
Comments by ei8ht_Ball (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    ATF Disrespect.
    Granted, you're "relationship" with the girl isn't "real", but that doesn't mean that ATF can't go both ways. If she treats you that way it means that even though she's your ATF, you're clearly not hers. I'm with NJBalla on this one - give her a 5 year break, then ask yourself if she's even appealing to you anymore.
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    6 years ago
    Running off at the mouth
    I agree. It's even worse than dropping your CF's name, because there could be two Destiny's at the club.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    OT: Anyone have experience dealing with a coworker making libelous claims about
    SJG - start your own fucking thread. Jesus H Christ already.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What if you caught your son on this site?
    nicespice - just one point of clarification before I respond. Was this hypothetical SON conceived at a strip club? If he was, then it's kinda the parent's fault, don't you think. I'd see it the same as smoking while with child and then expecting the kid not to be addicted to nicotine.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Evil Sheldon!
    Customer Hunting.
    "Ladies, what are you looking for in a customer when you get off the stage (other than showering you in singles)?" They're not just looking for a customer to shower them with ones, they are looking for a customer who has seen them before and is a consistent spender. If you ft the bill, they come see you.
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    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    if you could be any super hero, which one would you be and why
    I tell me CF all the time that she's like a super hero. Her super power is turning money into a vagina!
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    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Date at the Olive Garden: when to pop the question??
    If she's willing to settle for the Olive garden then you should have already asked a long time ago . . .
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Did desertscrub's mom suck you dry, too?
    'I think she's sugaring'
    I get that kind of look all the time when out and about with my CF. Though our age difference isn't quite what you describe.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Etiquette question
    I would have said, "Of course I remember you, you're that girl who takes her clothes off for money!"
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What is the proper etiquette when a former CF goes to shit?
    "I honestly dont get how this happens to people, though, like they have to shower at some point so why does this happen? So many beautiful girls with horrible smells coming out from under them" Mtent - I don't think it's that she doesn't shower. I truly believe that something inside of her is rotting. I suppose the problem might fix itself (for me, not for her) because she can't continue to make money at the club smelling like something died. Cashman1234 - I wish it was just a drug problem. I'd feel perfectly comfortable telling a girl I used to like that she could come back after her life is in order, should she decide to. But this is a nice girl, and I think it's a problem that she truly can't help. "But on the other hand, you’re not obligated to. Feel free to say you’re “done” with her as well." nicespice - I appreciate the insight from another dancer. This might be the direction it has to go. "You’re a customer" Gawker - I needed to hear that. Sometimes being a customer feels like a one way street, like when you know she's only using you even though you're good to her, but it actually is a two way street. I should be able to walk away at any time without feeling bad about it. It's not my fault something died, and if it had happened to me she's just as likely to refuse my money before putting up with the stench. Thanks!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Guys who call themselves "PL"
    "Dugan has a wife and kids, but yet fucks strippers and takes advantage of strippers when they’re in tough situations." I could easily make the argument that everyone's employer takes advantage of their need for money. Otherwise we wouldn't work. But I did choose my occupation. Sometimes I stay later than I want to and sometimes I take on assignments that I'd rather not have. Should strippers be spared from making similar exceptions in their line of work?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Skipped my ATF for another dancer - how should I play it with her when I go back
    Studme53 - Do you really want to be with your ATF instead of the hot little babe you got to mess around with? If so, ask yourself why. If it's because your ATF has good qualities that you like, then just tell her what those qualities are. She'll probably appreciate it. If she doesn't act upset then you don't have to bring it up. But if she is upset, tell her you didn't realize how good you had it with her until you got dances from some other girls. Don't bash the other girls or tell her what you didn't like about specific girls, just tell her it made you appreciate her more. And give her a good tip. Like others have said, don't try to play another girl in an attempt to expand the menu. My CF doesn't do everything I ask for, and I appreciate her being open about boundaries so that I know how to make her feel comfortable with me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    Follow up to the discussion I just posted . . .
    Subraman and Stripfighter - my experience is similar to what you each describe. These aren't whores or backpage girls. How many of them truly got into stripping because they wanted to do extras ethier ITC or OTC? But there is an evolution at play and some of them will become comfortable with it under a magnitude of different situations . . . and for some not at all. There's also a good number that will pretend that they are considering OTC with you so long as you keep coming back and spend as they go through the motions that they are still **pretending** to consider it . . . and even with these girls, some eventually will do OTC depending on changes to their financial situation and so forth . . . and if you were a gentleman and decent to hang out with, who knows what continues to happen after that. A nice dinner and a comfortable bed sure does beat spending the entire evening on your feet trying to hustle $20 dances from any old dude who walks in. I enjoy the chase as much as I enjoy meeting up OTC. I can't get the same experience from a whore, let alone an escort. It's not even close.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Guys who call themselves "PL"
    I have women half my age sitting around naked and flirting with me. Why on earth would that be pathetic? They ignore the cheap bastards and pay attention to me. I view it as a sign of success. I do agree with what rickdugan is saying. If you know what you want out of this and have the means to get it, go ahead and get it. I consider strip club customers pathetic if they fall into one of these categories: 1) They've been trying for years and have never gotten OTC 2) They overpay constantly and/or they feel obligated to buy a dance from anyone who asks politely 3) They think the girl really has feelings for them 4) When they get a girls number they're blocked almost immediately because they text her constantly The list, of course, is not all inclusive. But I would never refer to myself as a PL. I don't see the humor and I don't think it applies to me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Dating strippers
    I'd rather just give her money at the end of the evening so that there's no ambiguity about what we're doing. And once things stop working out I just give money to a different girl and the two of us can pick up where I left off with the other one. This approach makes life simple.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Escorts & Strippers that R.O.B. customers
    "You said "I can't stand escorts. They're all whores." That indicates at least a moderate dislike of them and let's not pretend that whore isn't often used as a disparaging term for them especially given what came before it." I don't care for escorts in their professional capacity. It's not a reflection on who they are in their private life and I did not say that they are bad people. I feel the same about lawyers, though I get the impression that skibum is a fun guy in his private life. Yes, whore is a disparaging term. The entire point of my comment is that I find strippers on average to be less whorish. That, and I can't stand escorts. They're all whores.
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    6 years ago
    Escorts & Strippers that R.O.B. customers
    "Yes escorts are different and a different kind of sex work, probably have sex with more guys but that doesn't make them a bad person." I never called escorts bad people. I called them whores. They have sex for money (ie., definition of whore). Strippers don't necessarily do this, but can be persuaded to with the right customer, and the experience feels much less whorish. How many escorts have you been with? How many strippers have you talked out of the club? Are your thoughts based on theory or experience?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Who Knows You're a PL or Stripper IRL?
    I think my CF knows, but that's about it.
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    6 years ago
    New York
    Signs you are a regular
    6. They tell you not to worry about ever paying the door fee again.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I want you to answer an interesting question about Strip Clubbing...
    "Do you have a way of “classifying” different dancers? " Yes - there are dancers willing to meet me at a hotel, and other dancers who are not.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Escorts & Strippers that R.O.B. customers
    "Jesus eight_ball how hypocritical. Escorts are just like strippers they're just doing a different kind of sex work." DC - there's a huge difference between an escort that fucks so many guys that she can't get wet without lube and a girl who got into stripping purely to strip, but eventually decides that she's wiling to make an exception for the right customer. Put another way - is there any tread left on the track or are we basically throwing a hot dog down a hallway at this point?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Your choice?
    A - but I'll find the one girl in the place that is a 9, tip enough on stage to get her attention, and then proceed with the $30 dances My second choice is B - except I'd say "just give me nekkid girls on stage and I’ll judicially hand out money to the attractive girls who bothered to smile and make idle chit chat with me."
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    Dancer wants a non p4p date?
    I vote that after dinner you take her on a long romantic walk, maybe along a river or something, and see what kind of kissing/PDA unfolds. I wouldn't bring her back to my hotel and I wouldn't have much cash on me. But if she wants to do it again then I'd definitely be up for it, until the emergencies that Papi mentioned start turning up . . . if that happens, leave.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Evil Lair
    PL Etiquette Part 2
    I think you did the right thing. I also wouldn't text a girl if we've only done just a couple VIPs together, but if she's a CF then I think a text would be appropriate. In fact my CF and I were just talking about this the other night, and we both agreed that if we see each other in public just send a text first to confirm whether or not it's okay to approach the other. I assume that if she sees me in public it would be at a store or a restaurant, and she'll probably ask me to buy her something, so I'll also take this into consideration before sending/responding to a text. It's all contingent on how expensive the store is and what my non-clubbing expenses are adding up to for the month.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Wearing wedding ring to SC or seen a dancer with a wedding ring?
    I prefer not to wear the ring. Depending on the girl, I may or may not tell her I'm married. The only time I've found a downside to not admitting I'm married is with an older stripper pushing 40 who legitimately wanted to date me. I never went back on my lie that I was single, and she eventually stopped selling me dances, which sucked because she was hot. I prefer not to know if the stripper is married. Sure, I expect that she might have a shitty boyfriend, but there's something about a girl only giving me a lap dance because her husband can't take care of her that rubs me the wrong way.