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avatar for funk949
alright guys i have a real big instance for you guys that i REEEEEEEALLY need help on

im 21 years old, my sister is 26 years old
my sister has a bestfriend who has been a striper for over 3 years, she was supposed to be a nurse by now but a year ago she lost her house and her folks lost their jobs, her mom has diabetes
this stripper has grown maaad feelings for me and i had to give in
she claims that she only uses guys for money and will never sell her body like that..EVER!
she wants to finish her school work to become a nurse and she'll be able to support her family and a roof, btw she pays rent, insurance for 2 cars, and two phone bills, plus food
do you guys really think she is being loyal to me and im not wasting my time?, she has told me and told me that she loves me and shes never asked for a penny! we talk about this but quite frankly i feel like im just being fooled, my sister doesnt know btw but her family does


last comment
avatar for inno123
12 years ago
Yes strippers do have boyfriends. They have guys that they are with out of love. Now, if by loyal you mean that she is only being intimate with you the chances are about zero. If by loyal you mean the only person she actually loves then very possibly yes. You might be the only one to have her heart. If that is not enough and you think that there are other parts that need to be ouny for you then this relationship is a bad idea. If you are going to be jealous of the other guys she is getting naked with for money then it is time to leave.

Now, if you are willing to accept her on those terms there is a lot that you can do to keep her on that exit plan. All strippers say they have an exit plan but only a few pull it off.
avatar for funk949
12 years ago
what do you mean "Now, if by loyal you mean that she is only being intimate with you the chances are about zero"
My advice for you is don't do it.
avatar for funk949
12 years ago
i just feel like she is being truthful despite what she does to make money, because her own blood knows were going out and only her little brother knows that she dances
if she were to hurt my she would have to deal with my sister, she knows my mom passed away and would feel worse if she did something
she has cried before when i tell her that i cant do this anymore, she hasnt been working as much as she once used to and she doesnt really talk to her customers anymore
such a tough situation
avatar for mrrock
12 years ago
Since you've met outside the club it's prolly real. However can you deal with having your girl out rubbing all over other guys all night long? That's something you gotta think about!
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Inno123 seems to have addressed this correctly. Be aware that dancers are not always truthful regarding dancing, since society doesn't approve and many people individually don't either. Be careful and be aware.
avatar for funk949
12 years ago
me and this girl started hanging out only cause of my sister, when we started hanging out she was like a real real good FRIEND, 1 year passed and we hung out so much that we finally confesed our feelings to eachother and we both felt the same
avatar for More4Me
12 years ago
I've clubbed for a while & seen too much. Don't take anything at face value, however what your girl does inside a club def varies. If its an air dance only club, not a big deal and she's banking $ for right reasons and not've got a keeper.

If she's in a high mileage club known for extras...she might Love you but could come home w STD and would you want to kiss those lips?

Probably in between and if she's not an extras girl, doesn't kiss guys, & can hold her liquor so doesn't compromise herself...sounds like she has no choice & is being a shield for her family.

Let her earn your trust.
Run,run like hell,change your name,change your hair color,change your address.Trust me.
avatar for jestrite50
12 years ago
Well there is a thing called SS. Stripper Shit. I deal with it every day with a couple girls that say they love me. Well maybe they do outside the club but inside the club they got to do anything thats required to make money. Strippers live 2 lives. She may feel shes faithful to you as long as she doesnt go with guys OTC. Because thats one life. The other life ITC is just a job to a stripper and she could do whatever there and still feel shes being faithful because thats her work.
I live 2 lives too. One with strippers and one without. I am a different person when Im not with a stripper. She has to be a different person when shes with a customer.
There are some strippers that aren't screwing other guys. But at minimum, she is probably allowing guys to grope her, finger her pussy, and kiss her. And rubbing on a guy's crotch over the pants.

Just have to ask yourself if that's ok and can you accept that.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Fuck her a few times and then give a few years to decide
More4Me probably hit the nail on the head.

Low mileage club = no big deal.
High mileage club = never know if Juice has been in the club shovin' a cucumber up her ass while he fucks her.

Now you jes' gotta ask yourself..."if my girlfriend regularly has a dude named "Juice" insert produce in her anus while they are having coitus would I be troubled?" If the answer is yes you might want to find some way of assuring yourself that she doesn't do that shizzle.

Seriously though, I'm a romantic. You probably have a gut feeling about this. Think about the club she works at (e.g., check whether it is on Juice's hotlist) and have an honest conversation with her.

On the other hand, you could embrace the role of stripper boyfriend. Start a band (don't actually have to be musical BTW). Buy an X-box and get really good at Haloor whatever the kids play these days. Quit your job!!! After all, she is making money. If you go this route, encourage her to find a rich boyfriend, preferably one named "Juice" who will pay a LOT because he is all into DPing her with produce.
I have a stripper sugar baby. We fuck regularly. She has a boyfriend she lives with and who acts as a father to her kids. He knows that I regularly give her money, but so far, has given no indication that he knows what else is going on, but face it, why would a guy twice her age give her money?

Can you be that kind of boyfriend?
and you guys acuse me of writing fictional posts. this just looks like a troll to me.
Jestrite!Head check,strippers love you?
Crazy Janie and the mission man.
But carolynne, we play along with *you*, don't we? Why should be not extend the same courtesy to this...person.
Just read the reviews of the club she works at. If she works in metro Detroit, she's probably suckin alotta dick at the very least.
I'm mostly with More4Me and zipman:

Low mileage / no OTC / no drugs = may not be big deal
High mileage / drugs involved = run!

However, even in a low mileage situation, you're still going to have to figure in the stripper shit and jealous factors. There's always going to be extra baggage due to the stripper job.
avatar for stenton1
12 years ago
Date her if you must, but have another stripper or non stripper as a backup insurance policy! Most of us on this thread have encountered similar situations many times,, and always have a working plan B! You may not realize this now, but you'll thank me later! Believe that!!
avatar for tenisbum1776
12 years ago
I think you're getting the best advice from Jestride50, Alucard, Inno 123 and especially More4Me. Ask yourself, is the relationship worth the emotional highs and lows inherient when having a stripper as your girlfriend? Many strippers make customers "earn their trust" before they will consider OTC. I'd say the reverse is a reasonable path for you to follow in this instance.
C'mon tenisbum-dude. My advise to start rappin', play video games, quit workin', and encourage his girlfriend to "date" pervos with money not getting any love from you? Gotta admit it is a different way to go. And if the dude be trollin' it be pretty appropriate.
avatar for Player11
12 years ago
Strippers have guys around their own age for traditional relationships and then older guys like me who give them money for otc sessions or itc in the club. The smart strippers will keep the SD relationship a secret from the BF or husband.
avatar for cobraguy
12 years ago
if you don't know the status of the clb she works at. go look the reviews up here. I've dated too many strippers..... ones i met ITC ones i met OTC doesnt matter it usually comes down to the club. if she's in a low mileage club ur probably good. as long as u can handle the fact guys are groping her and vice versa...

now if its a high mileage club.." like every club in detroit" ur screwed. if they werent doing extras before trust me they will. they all do at some point. be it alcohol, or just a good looking guy makes a good money offer. or hell an ugly dude. honestly the worst thing u have goin for u is she has had a house, cars etc and now doesnt or at least doesnt have the house. so she wants those things back... which take lots of money. if she hasnt reached it yet she will reach a point where the money of not doing extras isn't good enough anymore... and take it from someone who's been there done that. they cannot go back from that..

if shes a 10... stick around for awhile see how it goes anything less than an 8 pop smoke and get out.
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
Don't waste your time unless she is done stripping. In my youth I would have been OK with her stripping but I am older and wiser now. I would not hold stripping in her past against her.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
Poor Funk, you are thinking with your dick instead of your brain.

Wake up dude, I hate to burst your bubble, this being your first girlfriend and all, but there is no such thing as a loyal stripper.

Tell her when she is serious about quitting the stripclub life, then you will marry her. Unless of course you want to play the role of pimping your "wife" cause she's gonna get laid by other guys.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
It's a long shot to commit to somebody based on their promise that they will eventually change. If you can handle being committed to a stripper, go ahead and commit to her now. Otherwise, say you want to wait till she stops dancing. If she can't accept that, she doesn't love you that much anyway.
avatar for redxxxRose
12 years ago
hey the best thing to do in your situation is to send some guy to her club to buy a dance from her and see what she does,also how she talks,what she says,and what she offers to do or agrees to for various amounts of money.If you're okay with the intel your snitch collects for you on her,then calm down and enjoy your strong,kind,friendly,loving,and sexy girlfriend,who deserves a freaking break,and all the support,trust and warm and real cuddle you can give! I agree its not the best job for a partner in the relationship to have,but trust me,i danced on and off for 5 years,in and out of 'good' day jobs,-the worst whores are those 'good' girls who studied their ass off in all sorts of schools and then suffer through their boring office jobs(that their parents chose for them) so bad,that they go to 'normal' bars and fuck all the wrong guys who don't give a shit about them.
Like everyone else said it depends on if it's a extras club or not. It also depends on the area. If she's in Detroit, she's probably sucking dick. I think in general the strippers that are 9's and 10's don't have to do extras to make good money. Good luck, go with your heart, but don't be surprised if it doesn't work out.
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