a 4.5-hour afternoon date, $500 for a 16-hour sleepover. The problem is that she continually asked for advances and I foolishly paid them, expecting (wrongly) to get something in return, so in fact I paid considerably more than these prices. However, dates with her were spectacular, so I have no big regrets (except about some of those advances!).
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I've discovered something else that I like about SCing
    Q: What has 40 tits and an IQ of 200? A: All-Skate at Brad's Brass Flamingo!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Best stripclub name
    The strip club I've been to that best lived up to its name is Club O in Harvey. In 20-some afternoon visits over the years, I almost experienced the "O", usually for about $60-80 in total spending (i.e. 2-3 lappers plus beers and stage tips).
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    A Quick Roll Or Something More
    I'm a big fan of OTC with strippers featuring lots of GFE. My ideal OTC date starts with a fine dinner around 8pm, ends with a nice brunch about 11am, and contains a lot of "playtime" and sleep between these meals. With my current OTC girl, sleepovers haven't happened (yet), so our 6-hour afternoon dates from about 1 to 7 consist of playtime #1 (I always manage to get early check-in at noon or so), a mid-afternoon feast, and playtime #2. I honestly want my OTC experience to be as much like a date and as little like P4P as possible.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Do you review your favorite/home club?
    I have written at least a couple of reviews each for my favorite clubs and don't worry much about outing myself.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Do you find it difficult to have a conversation with dancers?
    Nope, conversing (or, as they would say, "conversating") with a stripper comes easily to me as long as she has a few brain cells and is at least in her early 20s . . . though I have a new favorite who *just* turned 21 (yesterday!) and is fascinating to talk with.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    People Actually Pay for a BJ With A Condem???
    A CBJ is certainly not my preference, but occasionally it's all I can get. At my age I want as little between her mouth and my member as possible!
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Day light savings time ends tonight.
    ^ What a charming post!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Day light savings time ends tonight.
    ^ Word! DST does *not* give us an extra hour of daylight. It also didn't truly give us an extra hour of sleep last night, since studies have shown that we lose more sleep over the next 5 days due to disturbance of our circadian cycle than we "gained" last night! DST may have been enacted to give farmers an extra hour of daylight, but farmers could NOT care less -- they work when it's light, not when the clock says it's a certain time. I live in a state (Indiana) that went the wrong way on this issue a few years ago, unnecessarily adopting DST -- and the wrong time zone to boot! Why should western Indiana be on the same time as Bangor, Maine?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    One of my pet-peeves
    It happened just recently. After I did a couple of lappers with a CF, she sent her less-attractive friend over to me, no doubt telling her that I was reasonably pleasant company and not too handsy. Unfortunately this chick, though huge-breasted, wore a corset throughout our dance and had a definite "Don't you dare touch me!" attitude. Thanks for nothing, favorite! Next time I'll man up and say "No thanks, I'm just watching right now".
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    DTW thoughts
    ^ Excellent advice from Sal69. On my annual pilgrimage to Detroit, I stay near the airport and usually visit only clubs from his short list: Flight Club, Criket, Bogart's, and Henry VIII North. The next ones I would try are Landing Strip, Henry VIII South, and Subi's.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    Ever lost a valuable at a strip club?
    I've started taking my Samsung S7 into the club with me in order to get strippers' phone numbers and Facebook names. I've managed to "lose" it briefly on two recent visits, so I think I'll leave it in the car from now on. Other than that, I have often lost my dignity and some precious bodily fluids.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I haven't heard that song "in a minute".
    I've heard "in a minute" meaning "in a long time" for several years. As an amateur linguist, I probably pay closer attention to developments in slang than most. Like much of modern American slang, this usage comes from Black American Vernacular English, a common feature of which is to say the opposite of what you really mean.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How much has TUSCL helped you overall?
    @lapdanceking82 wrote: "even as the innovator and seasoned expert on the LDK, I still learn quite a bit about it from this board" You're kidding, right? Funniest thing I've read all day!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Getting over an ATF
    I feel ya, man. I fell hard for my ATF last year and had about 10 dates with her, mostly overnight, from August to March. We did actually exchange full names, and I certainly knew where she lived (it's where we spent those nights). But as real as it was for me, it was just reliable and reasonably pleasant income for her. For a few months I just kept clubbing and tried to forget about her, and since August I've had another OTC girl that I've seen several times. But now there's an unexpected development: She got out of jail recently and called me the same afternoon, stating that she would like to "get together" a few times before she moves away! Now I have to decide if I even want to see her again, knowing that I'm likely to get infatuated with her all over again. Perhaps the best advice I can give came from a TUSCL friend who will remain anonymous: "The best way to get over one woman is to get under another"