
avatar for Ponce0501
Should be in the San Diego area early February...not sure I'm going to be able to sneak away to Tijuana.

Never been to SD or TJ, is it a crime against humanity not to go even if I only have limited time?


last comment
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Have you ever been to SD before? What are the chances you may visit the area again in the near future? What are the chances you will be alive tomorrow? Do your research and go IMO.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
I would stay OUT of Mexico these days. Too much of a chance of ending up DEAD.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Go dude. If you die - then just don't go again :)
avatar for dalex
12 years ago
so what

what's so bad about being dead?
avatar for NoOtherAlternatives
12 years ago
If you wind up going, would you be so kind to post a summary of your trip? I am considering going some time in the summer but I am struggling with the whole "safety" issue.... I've done a lot of research, but just can't decide yet!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
You’d just be barely going over the border like many Americans do. It’s not like you are taking a 12 hour bus trip into the middle of the country.
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
It's unlikely that you'll die. But it's real enough that do you really want to take the chance for some cheap tail?

Frankly I wouldn't go to any part of Mexico. I'm amazed the drug gangs haven't branched out into kidnapping Americans.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
Ponce, read the reviews of Adelitas and Hong Kong clubs. If you have no morals against getting laid by a nice mexicana, then by all means you should go.

Don't drink too much, keep your wits about you, tip everybody, and don't mouth off to the Mexican gentlemen.

You get in and out, plus you pay the girls generally only by the 1/2 hour. So your whole trip should only take 4-6 hours.

There is some danger, but most "tourists" have few problems. Good luck.
avatar for Ponce0501
12 years ago
Thanks all for the comments...not too worried about the border, nor am I looking to get laid...looking for a fun clubbing experiences - from the reviews sounds nice raunchy fun...probably not back in the area or not for a long time.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
IMO unless you want to get laid, there is no reason to go to TJ.
avatar for inno123
12 years ago
TJ has its problems, but it much better than a year or two ago and never was as bad as places like Juaraz. Just use your head and play it by the numbers.

1. Take the trolley from SD to the border.
2. Walk across the border, follow the stream of people to the taxi stand.
3. Say Adelita Bar, pay $5 when you get there.
4. Have one beer, scope out ladies.
5. Pick lady, get laid.
6. If you still have money repeat steps 4 and 5 either at Adelita, Hong Kong, or the standing girls in the immediate ares.
7. Get in taxi, say 'Linea' or Border. Pay $5
8. Stand in long line to show your passport (you did bring your passport and keep it in a safe place,right?)
9. Board trolley back to SD.

Do not, under any circumstances wander alone around the back streets of TJ while drunk unless you want to become the subject of a cautionary tale.
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
Make sure you have one of these documents or you will have to hire a coyote to get back home!

avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Go if you MUST! I personally wouldn't take the chance with my safety.
avatar for Electronman
12 years ago
I'm an old white guy with limited Spanish skills but I've made nearly a dozen trips to Hong Kong without incident following the script posted by inno123. I'd emphasize taking a cab through the seedy neighborhoods between the border and Hong Kong and staying reasonably sober and respectful. But every activity carries some risk so ask yourself if the benefits justify the risks. How much would you enjoy a) watching naked women on a shaving cream covered stage doing things with each other, with sex toys and with the customers that you'd never see in a US club? b) fondling and being fondled by 20-40 scantily clad Latina women, mostly in the 7-9 range; c) a legal 30 minute romp in an adjoining hotel for $60-80 for the chica and $12-15 for the hotel. Only you can calculate the benefits to risks ratio for yourself. If you go, post a review!
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago
Does Tijuana have an airport with direct flights to and from Canada?

Are my French language skills of any use in Tijuana? I have no Spanish.

Do the chicas take Canadian loonies?

avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
I definitely want to go sometime. Doesn't seem that risky. You just cross the border and take your taxi ride to the whore house and back. If I do get shot though, at least alutard can have his party.
avatar for mikeya02
12 years ago
TJ is not for you, Farmerart. Its for guys (a lot of them young) who want it cheap in a cheap room. Cancun with a hot latina escort is more your style.
avatar for TortillaChip
12 years ago
I have to say it sure is amusing telling the guy to stay home just because you are scared of your own shadow. If Ford made a car called The Coward, I know who would trade in their Focus.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Does alutard have some kind of anxiety disorder in addition to his half dozen or so other mental problems?
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Art ask Trojangreg. I knew he flew out of Tijuana to Mazatlan, Mexico.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
Ponce, Shadowcat is right.

"Unless you want to get laid, there is no reason to go to Tijuana."

avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
Farmer, Mikey is right. One of the Mexican resort towns with a high-class Mexican escort would be better suited for a gentleman like yourself.

Tijuana is like playing with the girls next door. You have fun getting a nice piece of ass at a cheap price, then you get the hell out of there before her brother catches you.
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago
Jeez, pablo, who ever told you I am a gentleman?
avatar for tenisbum1776
12 years ago
I remeber when I was stationed at Camp Pendleton back in the early 1980's that we made monthly Tijuana trips. Got laid on the couch of one of the bars for $5 one time. Sex was always the final stop before we headed back across the border. Before that we'd always go to the Jai-lai fronton and make a few bets. Sometimes in the afternoons we'd hit Aqua Caliente race track and bet the ponies.

I know my information is dated but I'm guessing so long as you stay in the public areas and don't shoot your mouth off to any groups of Mexican men, you won't have any problems.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Ditto shadowcat. If you are not looking to get laid “Taco Bell” style (i.e. south of the border); then just stick w/ the U.S. clubs.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Electron makes a very persuasive argument – makes me want to pack my bags :)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
if you do go to TJ, be careful you don’t run into “El Guapo”

avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
I agree, I would only go if I was going to partake of the legal extras. If just to watch and touch why hassle with it
avatar for mjx01
12 years ago
See inno123's comments. Spot on.

If you go, do not drive across the boarder, do not get drunk, and take your passport if you want to get back it to US.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
12 years ago
Inno has the procedure. Follow it. Do walk across, don't even think of driving your own car to Mexico.

Drac, I've spent many hours in downtown Toledo after midnight, and many hours in downtown TJ after midnight, and for safety I'll take TJ.

Art, charter a jet, have it pick me up at Willow Run and continue to TJ, and I'll bring you back a harem to choose from.
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