
Why So Few Asians?

New York
Tuesday, January 15, 2013 3:05 AM
It's a general phenomenon that seems to be true no matter what strip club in the US you attend (with a small number of exceptions, of course). There are generally very few Asian girls working as strippers. VERY few. And I'm not sure why. And I'm sure nobody here has a clue either, but that won't stop everyone from acting like they know the answer.... Anyway, I'm very partial to Asians. Except for Japanese-looking girls, who I find to be too pale, with uninteresting faces. But I do like those "import model" types and southeast Asian/Cambodian/Thai/Polynesian girls with darker skin and perhaps a slightly 'harder' appearance. Whatever... You just don't see many Asian girls as strippers, and for me that really sucks. Why is it true? Personally, I think it's a cultural thing, where there is a very strong cultural/religious/Catholic influence in many Asian countries, and I *think* those cultures are generally rather strict. And while it's generally frowned upon in the US, people are far less likely to be very strictly religious than in some Asian countries. At least I think that's true. Does anyone have any more insight?


  • gsv
    11 years ago
    Well, one thing for sure is, I've NEVER seen an Indian girl in a strip club either. There's probably an even stronger cultural influence to "not" be a stripper there. I'm sure that is part of the reason that you don't see too many Asians in general. Although, it is rather interesting that so many massage parlors are Asian (hence the term AMPs), where they're basically giving handjobs as part of standard service, which arguably might be more intense than some clubs' lap dances (in some ways). You do have to take into account that there's simply less Asian girls than white girls in the US, just pure statistics wise. And there's going to be higher Asian populations in more metro areas, like NYC, LA, etc. But you're not going to see too many in the middle of the country in less populated cities. Sounds like you should really visit Thailand though, if you haven't already.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    It's probably a cultural thing. I think most of them are inclined toward academic achievement, and if you are inclined that way, you are not inclined to show off how sexy you are, even if you genuinely are. I don't think Asian families have a tendency to end up with broken homes, which are the type which typically produce strippers. In fact, it's my personal belief that most of the Asian dancers I have ever seen are the union of American servicemen with either Japanese, Korean, or Filipino women. We still have bases in Japan and Korea, and we used to have bases in the Phillipines, which at one point held the same status Puerto Rico has. I'm not sure I have even seen one who was probably Vietnamese, which was a place we fought a war, of course.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    In AMPs I guess.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    gsv- I did see an Indian stripper once, but only once. Those are even rarer than Asian strippers (and yes, I know India is part of Asia, but I think we all know that by Asian, we mean East Asia).
  • JohnBuford
    11 years ago
    I think you first have to know what % of the population is Asian females between 18-35.I'm assuming that whatever that number is,most are on the west coast,so if you're not there,you're not as likely to see [view link] is the next factor.I don't have the numbers,but I'm guessing Asians have a disproportionate % of Ph.D.'s,J.D.'s (attorney) etc.The more education you have,the more you're going to earn.Pretty simple.Culture of course plays a role too.Another guess here,but I bet Asians have lower divorce rates than other groups.Fewer broken homes means a smaller pool of would-be strippers.Perhaps one of our more scholarly type members can provide us some numbers so we have some empirical evidence.
  • jerikson40
    11 years ago
    Yeah, I'm in LA, and even there, where there's tons of Asians, the population of Asian strippers is miniscule. Which is doubly weird, because the relative population of Asians in the LA/Orange County area is huge. Heck, in Orange County there are entire Vietnamese communities, but you'd be VERY hard pressed to find a Vietnamese stripper in ANY Orange Cty. club. There was once, years ago, a super high mileage, hot bodied Cambodian stripper in a City of Industry club, and I got freakin' addicted to her. But I haven't seen one that hot in a very long time. Yeah, and the Indian thing...I can't recall every seeing an Indian stripper.
  • jerikson40
    11 years ago
    On the other hand, there's a zillion Mexicans in the LA area, and about a zillion Mexican strippers. Go figure.
  • jerikson40
    11 years ago
    Yeah, the point about Asians being far more likely to excel in school is right on the mark. I think the whole Asian culture is one of blending in and achieving, while the Mexicans, for example, are more concerned with underachieving and mowing lawns.
  • JohnBuford
    11 years ago
    "Underachieving and mowing lawns"....LMAO
  • ButterMan
    11 years ago
    Just what we need are more racial sterotype's on TUSCL. Thanks jerkison! But I will add there does seem to be more Asian strippers in Vegas than everywhere else I've been.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Asians are smarter.
  • pabloantonio
    11 years ago
    Dancers as a general rule, are girls whose sexual morals are shaped by their families, culture, and religion. Dancers have low sexual morals. It has nothing to do with "underachieving and mowing lawns" Jerikson. If you will look at the Asian culture, it limits public displays of sexuality, I believe. Education and culture limit their numbers of dancers to less than 10% on average. In other words, Asian girls are too smart, and have too much honor to dance. Latinas on the other hand, have no problem with displaying their sexuality, but family and religion discourage girls from being dancers. Thus, they account for only about 20% or less of dancers. Most Latino families would disown their daughters for dancing. White dancers have the least restraints concerning family, culture, or religion. That is why white strippers are easily 60% or more of stripclub dancers. Black dancers, like white dancers, dont seem to have many restraints about dancing. But they tend to gravitate to all black clubs where possible, diluting their numbers in mixed clubs. And the available numbers of black dancers is limited by the fact that blacks comprise about 12% of the general population. All of this bullshit is based on my limited observations.
  • vincemichaels
    11 years ago
    Go out to Clubber's acreage, that's where they are. :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Ditto DandyDan. I’m inclined to think it has to do with culture; tight nit conservative family structure; and academic and professional achievement (have good education and good jobs). The AMP thing does throw a monkey wrench into the theory though. The only thing I can think of is that perhaps many of the AMP gals may be illegals whom may not be able to dance in SCs due to lack of papers and ID? I have actually met a couple of Indian dancers (3 or 4) but this was while I lived in Dallas (Dallas area tended to have a descent size Indian community). The y were actually very hot and gave very good LDs IME.
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    Great post, Pablo. And yeah, it's true that Asian dancers are rare. Doesn't really bother me though because I'm not big on Asian girls.
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    Asian families tend to be more stable and I think most strippers have "father issues". The one Asian stripper I know has a bachelors degree from Boston University and while she's extremely sensual and exotic there are no extras available. She works a club better than any stripper I've ever seen and makes very good money which she saves. I suspect there were some drug issues when she first got in the business but they're behind her. She once told me she hadn't spoken to her father in 4 years, ergo - my theory on strippers having father issues.
  • tusclfix
    11 years ago
    Some disclosure - I'm half Asian. The weird thing is 90% of Asian dancers I've had dance for me have mentioned some sort of apology about being dancers. In fact, on more than one occasion, I've had Asian dancers that HAVEN'T danced for me come straight up to me with some sort of apology. something along the lines of "I don't usually do this blah blah". All the while I'm like "Hey, why are you apologizing, I'm the PL that's in the club". Anyway, that leads me to think there is some sort of ingrained cultural stigma.
  • vegasmoon
    11 years ago
    Ditto what tikDo said. There are plenty of Asian dancers in Vegas, especially at the Rhino. Not sure why but where you'd expect to see a better proportion, LA and OC...you don't. On tusclfix's point, I have found dancers, like us, have their prejudices as well. One of dancers I favor when in Vegas told me she sat with me the first time because she thought I was one particular ethnic group and probably wouldn't have if she knew I was what I am. I told her I only let her sit because she was the ethnic group I prefer...great ass and good boobs. Touche.
  • sinclair
    11 years ago
    I have never seen an Indian dancer, but see many Indian patrons just about every time I go to a strip club. When I was in Amarillo last spring, about 40% of strippers were African-American, surprisingly. The Hispanics and whites seemed to have more stigma dancing in conservative west Texas, despite these two groups being more numerous than African-Americans.
  • inno123
    11 years ago
    Cultural thing, Asian girls who get into sex work are much more likely to wind up in massage parlors or escorts.
  • jerikson40
    11 years ago
    "Just what we need are more racial sterotype's on TUSCL" Whether you like it or not, most stereotypes are based in SOME truth. All you have to do is look at Japan, and then look at Mexico, if you want to see a difference in culture and attitudes towards achieving. Then look at performance of Asians vs. Mexicans in US schools. Then look at the performance after graduation, and how many become professionals, and how many end up mowing lawns. Many/most Mexicans dream of getting the hell out of their country and going to the US just so they can make a living. That says a lot about a country's culture and attitudes on achievement. Go to Mexico sometime, and you'll realize that "high achieving" is not on the top of their list of "to do's". Japan? They rebuilt after WWII and become one of the world's economic powerhouses. Why? You tell me.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    Was recently at an LAX area club at the start of nightshift and 8 of the 10 dancers there were Asian. I dropped a serious amount of cash that night. Timing is everything.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    And Germans are the master race.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    First you have to look at the number, 15 million Asian Americans so <5% of the population. About a third of them are in California and Hawaii. Mix that in with the cultural factors: strong focus on family and modesty. Not gonna see many. Most of the ones I've seen claimed to be half Asian. As I understand AMP's those women are "imported" purely to work in that business. Another reason I'm kind of anti-AMP.
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    Because strippers need to be at least 4 feet tall
  • jack0505
    11 years ago
    A lot of people who go to the strip club want women with big tits and Asian women tend to be a little smaller there, so maybe they make less $ and it isn't as lucrative?
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    The problem with Asian women is that an hour later you are horny again.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I see enough Asian girls in strip clubs. I'm not sure about the percentage but it seems like every single Asian girl plus many other foreign girls seem to find me. I know of one better looking Asian girl in one club. I like her and she is friendly. In another club there are some older Asian girls who tend to never leave me alone. They are quite aggressive in pursuing dances if you got dances from them in the past, maybe it was just that one club and the two dancers. Maybe I am bias by all the Asian girls in massage parlors that ganged up on me and forced me into their parlors. Nothing but Asian girls inside there. I believe two of them even quit working in one parlor because they knew I was trying to dodge it and sneak into a strip club next door. That way I couldn't sneak past. Last weekend I just knew when one dancer kept incorrectly hearing my name as Victor, she was probably the same dancer from either the Ukraine or Russia that I met somewhere else. I would like to run into more dancers from Czechoslovakia. I seem to run into them a whole lot less than Asian dancers but I often seem to hit things off well with them.
  • Ermita_Nights
    11 years ago
    There are plenty of Asian strippers in Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines, and Indonesia. There used to be an Indian girl at Landing Strip in Detroit about two years ago. She was the most aggressive stripper I've ever known. First time I saw her she grabbed my arm, pulled me in to a private room, pulled me on top of her and immediately started DFK. I managed to escape with my wallet barely intact. She was incredibly hot, had butt-length hair, and smelled exotic. Wish she was still around.
  • ThatOtherGuy
    11 years ago
    For everyone who likes Asian dancers, does it make any difference to you if the dancers are what I call 'Russian-Asians'? By that I mean the dancer looks Asian but in every other way (accent, personality, etc.) she's Russian/Eastern European. There are usually a decent number of 'Russian-Asians' in any clubs where there are lots of Russian/Eastern European dancers, like in several East Coast cities.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    My guess is there are proportionally fewer Asian strippers compared to other races. But the ones that do become them seem to lean toward be nicer and higher mileage than white girls.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    One of the few Asian dancers I know is a graduate student at Michigan State. So I guess it's true that there is some truth to stereotypes. (That Asians are smart and put a premium on education).
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    "So I guess it's true that there is some truth to stereotypes. (That Asians are smart and put a premium on education). " Yep. Which is why they are going to be doing the moonwalk over the US's face in terms which is the greater nation economically a few, or perhaps only a couple of decades from now.
  • minnow
    11 years ago
    j40: You're not the first poster to ask that question. While nationwide average is ~ 5% asian, general L.A. area is ~ 10%, with SF area having perhaps the highest concentration with 20%. So, a combination of a cultural thing, plus those who immigrate/get visas may be more inclined to focus on getting an education in pursuit of professional degrees, or running/working in a family business than general US population. To carry cultural thing further- stripping may be frowned upon in Asian culture. Not exactly sure how that would tie into Asian concept of face. On the later, I have yet to encounter an Asian panhandler. Have you encountered any Asian panhandlers, j40 ? BUT, I have managed to encounter Asian strippers. I've had best luck at SF clubs. Even on a slow night, I've always found at least 2-3 Asians on shift. L.A. area, found 1-2 on several occasions. FL clubs, can generally find 1-3 on Mons Venus night shift, other clubs hit or miss. Midwest are scarce on Asians, though on isolated occasions have found 2. Lastly, I've found that Asians tend to lean more towards the higher end clubs- the ones that OP has reviewed aren't exactly high end. Happy Hunting, all.
  • minnow
    11 years ago
    j40: You're not the first poster to ask that question. While nationwide average is ~ 5% asian, general L.A. area is ~ 10%, with SF area having perhaps the highest concentration with 20%. So, a combination of a cultural thing, plus those who immigrate/get visas may be more inclined to focus on getting an education in pursuit of professional degrees, or running/working in a family business than general US population. To carry cultural thing further- stripping may be frowned upon in Asian culture. Not exactly sure how that would tie into Asian concept of face. On the later, I have yet to encounter an Asian panhandler. Have you encountered any Asian panhandlers, j40 ? BUT, I have managed to encounter Asian strippers. I've had best luck at SF clubs. Even on a slow night, I've always found at least 2-3 Asians on shift. L.A. area, found 1-2 on several occasions. FL clubs, can generally find 1-3 on Mons Venus night shift, other clubs hit or miss. Midwest are scarce on Asians, though on isolated occasions have found 2. Lastly, I've found that Asians tend to lean more towards the higher end clubs- the ones that OP has reviewed aren't exactly high end. Happy Hunting, all.
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    I do not have the same observations about Asians in SCs. Toronto area clubs are replete with Asian dancers, particularly the dusky South Asians - Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan. You will also meet many gorgeous Pinoy sweeties. I am an equal opportunity monger.
  • Corvus
    11 years ago
    FarmerArt, I thought you would have been too busy in Hawaii to post anything on here? Get back "in there" man. I will not speak to the reasons why there may be so few Asian dancers, but I do see them on occassion in Arizona, both Tucson and Phoenix. And just a few weeks ago at Baby Dolls in Dallas, there were more than enough Asians to keep anyone happy while I was there. In fact, I've never seen so many Asian dancers at one time as I did there at BD. But I've not been a sporting man for very long either as it pertains to SCs.
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    @Corvus, Just back from Hawaii - a very MELLOW week, let me tell you!
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Asian cultures generally brainwash women to be very submissive. A woman has to be able to stand up for herself and draw the line at some point in order to survive as a sex worker.
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