
Comments by inno123 (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Palms fined $1 million in drugs, prostitution settlement
    Why close them down when you can get an easy million dollars from them? The Gaming Commission controls casinos. They tend to operate with different assumptions than the folks regulating bars.
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    12 years ago
    my experience
    Well, if she didn't provide a HJ then the phrase "I wanted one more jerk after an hour or so" mean something you did to yourself? Having you jerk off while she dances for you is definitely extra tip territory and $10 is well less than the typical dancer would expect for the indignity of watching you jerk off at them.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Stage Dances
    Before the days of lap dances and VIP dances the stage was where dancers made their money. Now it is almost a waste of time. Still when I see a dancer just going through the motions I regard it as a negative sign. But what I really look for isn't fancy pole work but rather and indication about how the dancer feels about the rest of us in the club. In particular I want to see how she relates to the tippers. If she barely acknowledges them, bad sign. If she rewards them with a smile and a good view then better. If she rewards them with contact then the best. In other words if she thinks that you deserve a little special treatment for $1 or $2 then she is likely also going to treat you well for $10 or $20 or $100.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Cameras in Private Rooms
    It is occasionally possible that the club is under some sort requirement from a requirement on its conditional use permit or a court settlement to install cameras. Usually it is done so the club has evidence if somebody gets violent with a dancer or to settle disputes with a dancer. But more than everything else combined it is not the recording feature that they are interested in but the ability to have eyes all over the place without being as intrusive as waling and peeking in rooms.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    C-Sections and Breastfeeding
    A C-section is way too complicated and risky a procedure to do for cosmetic purposes only. I doubt many gynecologists would accept doing it for that purposes and certainly no insurance company would cover it.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Stripper who fell from balcony at Christie's Cabaret dies
    @Alucard, I did, but I don't know exactly why you felt that I should. I really have no idea what the Cleveland Christie's looks like on the inside. Their web site has some pictures on it but it doesn't say which location it is. There are a number of balcony fall deaths each year, particularly from hotel balconies. If the club was expecting dancers to include in their performance using a second floor guardrail like it was a dance apparatus then it was ill-advised.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper: Club Manager Demanded Sexual Favors
    @pabloantonio, I don't know how many would give up being independent contractors, but I sure know plenty of them would give up the tip out system that has everybody taking a piece of their money just for doing their jobs. Unless the club gives them sufficient independence it doesn't really matter what the dancer wants or what the club wants. The problem is that the club wants to call them independent, but the dancers are so flaky that they have to micromanage them, essentially causing them to be regarded as employees.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper: Club Manager Demanded Sexual Favors
    I'm SHOCKED! SHOCKED, I tell you! But wait, this isn't even part of the lawsuit, which is just another shot at the independent contractor/tip-out/stage-fee system? That is a system that just creates an environment where everybody is putting the squeeze on everybody else, and it is inevitable that a various forms of extortion (sexual or otherwise) show up. The writer does not seem to understand how the system works but it sounded like what was really happening was that there was a minimum required fees and tip-outs of 250 per shift. If the judge rules that the dancers were not genuinely independent there could be a lot of money owed them.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Can you get too cool with a stripper to ask for sex?
    Simple. When you take her out for her b-day tell her that you've booked a hotel room for you to finish the evening at. Either one of three things will happen. 1. She will decline the offer, perhaps with some excuse. Accept that you are permanently in the friend (without benefits)zone. 2, She will ask for a certain amount of money either directly or with some excuse about what she needs it for. You now have an OTC girl. 3. She will accompany you to the hotel room and have sex with you without asking for money. You now have a stripper girlfriend with all the drama and baggage that comes with one.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The Most Expensive and Least Expensive Strip Clubs You Have Been To?
    Least expensive? Well, Adelitas of course, no cover and any of the girls will fuck you for $60. Not really a fair comparison at all. Within the US I have not seen anything better than the 3 for $20 topless dances at the DV COI, where an extra $40 will get you some special attention. Another good deal, in a different way, was Dames n Games which often offers a $2.85 hamburger and beer special! Only bikini dances though. Most expensive is not much more than that because I do my research here and compare it to those two baselines and say no.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Ran into potential ATF OTC ... with her boyfriend
    Any dancer who does not do anything extra inside the club VIP room is not going to do OTC ever. In addition any dancer willing to do OTC will drop a hint to that regard with only the most minimal suggestion. If your real goal is OTC why not just go straight to the escorts and avoid the nonsense?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Palo Alto / South bay
    Well, you could rent a car OR get a one night hotel in San Francisco to crash at before returning on the very first train the next morning. But the ordinary train might not be that bad. When will you get off of work in Palo Alto? Can you catch a cab from your work to the Palo Alto Caltrain station by 6:43? Catch the 'Baby Bullet' train 385 which will get you into the Transbay Terminal at 7:24. From there it should be a ten minute taxi ride to the Crazy Horse. You can then spend FIVE HOURS at the Club, catch another ten minute cab ride to the Caltrain Station, and then catch the midnight train which will get you into the Palo Alto station at 12:57. Even the 9:01 PM train would still allow you an hour and a half in the club.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    what is a good lap dance? (hint for the dancers not the customers)
    Dancers should realize that a good lap dance is slow grind grind grind and not frantic bounce bounce bounce. Part of the problem is porn and other video depictions of lapdances, (Showgirls, for example) which tends to emphasize big huge movements because there is more for the camera to show.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What does it mean when...
    How strong are the muscle contractions when you have an orgasm (I presume you have had a few at least)? Are they always of the same intensity? It isn't so much the suddenness as the strength of the pulses.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    expectations in the VIP rooms
    If it hasn't been made very clear before you go in it won't be very clear once you are in. However for that much in most places you will get FS.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Want help?
    yeah, that was her way of offering a hand job, but certainly don't presume it would have been free!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dance Type: Nasty or Sensual
    sensual, even if just a LD. Most dancers are quite adaptable, but the customer just takes what the dancer considers normal when with just a word they could get the mood they like.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    City of Industry on a Monday night - Any Beauties?
    Rhino has the best quality of girls overall, but Deja Vu has the largest variety, so particularly if you have a very specific type of girl in mind your chances of finding her are better there. In addition on mondays DV has 3 for $20 topless available constantly. So a pretty big monday crowd. Third choice would be Synn and last choice would be Paradise. Or if you are already in the car and don't mind a longer drive go to Upland for Tropical Lei. If Pomona is closer you can try Strip Joint for a small but high value club or Bare n Legal for an even smaller but also high value club.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Idea For Improving Stage Show
    Too complicated by several orders of magnitude. I do agree that there is a problem with stage shows in most clubs. The problem is that the money is being made in the private dances so nobody gives a crap about the quality of the public ones. If they want to have better public shows they have to commit to making it the focus. 1. Turn off the TV. If you think what is on TV is better than live naked dancers than you are showing a distinct lack of faith in the quality of your live naked dancers. 2. Have everybody in the club: other dancers, bouncers, waitresses, Bartender, etc. applaud the start and end of a set EVERY TIME. What message does it send to the customers when the dancer starts on stage and all you get is a rattled off inaudible mubble from the DJ and nobody even blinks. It sends a message to the customers. 3. Add more theatricality to the stage shows. For example create choreographed light shows to the music. Have too many songs to do that? Trim your playlist to a shorter list of stuff right for your club.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    ever got kicked out of a club?
    If you actually screw up to the point of needing to be kicked out you might as well not come back even if they don't officially blacklist you. You are not going to get good service ever again there.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Vegas During CES
    On the plus side the clubs will definitely staff up as much as they can. One tactic would be to try the slightly lesser known clubs, the ones that aren't the obvious choices.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Anal ITC
    I have certainly had suggestions that it would be available, but if you don't think that FS is worth the extra then you REALLY will not think that anal is worth the extra. The general ballpark with escorts and such is to pay double for anal compared to FS. The general code for getting anal is either 'greek' or 'pornstar experience'.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Need help from you vets
    Glad I frequent clubs that are not that busy. What I can suggest. Become a 'regular'. That means more than just frequency of visits and tons of money. Take time to get to chat up the barkeep, the doorman, the DJ, the manager etc. and get to know them as people and vice-versa. Then perhaps have a conversation like this 'Bunny looks like she might be a lot of fun in a private dance, but she seems to be never free.' Your very own on-staff wingman! Having gotten access via the prior technique see if you can get a number to text the dancer at. Then text her as to when she will be coming in to the club. When she answers ask 'If I am already there can you....' Note that you will want to include a selfie so she will recognize you. Now you're the cockblocker!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Shift Change
    @tumblingdice...hit a bit close to home I have. Look it is pretty obvious from your ONE review that you are actually a shill for the club, and I am betting that your wallet gets filled with tip-outs. I don't know if your tip-outs are 10 percent total or each to the manager, bartender, dj, and doorman or 40% total. Frankly I haven't seen a doorman or dj or even a bartender give anything to me remotely worth ten percent of what I gave to the dancer. Lets call things what they are. Having a manager demand ten percent 'to overlook' is extortion. It is "pay me or I'll rat on you and get you fired". And since we both know that what the manager is 'overlooking' in exchange for a cut of the payment is sex for money how exactly does that make said manager something besides a pimp? It's a biz, squeeze the ho's for your take for protection. Not to mention the whole tax fraud angle of everybody being slipped cash under the table. The DJ's job is branding. He either brands or he is not doing his job. You expect that in a radio station the DJ is going to say to the ad sales staff pay me ten percent of your commissions or I won't push your products the way you want? No, that DJ is going to be fired or told to go back to the booth and do his job. Do you think the doorman at a hotel is going to tell the manager pay me ten percent of the room rate or I will tell arrivals that the place stinks? No, that doorman is going to be either fired or told to get to the curb and do his job.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Shift Change
    @shadowcat....ah, the tip-out systems. I could go on a whole separate rant on the evils of the tip-out system. But suffice it to say that any mid-shift dancer could do an end-of-shift payment to the day shift manager based on her revenues so far in her day. Most tip-out systems have the dancers giving a fraction of their revenue. Part of the whole tip out system is that the shift managers start to think and act like pinps protecting and exploiting their stable of ho's rather than somebody managing one part of a single customer focused business. @Alucard....indeed I shall exercise my right to choose, but part of what I am is looking at how design and management makes one club great and another the pits.