
Comments by tenisbum1776 (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Meals in USA and Canada's strip clubs
    I agree with georgmicrodong above. The "old advice" is never eat in strip clubs. I've found as long as they keep it simple, they often do a good job. Things like steaks and eggs, hamburgers or other sandwiches are pretty safe. It's when you get into the casserole dishes where you might find some stuff that is unedible.
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    12 years ago
    One of the most amazing VIP sessions I've ever had was in November with an unbelievably gorgeous redhead named "Heaven" at a club called Jaguar's in Charleston South Carolina. Highly recommended if you ever are ever in Charleston and looking for something to do :-)
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    12 years ago
    Girls with bad business sense
    @inno 123 - Good analysis. I know the normal at my club is 2 for $25 or 4 for $50. Some of the girls who are more desperate for money will cut prices further, while some will hold steady at asking for $20 per dance after the first 2 for $30. My initial thought was perhaps the orginal poster might be mistaken about the pricing of dances. If $20 is the normal price per dance, I find it unusual that the club would offer a 4 for $40 special. That would really undercut the girl's earning potential from their list price rate.
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    12 years ago
    Older than dirt
    ATF too frank?
    Am I correct to assume you pay her $500 AND pick up the bill for all the shopping?
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    12 years ago
    dating a stripper.....help?!
    I think you're getting the best advice from Jestride50, Alucard, Inno 123 and especially More4Me. Ask yourself, is the relationship worth the emotional highs and lows inherient when having a stripper as your girlfriend? Many strippers make customers "earn their trust" before they will consider OTC. I'd say the reverse is a reasonable path for you to follow in this instance.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Slightly off topic: What's your favorite sex position?
    I'm with you deogol: man sitting legs extended and she is sitting on your lap legs crossed around your back. Very passionate.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Disconnects With Other tusclers
    I'm with Corvus. Farmerart I have no disconnect with you. In our private chats I've found you reasonable, pleasant and informative. I'd have no problem sitting next to you in a club, smoking a fine cigar and sipping a well aged cognac. Consider this an open invite to let me know when you might be in the state of Ohio and we'll make it happen. However the ladies in my club will tell you that I am the "World's Most Interesting Man". Most believe the Cubans buy cigars from me. :-)
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    12 years ago
    When Has An OTC Relationship "Run It's Course"?
    Sorry, I didn't know Lopaw was a woman. Thousand pardons. The money demands start almost immediately don't they. I find myself in a near constant situation of "forward paying" for future services. They've always squared the account - so far. Had one of my favs call me today. She started the conversation by saying "you're not gonna believe what happened to me today!". I immediately cut her off and said, "Honey the back right tire on my car blew out. Can you front me $300 to get it fixed? I'll pay you next week when we have our fun time". The silence was near deafening. Finally in a meek questioning tone she said, "Are you serious?" Had to laugh and wonder whether the subtile message got through?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What do we learn on these boards?
    I've learned many fantastic lessons and tips from this board. The forum REALLY gained value when I learned how to use the "ignore" button and used it on two people. I think there really are members here who want to help neyophites (like me) learn from their experience and mistakes. I can say that I've changed or modified many of my earlier opinions about how one should conduct themselves in a strip club based on senior members advice and my own increased experience. One example; I used to ALWAYS tip dancers on stage. Now I tip only dancers I'm interested in. Many thanks to the senior board members for their help, patience and advice. Special thanks to those guys who took the time to answer my questions and provide advice in the private message arena. I won't call you out by name but you all know who you are. Thanks, really! In a little less than 90 days, I've transformed from a HUGE PL who had no idea how to cajole a stripper into OTC into a more confident and savy customer with 1/2 dozen working OTC contacts and growing.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Do Strippers Set Daily Income Goals?
    @farmerart: Probably true but there are exceptions. I know one stripper who was extremely good looking - probably a good solid 8 1/2 or 9 who put her way through college with $30,000 in the bank, an Infiniti G convetable with no loan and ZERO student loans to pay back. When she was at work, she worked - table to table, lap dance room to VIP room. A "bad" night for her was $600. Normal night was $1000. She got to the club early and was ready to work so she didn't have to pay any house and she NEVER left a club early while there were still men willing to spend money. BTW, she graduated from University of Dayton this last summer and never set foot in a strip club again. Working for Proctor & Gamble in their accounting department. True story.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Stripper Gifts?
    Smokes are good because they usually cost DOUBLE in the club compared to what they cost in the gas station across the street. Wintertime I always have a couple packs of Marboro reds in the box in my coat pocket. $50 gift cards for Victoria Secrets are good gifts. Keeps open the possibility of going shopping with her.
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    12 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Jackslash - one of the best posts I've read on TUSCL ever.
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    12 years ago
    Advantages to Bottom Feeding
    @che: Heroin use can be difficult but not impossible to determine. Difficult to see needle marks in a poorly lit strip club. Most telling symptom is a general "drowsiness". Does the girl lose track of conversations? Does she seem like she might fall asleep while sitting up in a chair? Is she lathargic during dances? Is she pretty luberal with extras or much more high mileage than the average girl at the club? These can all be warning signs. While I agree that heroin addicts can seem functional, with the risk of heppatitus C I'm not so sure I'd want one as an OTC partner. Facts are you need more and more heroin to keep getting the same high. Eventually, if a person doesn't stop the habit, they'll get a hot dose and it will eventually kill them.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    what would you do?
    I would have probably already "nutted" from the pants rubbing
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    @farmerart: I've had the same thoughts. I'm not in your league but I am somewhat above the annual income level our glorious Preident believes should be paying more taxes. I'm guessing that would make me better capitalized than 49 of 50 men in any given strip club on any given night. Money doesn't talk in a strip club; it screams! The girls will figure out who has the money by how they spend it. They can also tell how well educated a man might be in 5 minutes over a drink by listening to him talk. That is often a good barometer on how much disposable income they may have. The word will travel. I know I'm rarely sitting alone in a strip club. The moment one girl gets up, another one almost immediately comes by. I know it isn't because I look like Tom Cruise. Probably has more to do with the fact I never walk into a strip club with less than $300 cash in my pocket. My collection of gold coins is only 7 but I have a MS-65 condition 1909 VBD-S penny that is my pride and joy!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Digging up some information on my ATF
    Let sleeping dogs lie. You're getting all the beneifts. Why screw it up by asking unnecessary questions? Strip club is not the best place to have a big ego. Big wallet will get you MUCH further than a big ego. But if this were a poll, my experience would lead me to the conclusion that if she's doing with you, she's almost certainly doing it with others.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The Inaugural Phoenix TUSCL Convention
    What a great idea! I'd like to do the same thing here in Dayton Ohio.
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    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    How to Have Sex With a Stripper (Without Paying for It)
    While I think the article as a whole is bullshit, I actually agree with some of his "techniques" for seperating you from all the other customers in the bar; especially some of the suggestions he makes about conversation with a stripper while in the bar.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Getting change back as funny money
    What's worse is these "Diamond Dollars" are bought for a premium (10%) I think and the girls get paid 90% of face value when they cash them in. So the club gets you coming and going.
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Attn: White Knights.
    It has been my experience that strippers OFTEN don't make the best choice in boyfriends. Seems to fall right in line with most of the other bad decisions they make. The most comical is the boyfriend that insists on accompanying the stripper to work because he wants to make sure she doesn't get too cozy with one of her clients. You can often see them loudly arguing in the smoking room or talking together in the main room. Either way she's not earning any money and she usually loses her job within 2 weeks.
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    12 years ago
    I remeber when I was stationed at Camp Pendleton back in the early 1980's that we made monthly Tijuana trips. Got laid on the couch of one of the bars for $5 one time. Sex was always the final stop before we headed back across the border. Before that we'd always go to the Jai-lai fronton and make a few bets. Sometimes in the afternoons we'd hit Aqua Caliente race track and bet the ponies. I know my information is dated but I'm guessing so long as you stay in the public areas and don't shoot your mouth off to any groups of Mexican men, you won't have any problems.
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    12 years ago
    Fact or Fantasy
    Oh forgot to mention that there were only 2 dancers in the club at the time. So the guy, who is NOT a regular strip club patronizer walks into a club and basically finds the Shangri-La of strippers out of a universe of 2? I smell a rat here. Odds are this report is a fantasy tale posted to boost revenue at this specific club.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fact or Fantasy
    Tipped $3 on stage. She came over and they talked for 2-3 minutes. Promised 2 VIP dances and she was completely turned on at that point. Moved to a more private location and then two more VIP dances and both of them got off by ITC sex. Assuming 3 1/2 minutes per song the whole thing took less than 20 minutes start to finish. Cost $83. No mention of tip. Anybody who believes this will believe the one about the three bears.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    VIP or just multiple dances?
    My opinion? Girls want to cultivate customers that will take them to VIP or Champaign Rooms. Even though the house takes more money, the girl has a bulk cash payment in hand without trying to hussle it from different customers at $20 per dance. Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. You are correct that much more and varied mileage can be obtained by using seperate private dances. Use them to determine your potential VIP candidates. I know in one of my local clubs, there are NO cameras in the private dance areas but their are camera in the VIP rooms. Guess where all the "extra action" takes place in this club?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Do you get hard during a LD?
    @ Doc_Holliday: I must have missed that rule somewhere during my reading . . . . . Well, at $40-100 (depending on club and 2-for-1 offer) to nut at a club and $150-$350 plus room cost to nut with a hooker, I'll "lose the game" and laugh all the way to the bank every time. Not too much chance of disease if wally stays in the pants.