Girls with bad business sense

avatar for alkdesmo
I know this topic has been discussed before (i.e. dancers who are rude, spend all their time on their phones, etc.), but I thought I'd share this recent story.

A few weeks ago, I stopped by a local club after work to relax. After about ~15 minutes, one of the better-looking girls in the club catches my eye, and she gets the message and comes on by. She does the standard intro and then asks me if I want to get a dance. For this club, it's $10 before 7PM, $20 after 7PM, but $40 for 4 before 10PM. Anyway, she says it's $20 a dance, to which I reply “how about the 4 for $40” since it's before 10PM. You would have thought I just spit in her face because she got really pissy and said she only did $20 dances and was I still interested. I said no thanks and she walked off in a huff looking for another mark. I went back to checking out the stage and watched as she couldn't hook another sucker until a half hour later.

I thought this was pretty amusing, but it got me thinking. Why would she be so adamant about only doing $20 dances? She obviously knows that I know the price structure for the club so why try to scam me? No one else is going to know that she gave me the discounted price, and it's not like I'm going to go around the club telling everyone else that she did the $40 special. I could care less if she can get another PL to pay $20 a dance just as long as she doesn't scam me. If she were running guys back non-stop I might understand, but she wasn't. Plus, the fact that I actually wanted to get dances from her and that she didn't sell any other dances during the time it would have taken to give me the 4 dances really made me laugh since she basically passed up a sure thing.

Now compare this to the girl I actually got dances from that night. She gave me the same standard intro but at the end she tried upsell to the VIP. As she finished her pitch, she said “The VIP is normally 5 for $100, but I'll do it for $60” at which point I said “sold!” and off we went. As we were waiting for the set to start, I asked her why she discounted the VIP since most girls normally didn't do that. Her response was that if she thought that a guy was interested but she could sense that he was maybe on the fence she'd rather guarantee a sell by offering a discount rather than miss out on a customer by sticking to the standard price. She gave great dances and was just as hot as the ROB, and she ended up getting more than the $100 anyway since we did the VIP twice. It just goes to show you that when it comes to trying to make a living in this business, some girls know how to work the system and some are just plain dumb.


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avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Perhaps the $20 only dancer can afford to stick by that price. Perhaps she believes she deserves the price or maybe she is stubborn to the point of earning very little money.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
What did the blonde say after 6 years of college?

Welcome to McD what can I make for you

Why did the bl onde have the biggest boobs in her 3rd grade class?

She was the only one that was 18
avatar for mmdv26
12 years ago
Dumb, and some hate the job so much they have to prop up their self-loathing by setting a minimum price at which they will do a mediocre dance, make it a lousy experience for you and not give a shit. Fortunately, they don't last long in the business.
I knew of a similar type of dancer in 2004 at the Blue Zebra in North Hollywood, CA. At the time, the club offered $15. topless dances and $30. nude dances. Most customers went for the topless dances. There was this one dancer who would only do nude dances, and like alkdesmo pointed out, missed out on the customers she would turn away while they went to dancers who would do the topless dances. This dancer didn't seem to understand the concept of "time is money." I guess she prided herself on getting only nude dance customers.
avatar for Corvus
12 years ago
Whether we understand or not why a dancer only gives higher priced dances, the deal breaker for me in the OP is the shitty attitude the dancer gave when you asked about the 4/$40 option.

I can respect any dancer setting her price and sticking to it (as long as she tells me up front) but have no respect for one getting pissed off by a legitimate question from a customer. Glad you found another girl to spend your time and money on.
I had a similar experience in a Detroit club last week. The club was very slow. An extremely attractive dancer came over and asked if I would like to go up to VIP. I told her I would give her $200 for a BJ. She said never did that for less than $300 and walked away like she was insulted. For the next hour she was walking around the club not getting any takers. She passed up $200 for 10 minutes work! Why? Maybe she wanted to keep her reputation as a high priced girl, but nobody could have learned what I paid.

My ATF told me how insulted she was when a guy offered her $50 for a blow job. It might not make sense, but maybe there is a price point which makes these girls feel like cheap whores.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
12 years ago
I won't go to one of my regular clubs if a specific girl is listed as dancing that night (this is a club where you can call and they have to tell you who's dancing) basically because she only does the VIP room there. I didn't mind doing the VIP room there one time, but she got extremely pissed off because I told her I didn't want the VIP room. The trouble with her is she is the best looking girl there and I find it hard to resist her, but she is just a total bitch.
avatar for mikeya02
12 years ago
Club sounds familar. The girls didn't like the club discounting dances so they decided that $10 dances are air dances. For $20, the girls offer contact. Since guys don't like air dances anyway, everyones happier. think about it. Club price of $10 means $2 to the club. Girl gives you a $20 great dance, its $2 to the club. A dance is a dance to the club.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
If a dancer is among the most sought-after, how can you be sure she doesn't actually make more money by asking a higher price?
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
Its usually the prettiest most sought after dancer that is usually the bitchiest, especially if your not her regular. Even the bartender who is probably hit on all the time is bitchy. I remember this ine bartender was really clippy and had a rude vibe about her when I ordered food at the strip. No pleasentries, just "what you want?" and left in a slighty rude way as if not wanting to be around me for another second. And I cannot lie, she was fine as shit, nice booty, boobs and slim (and short), but I don't bother with hitting on bartenders (at least at strip clubs) because I know nothing will come of it and its extremely hard to get her respect (a job doesn't mean shit since everyone there usually has a bank rolling job).

These strippers just have a blown ego and think their too good to settle since they hang around a lot more suckers than men with limits on what goes on (I.e. a man of pride or sense).
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago
In a way I understand the logic behind this dancer's actions.

I, too, do not sell my product when I am dissatisfied with the price offered for it. The difference is that my product does not walk away. The oil remains in the ground readily available to me to sell when prices are acceptable to me.

This dancer has a very perishable product to sell. When she figures that out, she might have a higher income level.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
Very true farmerart...

I once waded up a dollar into a ball and threw it on stage where the hottest girl in the club was. She turned to me and turned up her nose snd aske d bhai if that was for her. I said yes . She said she wouldnt stoop down for a dollar. Somebody else could get it. That was the last dollar she got from me.

Funny thing was she used to be a coctail waitress. When she waitressed she was realky cool. I was friends with her she insisted on me having her number. When she started dancing her attitude went down hill gradually. I never got dances from her, I didnt get the impression she gave good dances. Now she is a super stuck up bitch. She tries to get $2000 for otc
avatar for mikeya02
12 years ago
There's nothing wrong with a girl having a high sense of self worth. It's her body. But some need to learn to refuse an offer in a more charming way than having a hissy fit.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
When dancers act like that, the next time they approach you say: I was going to find you and offer to fuck your brains out but apparently someone beat me to it
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
Interestingly, I have not run across any dancer like those mentioned, although I am certain they exist. That said, my question is why I haven't encountered them? My guess is that my "selectivity" of dancers automatically weeds them out. This is not to say that my way is better, but it could be an "sexplination" as to why I haven't come across those above.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
Clubber I am with ya. Its usually the opposite for me especially since I'm never a regular anywhere. They usually beg (in a hidden form) to dance on me when I deny them. I been told by one dancer I look like a mean, serious looking guy. I guess the high nosed dancers must think I'm not gonna play their game of grovel at their feet and won't bend to their will. I wonder if that's a good thing.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago

I also thought it may be the particular club. Most of my favorite clubs just don't have "haggling" over prices. They are what they are.
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
Lol crazy joe
Most people are not natural born salesmen, dancers are no different. Plus I don't think anybody ever teaches them anything, they simply learn as they go or don't learn at all.
avatar for cnyknight
New York
12 years ago
the dance prob would of sucked ... thats why she charges 20 ... she knows she wont get repeat business so soak them for as much as possible the first time.
I don’t like undercutting a LD price; i.e. if the going rate is let’s say $20, then I don’t try to haggle for a lower cost. But, I sure as hell don’t like paying over the going rate – if there is a 4 for $40 special at the club, then that is what I expect to pay. If the dancer does not like the club’s price structure, she should go to a $20/LD only club IMO.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
I haven't personally run into it, but I've read on zbone that alot of the SFV clubs have dancers that refuse to do $10 topless dances in nude clubs (like Club_Goer mentioned, Blue Zebra is one of these). I can't wrap my head around that either, especially when you see the other dancers making their money on the cheaper dances, purely by volume. Meanwhile, the picky dancers are sitting at the bar on their phones not making a cent.

avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I've met dancers charging higher than normal prices. In one club, one dancer said she didn't do table dances. Another club, some hotter than normal dancers and some normal dancers who thought they were hot stuff, only said they would dance for a lot more money than I was going to pay, something like two for 50.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I never paid prices that high even when a couple of tens asked me. The tens told me they often charged 50 each but they would do two for fifty. I said no thanks.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
It's not necessarily bad business sense if she thinks you're a regular. If you really wanted a dance from her and knew she wasn't going to drop her price, you might pay extra and get dances. The strategy would fail with me because I am ok without dances. It's not as fun but I don't need them. If the dancers make most of their money from dances, they will either quit or lower prices if possible if every guy refuses to pay their prices.
avatar for snowtime
12 years ago
In most clubs it is a buyer's market right now, so the dancers would be much smarter to accept a lower (resonable) price for 3 minutes work rather than go pout at the bar and play with their cell phone. As FarmerArt pointed out, the comodity they are selling (lap ances) is a diminishing asset. I think (from my Econ 101 many years ago) that the correct term for this is "lost opportunity cost". Obviously, not many dancers took Econ. 101, but there are a lot of other businessmen with limited educations that fully grasp the concept. This is why Priceline can sell $200 hotel rooms for $75. They realize that if the room goes unsold, they have missed out on an extra $75 in revenue.
avatar for inno123
12 years ago
From a business decision the dancer may be angling to make herself look like the 'premium' girl of the club. As to whether it is a better deal financially for her it depends on how much of the $40 has to go to the club, how much of the $20 has to go to the club, and how quickly she can get another customer. Another angle is whether that is a big ticket VIP that is likely to include a fat tip for extras. Time she isn't spending dancing ten buck songs might be time she is trying to use to fish the room for a big dollar VIP dance. She figures that if you are playing for the 4 for 40 bargain you don't have the simoleons for a VIP so she insists on the $20 dance to test how deep your wallet is and if not let her move on whale hunting.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Strippers are stooopid
avatar for tenisbum1776
12 years ago
@inno 123 -

Good analysis. I know the normal at my club is 2 for $25 or 4 for $50. Some of the girls who are more desperate for money will cut prices further, while some will hold steady at asking for $20 per dance after the first 2 for $30.

My initial thought was perhaps the orginal poster might be mistaken about the pricing of dances. If $20 is the normal price per dance, I find it unusual that the club would offer a 4 for $40 special. That would really undercut the girl's earning potential from their list price rate.
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
@jackslash well think about it this way, would YOU suck a dude's dick for $50?
OP: My first visit to your subject club was the exact opposite of yours. One of the hottest dancers in club approached me at the stage flaunting her goods confidently, introducing herself. After a little chat, she asked if I'd like some dances. As we neared room, she mentioned-"oh, its just before 10, would you like to do the 4 for 40." Dances were definitely NOT uninspired airdances. She got subsequent VIP's from me on this and other visits. I've seen cases of other dancers in that club that get pissy if you don't buy the 5 for 100 VIP out of the starting blocks.

At some clubs with 2 tier topless/nude options, I've seen same thing. Given price disparity, I can see the appeal from dancer pov of making the same $$ for doing half as many dances. But, with no takers, a perishable product just perished.

It is possible that the bad attitude dancers have a sugar daddy, and are worth premium $$ in their own minds.........
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