
Cosmo: ‘Cool' Women Go to Strip Clubs

Detroit strip clubs

It appears that more women are going to strip clubs and think they're cool.

I'm of 2 minds about this. On the positive side, women's acceptance of strip clubs may blunt the efforts to restrict or close down strip clubs. But on the negative side, women customers may lead to the clubs become more woman-friendly by minimizing full contact dances and extras.

Do you think this development will be positive or negative for our "hobby"?


  • Clubber
    12 years ago

    You state, " But on the negative side, women customers may lead to the clubs become more woman-friendly by minimizing full contact dances and extras."

    What makes you think women customers wouldn't wish the same as men? From what I hear, there are a lot of bi-curious women out there. Perhaps lopaw could enlighten us on this topic.
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    I also question the "minimizing full contact" statement as well. From the few times I have seen women getting LD's they were very high contact. And dancers certainly won't change their dancing style in general just because there are more women customers in the club.
  • HungryGiraffe
    12 years ago

    Nice post. Any cultural shift that expands the SC industry is a good thing. Availability of extras is largely driven by club rules, club design and competition between strippers. As the industry grows, the availability of extras should increase with a greater number of dancers competing for patron dollars. This hobby is going to keep getting better, for men and women!
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    The real danger is hiring of mixed gender strippers. The homophobes (irony in a strip club) will have to deal.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    A common complaint by strippers at BSC in PHX about 10 years ago, was the abundance of ASU coeds that would work briefly because it was a "cool" way to earn cash.

    I have noticed a gradual increase in female attendence at the local clubs.
  • gsv
    12 years ago
    Actually, the women who visit clubs around these parts actually tend to get really good mileage from lap dances. I don't think women want the mileage to be any less .
    Now, I am not sure what their opinion of extras would be, but as long as that's occurring more in VIP/private areas, I doubt it matters.

  • looneylarry
    12 years ago
    Are we going to be complaining in the future about the rowdy table of neophytes that naively throw money at dancers and occupy them so that the real mongers have a more difficult time. . .and that table is all women?
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    I'm all for more women visiting clubs as long as it's for the right reasons. The worst outcome would be that that are just more stupid bitchy females acting inappropriately & pissing off the dancers. So far I have not seen any increase in female attendance at the clubs I visit, at least during the dayshift which is when I usually go. It stands to reason that any increase would no doubt be during weekend nights.

    And as far as contact & extras go - mine are usually off the charts. I doubt that more women in the audience will have any impact on mileage or contact, since many women like myself are looking for that type of thing just like the guys are. And the ones that might be offended or not like it aren't going to stay very long anyway.
  • endlesstempo
    12 years ago
    Mileage is ridiculous for women who visit strip clubs. Something about the dancer being more comfortable with a person their own gender... or something like that.
  • inno123
    12 years ago
    I don't think that it will result in less contact, but it may result in less tolerance by club management of loutish behavior by the men, which might make the club seem less friendly to the women customers.

    This question came up with the club that I am helping design. Specifically it came up in relation to the restrooms. It is a small club and a tight budget. Do we really have a separate women's room, have all single-person unisex customer toilets, or let women customers use the dancers' toilet room?

    We eventually decided that allowing the women customers to share the dancers' toilet was an invasion of privacy for the dancer but that for the reasonable future there would not be enough female customers in this city to really justify a separate toilet. So we hit upon a unisex handicapped toilet room and a separate men's room.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    I would think with women at strip clubs, due to them having different parts from men, greater milage must be accounted into (touching, boob grindage heads on the betweens of laps etc) and so men don't complain, they give us the same treatment and I know mongers wuld just LOVE that. That's my hypothesis on the matter anyway. If anything women might become restricted if my hypothesis is correct, which leads into a whole other problem. So I say let the women come...as long as they follow the code "sharing is caring"
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    “… I'm all for more women visiting clubs as long as it's for the right reasons …”

    Ditto. If they are not there to take up space and just giggle with their friends and take up the dancers’ time just talking shit, then cool.

    But IME, most of the time I see women at the SC, they are just hanging out; drinking; dancing to the music; and laughing and acting silly w/ each other – but not getting any LDs. To me these kind are just taking up space.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    lopaw seems to be on point here.

    Papi_Chulo, are the clubs you have seen women in standing room only situations? Or were there still plenty of seats? If there were plenty of seats available then the women were not taking up space IMO.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago

    Thanks for the "other" perspective...Clubber
  • Book Guy
    12 years ago
    I concur with Lopaw, that I'm OK with customers of any of the various genders as long as the customers are at the strip club for the right reasons. For me the frustration with a larger percentage of female patrons than male patrons is that, generally, the females are neophyte strip-club-goers and seem to think that the remainder of the club's patrons don't mind them usurping the scene. Whether that means getting "out of control" in a show-offy way, or just monopolizing dancers without actually patronizing them (expecting plenty attention but not paying) is beside the point, and this behavior isn't necessarily unique to female patrons of course.

    Biggest advantage, as I see it, is that if strip clubs become "cool," then I might more likely (and more often) get laid by just hanging out at a strip club. And not even have to pay for it! But that's way way unlikely. I can't imagine that women who are trendy-cool and then go to a strip club to gawk, are doing anything other than emotional slumming, and if they meet me I'll already have been branded Pathetic Loser by mere virtue of the fact that I was inside that building gawping at the young hotties. So it doesn't seem like this fantasy is any more likely to come true in reality even with some new influx of women as customers.

    Biggest disadvantage, is when those middle-aged-and-over women who are in denial that they no longer have hot bodies get out-of-control in a way that makes them think they should get on stage and begin to disrobe. I've seen a lot of this already.

    Another advantage might be, that middle-attractive and un-attractive women actually get a good gander at what men want. And start having to admit that what they like to think of themselves as "just a little bit overweight" is actually "horrendously bloated" to most of the people they'd like to date. That could be a good development. Keeps up the standards. Kind of like bikini weather, it imposes reality on their denial.
  • Book Guy
    12 years ago
    The version of the story that I read had a mention of this book but the link was busted. Here's the fixed link:


    Doesn't look too interesting, but at least the book is one step above the typical. However, Library Journal does refer to it as "an obvious doctoral dissertation." Yawn.
  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    i enjoy neophyte women customers. often they get a real thrill out the action in the vip, and act like completely different people.
  • crazyjoe
    12 years ago
    I see a major uptrend in my area of womwn in attendance. One of the clubs I frequent dancers pull female cutomers on stage and rip their clothes off and molest them. Pretty entertaining
  • crazyjoe
    12 years ago
    See my next review
  • latinalover69
    12 years ago
    I wish hetero bitches would stay the fuck away from strip clubs or at least the ones I frequent! Sams Hofbrau downtown LA is filthy with hetero bitches on weekends yelling, hogging stageside chairs, and throwing dollas indiscriminately. It ruins the whole fucking scene. Stay away unless you suck pussy like Lopaw (or get your pussy sucked like Lopaw). No offense Lopaw, I dig your style :-) (Ps. Lopaw, I heard from Rosie from the Wild Goose!) yay me!
  • minnow
    12 years ago
    Agree with lopaw and Papi. IMO (could be wrong here), OP's real concern was that catering too much to straight females would make stripclubs more like just another danceclub/nightclub, and less a type of place us mongers relish in. I'm gathering that Cosmo articles focus is on straight females going to club solo, or as a "chick clique". Having too much of the later group hog up space just to "make the/a scene" can detract from the visit. If I wanted to watch that, I'd just go to a regular night club.

    I haven't seen too much of the cosmo scene at clubs- far more common is increase in couples, or coed "groups". Or lesbian triads.

    @latinalover- I guess obnoxious groups, be they male or female, can mess up a visit..............

    I personally haven't seen to much
  • JackKash
    12 years ago
    Not a big fan if a trend like this continues. I think the hetero girls just don't get itm at least the ones I've seen. Though I would not have put it as harshly as latinalover, but I think I do share the sentiment.

    Aside to inno123, Hustler club in New Orleans, upstairs VIP area restroom is Unisex, basically a men's room the dancers up there use as well. Everyone comes and goes as they please. Twas an odd experience standing at the urinal while a dancer brushed past to use the stall.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    If a female customer has a problem with strip clubs, I hope she just stays home instead of being taken to one. I don't need to find any more drunk females or female customers with an attitude like anyone who visits is pathetic. It is not enjoyable to her nor will it be to anyone she talks to with a bad attitude.

    I believe running into females who must have thought all guys visiting strip clubs must be desperate for sex was something I didn't expect. That's the only reason I suspect I had a female stop me in a strip club and ask me to go home with her without knowing anything about me. I heard girls sometimes do things and then justify their reasons afterwards. I believe it. Those are the exceptions since I usually do not talk to very many other customers in strip clubs. As far as oddball behavior goes, the females are the ones I watch. It is possible they were or are dancers from another club and are used to approaching guys but I never know what they are going to say or do or if they are upset about being there or if they are drunk.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I once saw a drunk female customer get up on stage, take her top off keeping a dancer from getting up on stage since the dancer didn't want to go on stage with her up there, then proceed to walk quickly all around the club moving her arms about like a chicken while a whole host of bouncers were walking after her. She evaded them for a few minutes.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    A few female customers have talked me into tipping dancers more than I usually do. I don't usually mind talking to females but I don't care for someone to sit nearby and keep bugging me to tip multiple dancers. It's always a female customer I guess looking for someone to tip dancers with them who seem to do this. Tipping is not a competitive sport or something I feel compelled to do with every dancer. Dancers don't do this except on rare occassions with someone they like on stage. Some visiting females may try to get some guys to keep in tipping, multiple times.

    Of course if the visiting female is hot, she can feel free to bug me all she wants.
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