
Comments by inno123 (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Confessions of a strip club DJ
    Believe it or not the typical music-oriented radio station out there is voice-tracked for most of the day. That means that there is no live DJ. If a radio station can do it why couldn't a strip club? I may be finding out. The club that I am helping design does not have a DJ booth. It is designed to be voice-tracked. I predict that the dancers will grumble about not being able to choose the songs, but will like having one less guy extorting a tip-out. Bear in mind that people who think that a Strip Club DJ is like a Dance Club DJ are missing the point. Strip Club DJs are a lot more like Radio DJs in that their main jobs are to: Do branding, pitch product, and maintain a strict and precise song schedule. So for example the club has set its prices per song then if the DJ changes the song selection for 'the mood' and winds up playing 15 songs per hour instead of 20 guess who has just cost the club 25% of their potential revenue per hour! Adjusting the song to the girl on stage? Why? At any time there hopefully are several girls giving lap dances. THEIR ability to get the customer to take another couple of dances is far more important to the revenue of the club than getting a few more stageside tips. In addition the one DJ saying that with a young crowd he tries to keep the music to 120 to 130 bpm is a mistake. He is confusing the kind of music that age group likes with the music that age group finds sexy. You are going for the sexy!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Which came first, the drugs or the club?
    With a sample size of one it could be either for your favorite. But I think if you interviewed a large number of addict strippers the majority of them were addicted to something when they started, although they may have escalated their use once working in the club. If you think about it stripping is about the ideal job for an addict. It provides quick cash with no degree, specialized training, analytic, or decision making skills. Its main requirement is a total lack of shame regarding what they are willing to do for money. Now of course the club can make it a lot worse, particularly if they are also looking aside at dealing and use inside the club itself.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Unusual rituals in Mexican strip clubs
    Frankly the TJ clubs are a little like the US clubs in that the stage is a sideshow for the real action, the difference being that the real action isn't a lap dance in a side booth but full service in the adjacent hotel. Yes you might get occasional two-girls dancing at once or occasionally a novelty element, but you can get that in US clubs too. They aren't going to put too much effort into something that is not the most profitable thing. And absolutely the stories of donkey shows are a myth.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Loaning Money To A Stripper {sigh} Lesson Learned
    If your 'loan' was to have an unusual 'repayment' method you should have mentioned it when you made the loan or at least before going in for the 4 for 50 dances and not spring it on her afterward. Bear in mind that she had a tip-out based on either her number of dances or anticipated revenue from those dances so you weren't taking your payment from something that cost her nothing but time. The real rule one is have a clear understanding of the deal before starting and that certainly includes nonstandard payments.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Girls with bad business sense
    From a business decision the dancer may be angling to make herself look like the 'premium' girl of the club. As to whether it is a better deal financially for her it depends on how much of the $40 has to go to the club, how much of the $20 has to go to the club, and how quickly she can get another customer. Another angle is whether that is a big ticket VIP that is likely to include a fat tip for extras. Time she isn't spending dancing ten buck songs might be time she is trying to use to fish the room for a big dollar VIP dance. She figures that if you are playing for the 4 for 40 bargain you don't have the simoleons for a VIP so she insists on the $20 dance to test how deep your wallet is and if not let her move on whale hunting.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Older than dirt
    ATF too frank?
    I agree with the others that she is angling for getting more money from you. Anybody paying $800 for oral only is either a myth or an idiot.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    "Fat Skinny" ?
    Some guys have a photoshopped idea of what a woman is supposed to look like.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    dating a stripper.....help?!
    Yes strippers do have boyfriends. They have guys that they are with out of love. Now, if by loyal you mean that she is only being intimate with you the chances are about zero. If by loyal you mean the only person she actually loves then very possibly yes. You might be the only one to have her heart. If that is not enough and you think that there are other parts that need to be ouny for you then this relationship is a bad idea. If you are going to be jealous of the other guys she is getting naked with for money then it is time to leave. Now, if you are willing to accept her on those terms there is a lot that you can do to keep her on that exit plan. All strippers say they have an exit plan but only a few pull it off.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I guess stripping in a boom town isn't as good as the media reports. LOL.
    These stories of huge money to be made in remote places are planted by club owners as a way of getting girls who would have never thought of going there.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Well, here is the definition cut and pasted from Merriam Webster. a : an object (as a small stone carving of an animal) believed to have magical power to protect or aid its owner; broadly : a material object regarded with superstitious or extravagant trust or reverence b : an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion : prepossession c : an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression I would say no.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fire exits
    BTW what you should see when sitting in a club are two exist, clearly marked, on opposite sides of the club. When open they should both be either unlocked on equipped with panic bar hardware.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fire exits
    Most of these stories include one or more of the following elements: Somebody sees an industrial building and thinks 'great club' without understanding that the occupants/sf are entirely different between commercial and assembly occupancy. THEN they decorate the place with fabric or soundproofing material that thep pick up on the cheap, not understanding that any fabric in an assembly space, particularly in vertical locations like drapes, must be fire-treated. THEN they decide not to change the exit hardware to panic-bars. THEN they learn that customers or even employees are letting people in through the back door or conducting illegal transactions through it, so they padlock the back door. THEN you get disaster.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Noob question for you ITC goo roos
    It is called an extra for a reason.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The bigger you are the better
    ethical question #2
    I wouldn't presume that the 18 yr old boy was a virgin. But to have your dad pick out somebody for you virgin or not, is just lame. Suggest instead that he bring junior to the club for his birthday present. That way he will feel at least nominally in control over what winds up happening.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Is a hot Girlfriend Experience better than just ok Full Service? (My experience
    Bad sex of course is bad, but don't presume that every girl at Adelitas is automatically bad and rushed.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Cosmo: ‘Cool' Women Go to Strip Clubs
    I don't think that it will result in less contact, but it may result in less tolerance by club management of loutish behavior by the men, which might make the club seem less friendly to the women customers. This question came up with the club that I am helping design. Specifically it came up in relation to the restrooms. It is a small club and a tight budget. Do we really have a separate women's room, have all single-person unisex customer toilets, or let women customers use the dancers' toilet room? We eventually decided that allowing the women customers to share the dancers' toilet was an invasion of privacy for the dancer but that for the reasonable future there would not be enough female customers in this city to really justify a separate toilet. So we hit upon a unisex handicapped toilet room and a separate men's room.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    what not to do...
    " treat people with respect. This is not your regular customer service, if you are an asshole to me I will not be nice. I will also tell every other girl about you so that we can fuck with you the whole time. I have seen girls stick gum on peoples shirts and hair and much worse. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED." Sorry babe, but respect is a two way street, and you have just lost all of mine. Yeah sometimes guys can be rude, but when you use that as an excuse to launch a vendetta and damage their person/property you far more than validate their initial attitude about dancers in general and you in particular.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    How to Have Sex With a Stripper (Without Paying for It)
    This guy is so phoney it is incredible.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    TJ has its problems, but it much better than a year or two ago and never was as bad as places like Juaraz. Just use your head and play it by the numbers. 1. Take the trolley from SD to the border. 2. Walk across the border, follow the stream of people to the taxi stand. 3. Say Adelita Bar, pay $5 when you get there. 4. Have one beer, scope out ladies. 5. Pick lady, get laid. 6. If you still have money repeat steps 4 and 5 either at Adelita, Hong Kong, or the standing girls in the immediate ares. 7. Get in taxi, say 'Linea' or Border. Pay $5 8. Stand in long line to show your passport (you did bring your passport and keep it in a safe place,right?) 9. Board trolley back to SD. Do not, under any circumstances wander alone around the back streets of TJ while drunk unless you want to become the subject of a cautionary tale.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Tipping for extras during private dance??
    Typically there is an understanding before the dance started what the level of the tip and the level of the extra, even if it has been couched in code words. The $40 for the hand finish sounds like a fair but good value. I would expect at least an extra $20 for CBJ and at least and extra 20 beyond that for CFS.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Curious question for any dancers on this forum
    I would venture that for the typical stripper and a very regular customer it might extend a little, perhaps only a very little, beyond the loss of a revenue stream. I've certainly seen plenty of other service oriented businesses who like their customers as people, no reason why erotic dancers should be all that different.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    This should mark the end of this club.
    It wasn't even a particularly well reviewed club either.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    meaning of Topless and nude for a strip club
    If the establishment does not have a liquor license then only the laws regarding public indecency and prostitution apply. These are enforced by local law enforcement and prosecutors, who may jurisdiction by jurisdiction have different priorities regarding vice enforcement. If club serves alcohol then in addition to the above it it has to have a state liquor license of the appropriate type and the state has regulations regarding what can go on in establishments with that kind of liquor license, those are enforced by a state agency (name varies by state). BYOB clubs depend on one word of the state law. If the state law regulates where alcohol is 'consumed' then there is no point in a BYOB club. If the law regulates where alcohol is 'sold' or 'served' a BYOB place is the same as a non-liquor club. PLUS many cities and counties have passed Adult Oriented Businesses license rules. Often these have to do with minimum distances from the club to churches, homes, schools, parks, etc and any other Adult Business. Sometimes they also place restrictions on the design and behavior of the club. For example the Colorado Springs City AOB rules specify a minimum six foot distance and that all tips be placed in a marked tip box and not given to the dancer (no surprise there are no clubs within the city boundaries). These rules are enforced by the City Building Department on a complaint basis and can result in revocation of the business and/or occupancy permit.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Why So Few Asians?
    Cultural thing, Asian girls who get into sex work are much more likely to wind up in massage parlors or escorts.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    DATY and extras
    In my definition since DATY is definitely beyond the normal expectation of a lap dance it counts as an extra and I figure that even if she does not charge much for it any girls that does DATY most likely will offer other extras. The second question is part of why it is challenging to prove a case of prostitution rather than lewd conduct. In general you need an offer to do a specific sex act in exchange for a specific payment. If a girl is being cautious they won't ever get that specific. That is the dilemma for the clubber. We want to negotiate and know ahead of time that we aren't going to get ripped off but the dancer, particularly if they are uncertain of who we really are, don't want to get that specific.