
Comments by ei8ht_Ball (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What's the most you would pay for full service OTC with a complete 10?
    "10's are rare to find. I have paid $500/hr for a 9 before." Evasparkling - i'm glad you made that comment. This particular girl is just going to hang out the whole night, dinner included. I'm paying by the night, not by the hour, and given this fact I've always considered her rate reasonable, even though others will do more for less, but in shorter period of time.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What's the most you would pay for full service OTC with a complete 10?
    rickdugan - you're right! How old is she? 23 Does she have kids? Nope What region is she in? Midwest How much did she quote? It takes all the fun out of the post if I say this upfront, but it's a lot more than other girls in the area charge. She's also significantly hotter than any other girl you'll meet at a strip in this area, and it's in a girl next door sort of way. Let's just say her initial price had an extra zero on it. After I negotiated for a while it had an extra half-zero on it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What's the most you would pay for full service OTC with a complete 10?
    Another important point: it's bareback. We've been hanging out for a long time and both know each other's histories really well, so there's no concern about going bareback.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OTC dinner choices.
    "Only like 5% of liberals are vegan" She's a republican.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    troll agenda
    "but then he got lazy with the satire/wittiness and just started saying things that were straight malice." The things people can say after having a few too many at the strip club can be bad. That, and his back brace might have been on a bit too tight. What about Randal_McMurphy? He had his moments too, until he got into it pretty bad with BJ.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    It's the season of being contacted by your past
    "the difference is anywhere between 28-34" Good for you Warrenboy75. Even if they are contacting you purely for financial reasons, you should view this as a sign of success in life. My experience has been that the guys who get re-contacted the most are polite, respectful, have other redeeming qualities, and don't jerk the girl around when it's time to pay. They might remember the creepy guys for the rest of their lives, but they don't ever contact them again. There's an art to "dating" girls that much younger in the p4p world, and it sounds to me like you're doing it right. "my first impulse when I see these text or e-mails out of the blue is something went off plan with their lives or that dating people their own age doesn't measure up to what and how they recall the past." This is probably true. But how many guys do these girls swap contact information with? They remembered you and they contacted you? Yes, they need money, but a lot of these girls are in a position to be selective with regard to how they go about it. If you want to see any of them again, then I suggest you enjoy it for what it is.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    troll agenda
    Strip clubbing is an expensive hobby that often caters to the lonely. I assume that the majority of the trolls are looking for free entertainment when they're not at the club, assuming all of these trolls actually go to clubs in the first place. At the same time, this is a community of people who would rather buy artificial friends who are attractive and easy to get out of their clothes than spend their time forming true bonds with their peers. Or, they spend countless hours trying to justify to themselves that the bond they formed with the stripper is real. I think it's only natural that the social skills for a large portion of this forum are simply lacking, and trolling evolves as a second hobby for the socially inept (when they aren't paying a beautiful woman to pretend that she likes them, of course). But I will give props to the truly creative trolls. Two_bits was one of my favorites. He made laugh. And there's a part of me that hopes DC9428 is a troll, because he's way too young to concede to paying for a beautiful woman's attention. I didn't have to do that when I was his age. And I hope he doesn't think that this is the only way to interact with women.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OTC dinner choices.
    Mine's vegan. But I did order shrimp myself the first time I took her out.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    It's the season of being contacted by your past
    A lot of the girls I attract at strip clubs have mental health issues. When it's done it's done, and I never hear from them again. The one I'm seeing now has it together in all areas, including the mental health department. She says that when we're done with our thing she'll still want to be friends and keep in touch. I can't tell if she means it or if it's just a line to make me feel important to her while I'm helping her out, but it doesn't matter. I'm older and more mature and I understand that when she moves on in life she might occasionally look back fondly on the time we spent together, but it's unlikely that she'll want to keep in contact with a customer from the club as she pursues a normal life. Warrenboy75 - what's the age difference with these girls? The ones I go after are roughly 20 years younger, so I really don't expect much contact after it's over. If they were closer in age it might be different. Or perhaps you just have something going on about you that I've never had.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    West Coast. He who dies with the most memories wins.
    And I Thought I Was A PL
    When she says "it is not yet 10:00 and she has already made $500" it doesn't mean anything. Girls lie about their take all the time. It doesn't mean you spent more than the other guy, but at the same time, if he complained about the price but you didn't see him spend the cash, then it doesn't necessarily mean he's spent so much as a dime on her. Are they playing you? I don't see any indication, other than she wants you to think she's in demand and worth spending money on. And I wouldn't consider this being played, but more or less a negligible level of BS that goes with the territory. If it is a hustle, then you clearly found it more enjoyable than listening to a sob story about how broke the girl is and she really needs you to spend on her, so I'd just appreciate it for what it is. Is he in on it or a bigger PL than the rest of us? It's better to just enjoy your experiences for the fantasy that they are and not worry about the other customers/boyfriends. It's really none of our business. And who knows how true the stories we hear from these girls really are. If he is a newbie and being taken advantage of, he certainly won't be the first. If he's giving money to a girl he's "dating" then in theory he should know better, and seeing her behavior towards another customer should have told him something. But really, who knows?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Eating pussy ITC
    My experience is no. If she works at a club where they allow this activity and she can demand a good tip for it then she has no incentive to risk her safety by leaving the club. Though it could be different in areas where high mileage is more the norm or if she isn't getting good tips for it in the club.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Beat the Tiger crap out of them
    Did you read the reviews first? Yes, they are awful, but they meet expectations.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Nickle and Dime Story
    I stopped in a dive last night that i haven't frequented in years. The only good looking girl there remembered my from a different club i used to see her at over a year ago. She came directly to me. The conversation was awkward but she's hot, so I just asked for some dances to move things along. They were the best dances I've had in a while, and since it was a dive they were much dirtier than what can be had at the place she used to work. I'd have dipped her, but they dances were so good that I emptied my wallet on them. I don't like being asked for tips. I tip when the service was good, and all else being equal, I prefer the girl whose eyes widen at a tip over the girl who asks for a tip. But that's just me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Name a Popular Strip Club you have visited, which lives up to its reputation?
    Hip Hugger
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Finding Cash
    I cleaned out my car last week, found a wad of singles in the glove box and a coffee cup stuffed with more singles under the seat. Don't remember how they got there, but they all made their way into different girls underwear the next night.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The guy in the fancy suit picking up your ATF at the club
    Its Funny How Men Here Talk about "The Thrill of the Chase"
    Picking up strippers isn't always easy. Are we talking a baby stripper who's never done OTC and it never even occurred to her how many disgusting propositions she would get when she auditioned for the job last week? Or a 35 year-old stripper who isn't making what she used to? The one I'm seeing right now was a challenge. She didn't say yes the first tome I asked, or the 10 times after that. And when she eventually did venture outside the club it didn't become a regular thing right off the bat. Fast forward 1.5 years, and I'm having the time of my life with the girl and she doesn't make me feel like i'm with a whole. The fact that she's 20 years younger makes it all the more fun. And she lets me bring other girls along to so long as they meet her (and my) standars. What was the question again?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What's the best way to make a dancer mad?
    Throw your spare change at her while she's dancing.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Are strip clubs a good place to practice talking to girls?
    Yes, just tell the stripper you want to be better at talking to girls. Most will give you legitimate advice, especially if it's to improve your real life chances with a girl other than her.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Extras Discounts for Regulars
    "2. More “goodies” each time" I think this is the best one to go for, as paying less is basically a pay decrease to the girl, which can be insulting. And spending more time for the same amount is basically the equivalent of a pay decrease because it cuts into her earnings with other customers. If she values you as a customer she should be willing to go the extra mile once you've established yourself as part of her regular income. I've found that more for less only really works if the girl reaches out to you, like texting you to come in on a slow night or something.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    Has anyone one else ever gotten a refund before?
    "did you get your money back?" "I'd paid $250 for half an hour, she gave me back $200" So it cost me $50 for 15 minutes in VIP. I'm not complaining.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    I am a hot girl on Seeking Arrangement... Day 1
    "One guy sent a dick pic. Weirdly his dick was on the smaller than average size so I don't know why he would do that?" I've told flagooner like 100 times to stop sending out pictures of his little penis but he won't listen. I wonder if finding out that this time a man was on the other end will change his behavior?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Capt. Save-a-Ho
    "What is the term for a poster that tries to rescue another poster from an onslaught of abuse that they receive on the discussion board?" If a poster finds anything that anyone else says on here abusive then they're putting far too much weight in the opinions of strangers. That said, I've always considered flagooner to be a fucking idiot, and this post proves it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Making Big Money is Relative
    Baby strippers are so precious, especially when they haven't figured out how the world works and still have no idea what a lot of money looks like.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Why do some of you guys treat dancers as unlovable?
    I think it's important to distinguish between the stripper who does this for a few years to make ends meet before moving on to something else and the stripper who clearly has no other options (or simply chooses not to pursue other options) and stripper for as long as she can make a buck at it. While I'm not going to date a stripper myself, I think my CF is extremely dateable and I hope she finds a good relationship when she moves on. I think Rick Dugan said it best: "A tough minded young Russian stripper once said to me that she'd never want any guy who would be ok with her dancing. So she stayed away from serious relationships until she was ready to quit. That was very smart as most guys who would be ok with this are scumbags of one sort or another, which is why the loser boyfriend stories are so common." That's exactly what my CF is doing. If I were still in my 20s, I might go on a few dates with a stripper, but in order for it to lead to anything more than that she'd have to stop taking her clothes off for money. Plain and simple.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    "But pointing out the anti social nature of "men" who have to resort to illegally paying women to have sex with them, is "trolling."" I don't think paying for sex makes one anti-social. I have plenty of friends and a strong social life. In addition I've purchased a friend 20 years younger than me who I've been seeing for 2 years now. I really like her. It's not anti-social, just extra curricular. And she doesn't think of me as trick, but more or less someone she's going to hang out with until she gets older, doesn't need the help, and is ready to move on.