Signs you are a regular

avatar for NJBalla
1. The bartender knows your drink of choice
2. The other girls dont approach you if your fav is there
3. The owner knows your name
4. Increase in mileage
5. You forget the last time you asked "how many songs was that" lol


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avatar for ei8ht_Ball
6 years ago
6. They tell you not to worry about ever paying the door fee again.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
7. You track the girls' lunar cycles on your calendar and you schedule your visits accordingly. You discern if they are in sync.

avatar for playfulsteve
6 years ago
similar to 2:
8: random dancer tells you she'll go get your fav for you as she's in the back right now...
9: fav halts conversation with whomever she's talking with at the time, and damn near tackles you in a hug/kiss.....
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
You know who the main dancers are, and confidently tell newbies “I’ve never seen you here before”
avatar for NJBalla
6 years ago
lol @playful steve. I have had a few dancers in the past try to get me to try a dance with them. Then i'd say im waiting for someone only to see them walk back to the changing room and bring my fav out. While they didn't know my name I later learned they had a nickname for me.

@SJG good point. here's a youtube link you'd enjoy.…
avatar for shailynn
6 years ago
You know which girls have the clap.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
There's an engraved name plate on your barstool.
avatar for Mnaz
6 years ago
You have at least 5 of the last 10 high scores on the pinball machine.
avatar for magicrat
6 years ago
The bartender says to the new girl....he's here with (insert fav name) and she immediately goes as far away from me as she could. Evidently the fav had some clout there?
avatar for NJBalla
6 years ago
Lol, one more. When you walk in it's like cheers. Everyone knows your name (bartender, customer, other regulars). This is fairly easy if you are a daytime regular.
avatar for busta_nut
6 years ago
Guilty and charged.
avatar for JohnSmith69
6 years ago
You’ve had sex with half of the women working there.
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
Every one knows where you sit.
avatar for JohnSmith69
6 years ago
I always know if scat is at Follies despite the darkness and the congestion. Just look to see if he’s in his seat.
avatar for goldmongerATL
6 years ago
Had a new girl walk up to me and say that <Stripper> says you like it doggie in VIP. So do I.

Have another that I do not VIP with that is friends with two that I do take to VIP. She always offers to find one of them for me.
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
There is not a single dancer in the place who doesn’t know you want to play with her boobs. Even the one that just started that night two hours before you walked in.
avatar for Vantablack
6 years ago
You walk in and the staff/girls recognize you
avatar for Dominic77
6 years ago
When I visited a club 3 times within 10 days, I found the dancers almost universally responded: "No, what are you doing here?! Not you, too. Do NOT become one of these guys!! Dominic, please go home.." Truthfully, I agreed with them.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
johnsmith69. that’s a nice issue i have.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
You look for the newbies and the waitresses, because with them it is easier to pull their chains and get the to respond the way you want. With the experienced dancers, they are on to all the games and tricks.

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