9 yrs ago•tenisbum1776reviewedThe Harem Dayton5813 N Dixie Dr, Dayton, OH 45414, USA*A Consistently Dependable Place
9 yrs ago•tenisbum1776reviewedCheetah Gentlemen's Club1101 E New Circle Rd Lexington, KY 40505Not A Bad Place
10 yrs ago•tenisbum1776reviewedEl CapitanSuckergarden Road Philipsburg, Sint MaartenOK, no doubt about it, this...
10 yrs ago•tenisbum1776reviewedThe Platinum Room1 Rhine Rd Lowlands, Sint MaartenMyself and 4 compatriots dropped by...
11 yrs ago•tenisbum1776reviewedSolid Gold3341 US-1, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306, USA*Because my home city has great...
11 yrs ago •tenisbum1776commented onRatted OutDo you REALLY think Muffy is only having OTC with you? One of the RULES of dealing with strippers is when she tells you she is ONLY doing something…
11 yrs ago •tenisbum1776commented onOT : The Stock Market ?I think so long as the Fed keeps printing $80 billion each month without any accompanying productivity increase the stock market will continue to rise.
11 yrs ago •tenisbum1776commented onMaking old age work for you in the club.I'm just happy being an old guy that doesn't need a blue pill to get an erection. 20-25 year old strippers grinding their hot bodies against me…
11 yrs ago •tenisbum1776commented onWhat I Learned In A Year Of Serious Clubbing@Subraman: Just saw your follow-up. Exactly. That's the way I do it. Often times it's meet at the hotel (nice one - not some cheap dump)…
11 yrs ago •tenisbum1776commented onGiven a Choice - Smokey or Smoke FreeI really enjoy a good cigar when visiting a club and now only The Harem in Dayton allows smoking in the dancing room. During the winter months,…
11 yrs ago •tenisbum1776commented onWhat I Learned In A Year Of Serious Clubbing@Hungry Giraffe: I don't look down on strippers but I recognize the issues they have that have lead them to this lifestyle (add less than high school education in…
11 yrs ago •tenisbum1776commented onWhat I Learned In A Year Of Serious Clubbing@Subraman: My suggestions is to START at market value. If the girl becomes part of your regular starting rotation she will often times be open to negotiate price…
11 yrs ago •tenisbum1776commented onWhat I Learned In A Year Of Serious Clubbing@Mrpink: No, not directed at anyone in particular just a general observation. However in a buyer friendly market like Dayton when you offer $100 for sex and the…
11 yrs ago •tenisbum1776commented onWhat I Learned In A Year Of Serious ClubbingCouple of late additions: 13) If a stripper tells you she is only doing something with you, better believe she's doing it with every single customer she has. 14)…
11 yrs ago•tenisbum1776reviewedCheeks Gentleman's Club906 Watertower Ln West Carrollton, OH 45449Dropped by Cheeks around 5pm for...
11 yrs ago•tenisbum1776reviewedThe Harem Dayton5813 N Dixie Dr, Dayton, OH 45414, USA*Returning to The Harem after taking...
11 yrs ago •tenisbum1776posted inFront RoomHow Can You Tell When A Stripper Is Lying? Her Lips Are Moving