so i'm chatting with one of my regulars, and he tells me his son is turning 18 next week, and guess what he wants to give jr. as a present... does this really happen, i thought it was only in bad movies! he wants me to meet them at a hotel, do jr. first and then take care of him like usual (2 rooms - i asked, believe me). i asked who's idea it was, and he says it's his, not jr's... thinks it will help make a man of him. r u kidding me? do u guys really think like this? i've also heard that being done by a pro first (especially an older one) can really mess up a young man's relationships with girls their own age... what do u guys think about that? i'd hate it if me doing him f'd him up.
Fuck the kid. It'll be an 18th birthday he'd never forget. Getting it for junior is a cool present, but the fact that senior wants to be so closely involved is weird. Tell dad that junior gets his present but pops Will have to wait another day.
In this day and time an 18 year old that has not been laid, something must be wrong. Seems pops has no faith that Jr can get it himself. Check to see if there is something abnormal about the kid that may keep him from getting laid. You might be doing him a favor. If the kid is somewhat normal. Try this. By now you should know his mannerisms. I would tell the guy your seriously considering it and see how he responds. If his personality changes in the least, run forest run. Because the guy is sick and I would be afraid for your safety. Two rooms means nothing when he has a key. Think you can escape a horny 18 year old and a sicko.
So maybe that's why I'm messed up. Losing my virginity to an older women has screwed up my perspective in life. But when I read the OP I seriously LMFAO. That was too fucking funny
Sorry Carolynee, you're no Stiletto. Your "shocking" stories about how hot and horny you are, for the amusement of some Tuscl members, (not me), and your fake pics, makes you come across as a loose slut. A little class will get you much farther.
Tell the dad that you will do the kid for a nominal fee, but not the dad on the same night. If he throws a fit, it evidently wasn't about junior getting laid. You should be able to tell pretty quickly what's going on.
What a way to get laid for the first time ... but it is weird for the Dad to want to be so close by.
What would be cool is if the Dad said ... im gonna bring my son to the club/bar etc and set it up so it seems like a chance hot encounter ... something he can brag about for all time.
Nope, freaky is all. If I was gonna do that for my kid (I wouldn't, they knew how to get laid), I would not use my regular provider (if I had one), and I certainly wouldn't want seconds-sloppy or not...... Nope, wouldn't be prudent, not at all.
jester214: "if he just doesn't have the balls to say so in front of pops."
Jestie dropping some major hints as too his own messed up psychology there.
As some of you may know I have jestie pegged as textbook passive-aggressive personality disorder, and one of the main causes of that is through to be inconsistent, unpredictable treatment from parents.
I think it's pretty obvious the jestie-girl is actually talking about himself in the latter part of that statement.
Somehow, I find putting the word "ethical" in a thread about 2 proposed illegal acts to be amusing. Please let us know how OP script flies with a porn producer.................
Sheltered teen-aged boys are usually sexually initiated by their fathers, older brothers, uncles or athletic coaches. A lot of jocks are raised in a cocoon where everything is provided for them--money, clothing, cars, fraternity or club memberships, spending money and women. Same for sheltered rich boys. Older men, coaches, uncles or fathers, assume that it is their responsibility to to sponsor the sexual right of passage to manhood to the youngster who has been sheltered by prep school, nuns or the closed and, sometimes closeted, jock culture.
Older men feel that any attractive whore will do for the deflowering agenda. Are you that woman?
What I find yucky is that dad wanting to do you the same night. He sounds creepy. Why don't you suggest he pay another dancer to have sex with his son alone in a hotel. Then you could do the dad elsewhere.
I don't think you have an ethical problem here. You're doing nothing wrong either way, in my opinion. But you're obviously uncomfortable with this request, and so you would be better off not doing it.
alucard, you can't bake your cake and eat it too. We complain how strippers are lying, thieving, whores, but whon one finally admits to the illicit acts we pressure girls to admit to, yu and mikey scold her? Truly hypocritical to the core.
@supedude I always knew the rich boys had no true experience of the outside world. Its always the wealthy dad who only wants to give his son what he didn't have: the easy route thus making them annoying brats in life who might become failures.
@carolyne I wouldn't do it. The boy should either ask folr himself instead of having pops do so or go out and get a girlfriend for fucks sake. Not everything can be taught by the teacher.
Estafador, IMO she is making this story up as a way to try to screw with people's heads. That's why IMO it's Bullshit. You're rather naive if you think everything written here is true.
I don't think you should do P4P with anybody without them coming to the club first so you can check them out.
I don't see why it would mess sonny boy up. Even young guys can fuck up their lives because they hit a pussy dry spell and get desperate, and get involved with a hell bitch of some variety. I don't think it's a bad thing for a young guy to be aware of quick and easy cure for the blue-balls.
Any chance that Dad thinks Jr. is gay and that you're being hired as a "therapist" to convince Jr. of the benefits of a female partner?
My advice---if Jr. is interested, then P4P with Jr. only. If Dad is coercing Jr. or wants to be involved in sloppy seconds or voyeurism (possibly without his son's knowledge or consent), then politely decline.
I wouldn't presume that the 18 yr old boy was a virgin. But to have your dad pick out somebody for you virgin or not, is just lame. Suggest instead that he bring junior to the club for his birthday present. That way he will feel at least nominally in control over what winds up happening.
"Sorry Carolynee, you're no Stiletto. Your "shocking" stories about how hot and horny you are, for the amusement of some Tuscl members, (not me), and your fake pics, makes you come across as a loose slut. A little class will get you much farther." wow, tough room tonight. buy mikey, what do you mean by "will get you much farther"? where exactly do you think i want to get? and what kind of fantasy world are you living in? you hang out in strip clubs, and presumably pursue the women who ply the trade there, and you're complaining that i'm a "loose slut", like the women you pay to do you have higher standards? wow.
I think dad wants to "accidentally" open the door while you are doing the kid. Dad lubes up and they DP you in both places (know what I mean?) for a while, then Dad puts on his leathers and makes a REAL man out of his son. You could fall into an exhausted heap on the bed to add the necessary drama
I'm sure that kind of shit happens but it sounds like a movie or a Victorian story. They was an episode on the HBO show Moonlight Bunny Ranch where some fugly woman brought her 40 year old slug/son in to get laid for the first time. Let the kid get some on his own. He may not be ready for a paid relationship and it could really attach him to you.
I purpose Carolynne is a thirty-five year old stay at home mother of two, who's husband when he clock's out each day would rather spend his time in titty bars with the drugged up, quick money sluts, and so secretely, she envies them and comes here to fantasize about being one.
Q: How come Carolynne doesn't get asked to dinner? A: Cause the guy is afraid once he goes to the restroom, she'll be blowing the waiter under the table and the whole place will be laughing at him!
based on your "I'm up for anything, guys" comments.
to all of you who offered sincere thoughts, thank you.
to those of you who just used this thread as a vehicle for putting me down, wtf? obviously some of you need to look down on strippers, but if we're so bad why are you willing to pay money to be with us? if a stripper won't give you extras like u want you call her an arrogant bitch, and if she does you call her a loose slut? what's up with that?
Ok, Carolynne, I'll leave you alone. I should'nt have called you a name. It was your stories i was poking fun at. Not everyone likes me either. I only spend money on one girl cause i adore her. She's a schoolgirl stripper with a nice boyfriend and family and she sneaks over every once in a great while. Ok?
@carol, it's just the old double standard, promiscuity is fine for man, but bad for a woman. Most people think something is true if the people in their social circle believe it. They'll never once seriously considering whether it makes any sense. If they lived in Saudi Arabia, they'd think any woman who didn't walk around in little portable tent was a whore.
junior came to the club to meet me by himself. turns out he was not a virgin, but had just done it with a high-school gf who didn't know what she was doing, either. he acted pretty cool and really interested, so i took him to the vip. when i discovered his cock was huge and rock hard, it seemed a shame to waste so i did him right there. a little while later we went back to the vip and did it again, this time he lasted a little longer. it was closing time then, and he still wanted more, so we went to a motel to finish the job. god, i love 18 yr olds! saw him a few times after that, taught him some things that would improve his second date percentage tremendously. he's off a college now, probably very popular.
I'll bet that every guy carolynne blows or fucks has a bigger, harder dick than the one before. This kid is probably her second, Georgemicrodong being the first. LOLGMD. Carolynne is among the best BSers on this forum
last commentthat doesn't seem very nice.
This guy sounds like the ultimate PL to me.
Unless the 18 yo looks like Elephant Man, he needs to find his own pussy and his idiot father needs to mind his own business.
By now you should know his mannerisms. I would tell the guy your seriously considering it and see how he responds. If his personality changes in the least, run forest run. Because the guy is sick and I would be afraid for your safety.
Two rooms means nothing when he has a key. Think you can escape a horny 18 year old and a sicko.
When are you going to come clean on the tit pics? Quit being such a tease already.
What a way to get laid for the first time ... but it is weird for the Dad to want to be so close by.
What would be cool is if the Dad said ... im gonna bring my son to the club/bar etc and set it up so it seems like a chance hot encounter ... something he can brag about for all time.
Yeah, like those boys who have sex with their female teachers. Bet they are emotional scared for life. Poor kids. Hope they get over it.
Not ethical. You have no way of knowing if the kid actually wants too or if he just doesn't have the balls to say so in front of pops.
Nope, wouldn't be prudent, not at all.
Jestie dropping some major hints as too his own messed up psychology there.
As some of you may know I have jestie pegged as textbook passive-aggressive personality disorder, and one of the main causes of that is through to be inconsistent, unpredictable treatment from parents.
I think it's pretty obvious the jestie-girl is actually talking about himself in the latter part of that statement.
Sheltered teen-aged boys are usually sexually initiated by their fathers, older brothers, uncles or athletic coaches. A lot of jocks are raised in a cocoon where everything is provided for them--money, clothing, cars, fraternity or club memberships, spending money and women. Same for sheltered rich boys. Older men, coaches, uncles or fathers, assume that it is their responsibility to to sponsor the sexual right of passage to manhood to the youngster who has been sheltered by prep school, nuns or the closed and, sometimes closeted, jock culture.
Older men feel that any attractive whore will do for the deflowering agenda. Are you that woman?
I don't think you have an ethical problem here. You're doing nothing wrong either way, in my opinion. But you're obviously uncomfortable with this request, and so you would be better off not doing it.
@supedude I always knew the rich boys had no true experience of the outside world. Its always the wealthy dad who only wants to give his son what he didn't have: the easy route thus making them annoying brats in life who might become failures.
@carolyne I wouldn't do it. The boy should either ask folr himself instead of having pops do so or go out and get a girlfriend for fucks sake. Not everything can be taught by the teacher.
You're rather naive if you think everything written here is true.
I don't see why it would mess sonny boy up. Even young guys can fuck up their lives because they hit a pussy dry spell and get desperate, and get involved with a hell bitch of some variety. I don't think it's a bad thing for a young guy to be aware of quick and easy cure for the blue-balls.
My advice---if Jr. is interested, then P4P with Jr. only. If Dad is coercing Jr. or wants to be involved in sloppy seconds or voyeurism (possibly without his son's knowledge or consent), then politely decline.
Let the kid get some on his own. He may not be ready for a paid relationship and it could really attach him to you.
A: Cause the guy is afraid once he goes to the restroom, she'll be blowing the waiter under the table and the whole place will be laughing at him!
based on your "I'm up for anything, guys" comments.
to those of you who just used this thread as a vehicle for putting me down, wtf? obviously some of you need to look down on strippers, but if we're so bad why are you willing to pay money to be with us? if a stripper won't give you extras like u want you call her an arrogant bitch, and if she does you call her a loose slut? what's up with that?
You may come see me and prove me wrong, if you wish.
Coming from someone as mentally unstable as alutard is, I doubt your "beliefs" are going to matter much to anyone.
Good catch Corvus on this one and the titty quiz that she started.
That's why Older women are BETTER!! LOL
Carolynne is among the best BSers on this forum