
Digging up some information on my ATF

avatar for Clackport

I've been enjoying some high mileage dances (fingering her pussy, making out, sucking her tits, kissing up and down her whole body) with my ATF in a non-extras club. Even after I know all about strippers I get the feeling that I'm getting the most mileage out of all the customers she gives dances to. I do have a little bit of an ego sometimes lol. Being my PL self I want to confirm that I am getting the most mileage out of all the customers she gives dances to. I actually do believe she's a good girl lol.

I'm going to ask what kind of mileage dances does she give/let, who in the club should I ask that question to get the true answer?

I'm not gonna ask her because of course she will say I'm getting the most mileage. I'm not going to ask her stripper friends that work in the same club as her because no doubt they will tell her that I asked the question. I'm not going to ask the bouncer (for obvious reasons). I'm not going to ask the bartender or the waitresses because she is good friends with them.

This leaves me with dancers that hate/are jealous of her, or the dancers that are objective because they don't hate her but they're not friends with her, or one of her actual regulars.

I have a feeling that the dancers who hate her will just try to run a smear campaign against her, so I think they might say she's sucking dick of all her customers (when that's not actually the case). On the other hand the objective ones might not want to say anything bad of a fellow dancer. I only can remember one of her regulars, and he might not be there the next time I go to this club. Who would be best to ask?

Also, how should I ask the question? I don't want them to think I'm a cop or something lol. They will be probably be very curious why I want to know. However, I am a regular at this club so the dancers know me.



last comment
avatar for tenisbum1776
12 yrs ago

Let sleeping dogs lie.

You're getting all the beneifts. Why screw it up by asking unnecessary questions? Strip club is not the best place to have a big ego. Big wallet will get you MUCH further than a big ego.

But if this were a poll, my experience would lead me to the conclusion that if she's doing with you, she's almost certainly doing it with others.

avatar for michael_oxbig
12 yrs ago

This will not end well. I seriously hope you are not paying her for all the services you are providing for her. If you're already getting high-mileage dances from her and not paying her extra for said dances then why ruin a good thing? Why not simply ask her to see you OTC?

avatar for mikeya02
12 yrs ago

You know the saying. "don't ask a question you don't want to hear the answer to".

avatar for crazyjoe
12 yrs ago

Just leave it alone. Dancers talk to each other more than you think. They lie to each other as much as they lie to customers. You will never get a straight answer. Just enjoy the milage while it lasts

avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 yrs ago

I think a lot of us have been in that boat where we think we are the ones getting “special treatment” per se. This is more true when one is not as experienced in the SC game.

Of course no one can say what her true intentions/feelings are; but if she lets a guy she just knows from the club finger her; suck her titties; make out with her; etc., it tells me or I would assume she does it or would do it with other guys; you just haven’t seen it.

She may not do it will all guys, but I think you may be in dangerous territory to think that you are special and nothing more than a good customer IMO. You are just another guy IMO; perhaps she may like you better than others, but you are still just another PL/custie – IMO.

I don’t think she thinks of you as being as special as you think she thinks of you – but this is just my personal opinion based on my personal experience.

Personally, I would assume that me being “special” to her is just SS until proven otherwise.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

Send me in there to see what I can get and I'll report back.

avatar for Clackport
12 yrs ago

@Dougster- yeah bro lol. Come on down to Portland and investigate her pussy for me LMAO.

One more thing that I forgot to add: I asked her if she did OTC with other customers, she said no, and she was so offended that I would think she would do OTC. So I also want to confirm that she's not doing OTC.

P.S. I'm not trying to make her my girlfriend lol. Sometimes I'm just curious about things.

avatar for sclvr5005
12 yrs ago

Some things are best left unasked. Better to just suspect bad behaviour than to ask and confirm it.

avatar for jackslash
12 yrs ago

Why do you care? She's a stripper, not your fiancee.

If you're sticking your finger up her pussy, some other customer is sticking his dick down her throat.

avatar for boogieknight369
12 yrs ago

If your happy getting what your getting for the price your paying, then your playing this game correctly. Who gives a fuck what she does with others?

avatar for Clackport
12 yrs ago

I'm going to be a detective in the future, so this will be good training for me lol. It's tough to say why I care, any other stripper I wouldn't give a fuck about it, but this girl is a little different. I am going to get down to the bottom of this. So far nobody has answered my question on who would be the best to ask and how to ask. I might just have to ask some Portland TUSCLers to do some hands on investigating for me lol.

avatar for mikeya02
12 yrs ago

Get a buddy to do vip with her and ask him. Thats the way.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

Dude, seriously. Just ask a PL in the club. They are easy to spot. Fat. Middle aged. Sitting by themselves. Start to bald. Wearing sweatpants, or shorts (even when it's near or below freezing outside). They love to brag about their "conquests" (gee, could you have guessed that from TUSCL), and who does what. Can't keep their big mouths shut.

avatar for steve_ny
12 yrs ago

I don't think you should ask anyone. Never know if you are getting the truth anyway. I agree that you have to have a guy go in there and check it out if you want to understand what other guys are experiencing.

avatar for jackslash
12 yrs ago

"this girl is a little different."

Man, that's what I thought a couple times. But they were just the same. Let me give you a little serious advice. If you think she's different, you're setting yourself up to get played or get hurt.

avatar for boogieknight369
12 yrs ago

Agree with dougster and mikeya. Ask a customer or have a friend take her for a spin with out her knowing he's a friend of yours. But you might not like what you fined out.

avatar for gsv
12 yrs ago

Yeah, actually the best way if you REALLY want to know is have a friend go in (without you accompanying them) and get a dance from this specific dancer. See what kind of mileage they can pull off. That still isn't a true test, because maybe she gives good mileage only to her 'regulars' and I am sure you are not her only regular.

Anyway, at the end of the day, why does this really matter unless you're just looking for an ego boost. A strip club is a dangerous place to go for an ego boost, as it's only likely to be shot down as soon as reality sets in. Just enjoy what you're getting and don't try to kid yourself that it's necessarily anything special. Sure, it might be more than the average guy gets, but you should never assume you are the only guy who is getting this mileage from her.

avatar for JuiceBox69
12 yrs ago

Send Da juiceman

avatar for deogol
12 yrs ago

Juice: "Send Da juiceman"

LOL - that one actually made me laugh out loud

avatar for georgmicrodong
12 yrs ago

Think about why you give a shit. That should be enough to make you realize you need to stop.

avatar for zipman68
12 yrs ago

Don't be sendin' da Juiceman! That ka-ray-zee mothahfuckah can take a virgin and make want to get all fucked up the ass by lil' Juice and all o' his posse's lil' Juices. All fo' for some mothahfuckin' Taco Bell!! You won't learn a THING about yo' gal, 'cos da Juice will turn her into a straight up fried chicken eaten' whore with a capital W. Hell, she won't be a whore, she'll be a ho wit' a capital H and a capital O my friend!!!

avatar for zipman68
12 yrs ago

I should have added "FUCK YEAH!!!"

But seriously, why do you care? I would assume she is doing to other dudes what she is doing to you. If she does a good job, just enjoy it!

avatar for Clackport
12 yrs ago

I know I can count on the Juice to come through.

Asking a friend to try her out is ok, but I would obviously have to pay for the dances, and the 20 buck couch dances are all air dances, the VIP is where any kind of contact happens, and the VIP starts out at 3 songs for 100 bucks, so I would be paying 100 bucks at a minimum.

So far the best idea I've heard is asking one of the older customers in the club.

I think I've heard enough comments asking why do I care.

avatar for crazyjoe
12 yrs ago

You could take a friend that would get dances anyway and he can pay for his own

avatar for deogol
12 yrs ago

Thread is getting good

avatar for mjx01
12 yrs ago

I'd go for a test drive gratis, but I don't foresee being in PDX anytime soon. (And serious, if I every do get back to PDX, you'll have to show me where the higher mileage is.)

avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 yrs ago


There is no way for you to find out the truth, so why do you keep asking this forum on how to find out?

Here is my attitude for whatever its worth:

"My fav/atf is a dancer who is a nasty girl, but she's my nasty girl."

Your odds of being the only one she gives high mileage to is about the same odds that Kim Kardashian has only fucked Kanye.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 yrs ago

Go in in disguise and get some lappers from her. Do what Eddie Murphy did back in the 80s where he disguised himself as a white man to see how he would get treated.

Although if you do disguise yourself as a white man, the size of your dick might give you away :)

avatar for Estafador
12 yrs ago

No stripper I met so far has gotten the "special treatment from me (telling her she's wonderful and making it seem like I'm falling for her or at least fancying her very much). This may seem shallow, but I treat her like merchendise. Delicate, but I use it extensively and take care of it. No true special treatment, they all eat out of the same dish. Because I know she not treating me any different from any other regular customer (high roller customers or just regulars get a different treatment but that treatment is the same across their board). My advice bro, don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Just enjoy how much you get.

avatar for mikeya02
12 yrs ago

@ papi: I'm surprised you're buying the "myth".

avatar for Clackport
12 yrs ago

mjx01- Thanks man, if you're ever in Portland again, I'll show you some of the clubs with good mileage (they do exist in Portland, they are just hard to find).

Papi- You're right, I think my big dick would give it away LMAO.

Esta- good stuff man

I have to add that I don't care if I found out that she does OTC or that she's fucking customers in the VIP, that would just fall in line with the hundreds of strippers over the past 4 years. She's the most normal girl stripper out of all the hundreds I've met. She doesn't do drugs, she doesn't have a kid etc... I just want to see if she's lying to me. I also have to reiterate that I'm not trying to make her my girlfriend.

avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 yrs ago

Ranukam, you aren't listening to us, you will never know the truth, so why all this bullshit of "I just want to know"?

What ever she does with you, she has done with others.

There, I just saved you hundreds in investigation fees.

What part of this don't you understand?

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

My rule: Any time you think you have found a stripper who is an exception to all the rules, you have not.

avatar for HowdyPilgrims
12 yrs ago

This thread reminds of a particular stripper I would visit last year. Non-extras topless club. This one stripper would give me hj over the pants, daty, finger the pussy. Pretty brazen considering girls are getting fired there for even the most minor rules infractions. So the stage area is right next to the lap dance area, separated by a wall about shoulder high for an avg sized dude.

I always wondered if she gave me better dances than the next guy..but kinda didn't think so. One night I was at the stage and sitting in a chair right next to the dividing wall. I saw my girl take a dude into the ld area. A few minutes later I heard her yell at the dude then give him a lecture. She angrily said several times "You do not bite the pussy, you lick the pussy, you suck the pussy, you do not bite the pussy"

lol, curiosity satisfied.

I strongly suspect OP situation is probably the same. They don't just do stuff for that one special non-whale customer.

avatar for 3LeggedMan
12 yrs ago

After my current fave gave me her number, I Googled it and was moderately surprised to find an ad on backpage.com's escort listings. So I have no illusions about my status. Just another paying customer.

avatar for membernumber1
12 yrs ago

I'll just pile on to the rest of the comments. At least 3 times I've thought I was the "only one" only to find out that it wasn't even close. Turns out one of my favs had pretty much given up the club to turn tricks in her hotel room.

On a brighter note, one fav I dug into a little bit surprised me. I was one of the select few she was meeting with OTC, but not because I was special. It was because she was typically too drunk or hungover during daylight hours to actually move let alone fuck. But hey, at least -I- was special!

avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 yrs ago

Besides the “does she” “doesn’t she” aspect, the OP’s comment about “… this girl is a little different …” is a bit worrisome as jackslash stated.

Like jack, and perhaps other TUSCLers, I too have come across/met the elusive “this girl is different” type of dancer. I’ve come to learn that if she is a stripper, then she is a stripper – don’t means to say that she is a bad person necessarily, but she is a stripper and that is what you are dealing with, and all that comes with it, at the end of the day, IMO.

avatar for Clackport
12 yrs ago

Pablo is mad that when he fucks his ATF she screams out my name. I can't help it that she prefers black dick.

Anyways I have a update. Two of my friends did VIP with her (I wasn't in the club), and they both said there was minimal contact. She didn't even take off her bra. Maybe I'm just experiencing the perks of being a regular, who knows. I learned from another stripper that she's in a 2 year relationship with her boyfriend, and that her boyfriend looks exactly like me. LOL, we're both black and light skinned, that's the only similarities I see. She must think all black people look alike LOL.

Thanks to all the TUSCLers that gave me helpful information in cracking the code.

avatar for Clackport
12 yrs ago

Pablo is mad that when he fucks his ATF she screams out my name. I can't help it that she prefers black dick.

Anyways I have a update. Two of my friends did VIP with her (I wasn't in the club), and they both said there was minimal contact. She didn't even take off her bra. Maybe I'm just experiencing the perks of being a regular, who knows. I learned from another stripper that she's in a 2 year relationship with her boyfriend, and that her boyfriend looks exactly like me. LOL, we're both black and light skinned, that's the only similarities I see. She must think all black people look alike LOL.

Thanks to all the TUSCLers that gave me helpful information in cracking the code.

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