Which came first, the drugs or the club?
Atlanta suburb
Last year one of my former favorites went before the judge for her third drug bust. The judge offered her 18 months in jail or 6 months in rehab. She chose the rehab. Two months ago one of my buddies spotted her waitressing at an IHOP while she was in a half way house. She told him that she would be back working at the club in January. That her 6 months would be up. I heard yesterday from a stripper friend of hers that she came back 2 weeks ago but got fired on her first day back due to cocaine.
There is probably no hope for her but got me to thinking. Did the cocaine make her work at the club or did working at the club turn her into an addict?
There is probably no hope for her but got me to thinking. Did the cocaine make her work at the club or did working at the club turn her into an addict?
Strip clubs provide the easy money to continue the habit for a time. But as the habit grows more powerful and the income dwindles because of the physical negative effects of the drugs, she turns to OTC to make up the difference.
I'd guess a more thought provoking philosophic question is are we enabling this destructive personal behavior by giving these women the money they need?
I had never thought much about the enableing part, but I suppose we all contribute to the habits when we go to high mileage clubs. I would assume that high mileage clubs are largely a result of drug addiced dancers. As a customer , I assume that in some way I contribute to the problem. That being said, I am a firm believer in personal responsibility and will not quit going because some of the dancers use my money to buy drugs.
There are many causes from parental rejection to way to much parental attention (if ya know what I mean!)
I am not saying the clubs help people in that situation but I think their permissive attitudes (compared to a "real" job) don't help.
If you think about it stripping is about the ideal job for an addict. It provides quick cash with no degree, specialized training, analytic, or decision making skills. Its main requirement is a total lack of shame regarding what they are willing to do for money.
Now of course the club can make it a lot worse, particularly if they are also looking aside at dealing and use inside the club itself.
now, it seems that most new dancers are already single moms, or drug addicts, or both.
Seems that the environment is attractive to that type of person.
Talk about a generalization! I know a number of dancers personally, ATF, faves, general knowledge and none use drugs. And a surprising number don't even drink. Now unless I just pick them well, you are way off. I am not saying a number do use, but not (...very few strippers...), as you state.
In my travels in the SC world I shun dancers who are obviously ripped; otherwise business as normal for me as I do my hunting.