Joined Sep, 2018
Last Seen Nov, 2018
Front Room
6 years ago
Is this a sign of acceptance or a tool for discrimination?
I was opening a new bank account online today. One of the questions it asked is what industry do I work in. This was in addition to my...
Front Room
6 years ago
What's the most Rickdugan has ever paid for a solid 4?
Anyone care to speculate?...
Front Room
6 years ago
What's the most you would pay for full service OTC with a complete 10?
My CF doesn't do full service. But she's so fucking gorgeous that I can't help but want to see her OTC anyways. And what she does let me...
Front Room
6 years ago
Ever get a dance from a girl who smelled so bad . . .
. . . that you felt sorry for any girl that might rub up against you after she was done?
Is there a polite way to end a dance mid-song? ...
Front Room
6 years ago
Two girls for one OTC encounter . . .
What kind of luck have you guys had with this? Was it a great experience or just twice the money for the same amount of fun?
I met...
Front Room
6 years ago
Has anyone one else ever gotten a refund before?
For me, this is a first. I was doing a 30 minute VIP with a really hot baby stripper. Halfway through she said she had to pee really...
Front Room
6 years ago
Would it really be worth it?
If you had the opportunity to marry your ATF, but it meant you could never go to a strip club again and could never have sex outside of marriage, would...
Front Room
6 years ago
In jackslah's absence
Q: How do you get a stripper to have an orgasm?
A: Who cares?...
Front Room
6 years ago
OT: Anyone have experience dealing with a coworker making libelous claims about
It doesn't have anything to do with mongering, but it's affecting my career. Any advice?...
Front Room
6 years ago
What is the proper etiquette when a former CF goes to shit?
There's this girl who was my CF a number of years ago, when she was still a baby stripper. I thought she was completely adorable and she has always...
Front Room
6 years ago
Follow up to the discussion I just posted . . .
What percent of girls that you've done OTC with said no the first time you asked?
For me it's like 40%. And the one I do it with the most...
Front Room
6 years ago
Some nights nobody is feeling it . . .
Last night I got a very mediocre dance from a super cute girl who previously gave it a lot more effort. She might have just been tired. I'm...
Front Room
6 years ago
Maybe this isn't so bad . . .
If you had to chose between having this discussion forum overrun by trolls or stripper's boyfriends which would you choose and why?...
Front Room
6 years ago
For those of us who are married . . .
Do you talk about your relationship with strippers?
When I first started clubbing I always pretended to be single, but soon learned how unnecessary it is. Since then I've had...
Front Room
6 years ago
If you were new to strip clubbing and needed advice . . .
. . . and the only thing you knew about TUSCL was from reading the discussions that have been posted over the past month (including all of the troll posts),...
Front Room
6 years ago
Has anyone seen Marice Hase as a feature?
I don't watch porn so I don't really know anything about the girl. But I love Asian women and she performs at a club near me soon. Does...
Front Room
6 years ago
I want to tweak my thread . . .
Tell us about the stripper you would have stolen from without thinking twice had she absentmindedly left her cash unattended in the lap dance room. What did she do...
Front Room
6 years ago
I'm an honest human being . . .
Was doing a 2-for-1 special last night and was having so much fun that after the song ended neither of us knew if it had been 1 or 2 songs....
Front Room
6 years ago
What's the worst thing you've ever seen on a strippers criminal record?
two_bits and I are dying to know . . . ...
Front Room
6 years ago
Your best CF ever . . .
. . . how long did it last? Did you eventually decide to move on or did she leave the industry?...
Front Room
6 years ago
What's your reason for doing this?
A) You just love naked women?
B) It's a social interaction thing?
C) Looking for a relationship or emotional gratification or any of the hundreds of other things that you truly won't...
Front Room
6 years ago
What's the longest it's taken you to recover from good OTC?
I'm not really hung over, but last night was a late one. Thinking of cancelling plans with a good fried. Is this an indication that I have a...
Front Room
6 years ago
What's the nicest thing you've ever done for a CF on her birthday?
What's the nicest thing you've ever done for a CF on her birthday?...
Front Room
6 years ago
Sweetie . . .
. . . if you're reading this, I'm not really contemplating replacing you as my CF, and I'm not going to work another girl in front of you in an...