
What do we learn on these boards?

Mouse and Verfolgung had an interesting exchange on another thread about opinions. I've been reading this board since it's inception as well as a few other SC related boards. My question is, Has anybody actualy learned anything or formed an opinion different from what they originaly had about CS's, dancers or customers based on these chat boards?


  • Yoda
    20 years ago
    Exactly! Objectivity is the key. It's easy to beleive the stereotypes and become bitter. It's also easy to be taken and fleeced. Being an SCJ is a learned behavior. No one walks into a club for the first time knowing exactly what's going to happen. Reading about the adventures of others in clubs helps us all to make sense of our own positive or negative experiences.
  • SuperDude
    20 years ago
    Mouse,Yoda and a few others have taught me that my confusions about SC's are not unique to me and have helped me become objective about the experience.
  • Clubber
    20 years ago

    One mistake you made, it isn't the patrons money the dancers pay their bills with, it is the dancers money once they earn it. Also, I posted that I "can't" vouch, whereas I meant I CAN vouch, in a previous posting.
  • Yoda
    20 years ago
    Many dancers have tried to post here over the years. Most give up after being ripped and called names by other posters. Dancing is not an easy job. Dancers take crap from customers, boyfriends, relatives etc. all the time. You can't expect them to come onto this board and take more of the same from some cyber-jerks.
  • Dain
    20 years ago
    While stripping is all about MONEY, occasionally another interest arises for the girl. Recently, for instance, one girl responded very positively to my suggestion that she and I masturbate together. She just loves doing so.
    20 years ago
    Of course it's about the money, almost every job is. How many of us would do what we do if we didn't get paid for it. But many people take pride in their work, frequently enjoy what they do, and sometimes make close friend who they meet through work. I've known strippers who have done all that too, but I rarely hear girls on these boards admitting to any of that. I've known strippers who worked in their home towns, knew a lot of the customers personally, danced under their real names and treated good customerrs like friends. My ATF often sat with her brother when she didn't have a customer. That's the kind of dancer I look for, someone who is real, not the phoneys. I don't hear anyone on these boards representing the views of those girls and I think there are a lot of them out there.
  • nightcrawler2
    20 years ago
    FONDAL, here's the real deal. It is about the money, MOney and MO MONey! Sure, you got some hooked on the life style but most are paying bills with the MONEy of the patrons. Someone else has created the illusion, but this is just like ordering ham and eggs at I-HOP. The server is very nice to you but the end result is no matter what you order, the end result is what you leave on the table. The MONEY!
  • nightcrawler2
    20 years ago
    FONDL,(sorry) here's the real deal. It is about the money, MOney and MO MONey! Sure, you got some hooked on the life style but most are paying bills with the MONEy of the patrons. Someone else has created the illusion, but this is just like ordering ham and eggs at I-HOP. The server is very nice to you but the end result is no matter what you order, the end result is what you leave on the table. The MONEY!
  • Clubber
    20 years ago
    I will agree that money is most important, but I, personally, can't vouch that two dancers were also interested in their customers. Not all customers, of course, but some.
    20 years ago
    I've also been very surprised by some of the opinions expressed by dancers on both this board and StripperWeb. Some of their attitudes are very different from the strippers I have known, which makes me wonder if they're being honest with themselves or if they just aren't very typical of strippers in general. Has anyone else noticed this?
  • Mouse
    20 years ago
    Yoda, it's nice to see that other customers have had similar experiences and formed similar opinions - this tends to reinforce certain conclusions. However, when a poster disagrees, it helps one reconsider your own opinions and/or positions on various issues. Besides, the Board is another form of entertainment, and it's sometimes stimulating to swap stories and...barbs. Some people over react though; they shouldn't - it's not the big a deal.
  • Yoda
    20 years ago
    I have to agree with TGG. The one realization that continues to surprise me is how many men who really do hate women choose to spend time and money(?) in strip clubs.
  • TopGunGlen
    20 years ago
    I've found it amazing that some of the men who go to clubs actually have bad feelings towards the girls. If they don't like the dancers, why pay to show up? I guess I just assumed that everyone there enjoyed themselves in a light hearted manner. On the other hand, those of us who do love to see the show, and have a lapdance, find a group who feel the same way we do. Rememeber, out the "real world", going to a SC is often considered immoral, believe it or not...;-)
  • WiseGuy
    20 years ago
    I've learned today that when i disagree with Mousy that i'm helping him reconsider his opinions and/or positions on various issues. As far as a my opinions, i've learned how much a few men really struggle understanding women who work in a strip club environment. For some its fun, for some its hateful, for some its confusing, for some its a game.
  • casualguy
    20 years ago
    I have actually learned something I believe. I believe it was here that I read that females become aroused by either sex after 3 beers. I didn't realize that was the case until I heard it here. Other than that, the info here just seems to reinforce opinions such as there is always someone wanting to cause trouble or has nothing better to do except watch paint dry such as RL posting the same posts for years. Other than that it's just a little bit of entertainment. I spend most of my time on other non strip club discussion boards. This is also a good place to vent if you feel like it and the venting relates to strip clubs.
  • Mouse
    20 years ago
    The Board is fun, if you don't take it too seriously - although many do.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "Dancers take crap from customers, boyfriends, relatives etc. all the time. You can't expect them to come onto this board and take more of the same from some cyber-jerks"

    "I've found it amazing that some of the men who go to clubs actually have bad feelings towards the girls. If they don't like the dancers, why pay to show up?"

    Some words of wisdom. :)
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Indeed. Guys who go to clubs and act like dickheads are usually lacking in both experience and self-confidence. I've lost count of how many strippers I've fucked in the last 5 years and I never had to treat a single one badly. In fact, treating a girl badly is one of the easiest ways of disqualifying oneself from an OTC encounter.
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    @FONDL when you interact with strippers on the internet, you are not their customer so they are free to be more honest with you. You should not make excuses to dismiss what they are saying because it's not how you wish things were.

    I think customers who are prejudiced against all dancers, and dancers who are prejudiced against all customers, are over-represented on internet forums about stripping.

    I think all dancers have to deal with a lot of customers and other people who demean and belittle them. Some let it get under their skin more than others, but few if any of them are totally unaffected by it. If you've gotten the impression that dancing is just a 100% party, I have to think the dancers you know don't talk about the hard parts, so as not to spoil your fun. And that's fine, but we should have some appreciation for what they go through to provide us the service they do, even if we'd rather not hear about the bad stuff.
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    @Yoda what are the other sites you frequent with stripping-releated forums? (Besides stripperweb, I already got banned from there.)
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Don't think you'll get a reply from FONDL. He hasn't done anything here since 2008. Perhaps you forgot to look at the date of the original post.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Yoda: "My question is, Has anybody actualy learned anything or formed an opinion different from what they originaly had about CS's, dancers or customers based on these chat boards"

    I've come to understand more of the "why" and "how" of what dancers are like over all the years I've been on these boards, but maybe only 5% of that is due to anything on the boards. Both customers and dancers are incredibly uninsightful about themselves and the other side, since they usually need to see the other side as something that is determined by what they want to see themselves as.

    I've always maintained that these boards primarily want to be circle jerks, with people just reinforcing each others beliefs to minimize the sum total of cognitive dissonance going around. Objective souls do exists but their ain't many, and even among them all they may be able to see the way things are clearly, they usually have little interest in or ability to explain the why.

    But, that's no different than anything else. Want something done, usually got to do it yourself. :-)
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Actually I think that FONDL may have passed away. He would have been in his late 70's now.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Wonder if his will left anything to his ATF?
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    One can see the tenor of the posts between time slices. Practically the second post of today's crew mentioned OTC. I recognize this as a generational change.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    deogol: "Practically the second post of today's crew mentioned OTC. I recognize this as a generational change."

    That's just the RickyBoy playing catch up. Trying to pretend like he gets it when he does not.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    Who the fuck dug up this gem?
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    I don't know but its nice.....we should dig up old classics or founder should make a classic section of good threads of course to be learned from and to enjoy
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    @deogol: "Practically the second post of today's crew mentioned OTC. I recognize this as a generational change."

    I guess my focus is always OTC-centric as this is one of my primary clubbing objectives, along with simply enjoying my time ITC.

    @Fraudster: "That's just the RickyBoy playing catch up. Trying to pretend like he gets it when he does not."

    LOL. I guess not all of us are so hip to the game that we are "OTC'ing" with "OTC numbers." LOL. Do what you want of course, but if I were you I'd stick to discussions of psychiatry, where you have at least a shred of credibility. ;)
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    Yoda is policing over on SW to the point that anything posted that might in any way upset a dancer is immediately removed and the poster banned- at least on the pink side. Needless to say the customer section over there is now pretty desolate. The whole site is even more customer unfriendly than it used to be.
  • tenisbum1776
    12 years ago
    I've learned many fantastic lessons and tips from this board. The forum REALLY gained value when I learned how to use the "ignore" button and used it on two people. I think there really are members here who want to help neyophites (like me) learn from their experience and mistakes.

    I can say that I've changed or modified many of my earlier opinions about how one should conduct themselves in a strip club based on senior members advice and my own increased experience. One example; I used to ALWAYS tip dancers on stage. Now I tip only dancers I'm interested in.

    Many thanks to the senior board members for their help, patience and advice. Special thanks to those guys who took the time to answer my questions and provide advice in the private message arena. I won't call you out by name but you all know who you are. Thanks, really! In a little less than 90 days, I've transformed from a HUGE PL who had no idea how to cajole a stripper into OTC into a more confident and savy customer with 1/2 dozen working OTC contacts and growing.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    So Yoda now equalls Benedict Arnold?
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Yoda = faggot as does tenishomo.

    (p.s. How's that bid to have yourself made into moderator of this board working out for you, tenishomo?)
  • Doc_Holliday
    12 years ago
    "Mouse and Verfolgung had an interesting exchange on another thread about opinions. I've been reading this board since it's inception as well as a few other SC related boards. My question is, Has anybody actualy learned anything or formed an opinion different from what they originaly had about CS's, dancers or customers based on these chat boards?"

    Strippers? No. Strip Clubs? Some. Shy Customers? Very.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    I learned that NOTHING good EVER comes of intoxication.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    "So Yoda now equals Benedict Arnold?"

    Yoda has contributed a shitload to this site in terms of reliable reviews and is giving up a lot of free time moderating over on the pink site. Those customer boards were becoming a zoo before he took over. Most of the people who he has banned were jackasses who didn't know their asses from their elbows and probably couldn't get laid in a whorehouse with a fist full of fifties.

    Now he and I don't see eye to eye on a number of things, most especially the merits of taking dancers OTC, and every so often we will debate some issue back and forth, but with all of that I haven't been banned and I tend to believe that he is pretty even handed. I talk about OTC, ITC activities and other "controversial" (from a dancer perspective) things on the pink board all the time.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Bring his IRON hand here. Along with a broom.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    I dunno, rick. Maybe it's all a coincidence but the customer forum on the pink site is all but dead. True...in the recent past it was a bit of a zoo, but it was lively and entertaining. Now it's like a funeral home. And the blue basement is REALLY dead.

    Maybe they ought to just make SW a strictly dancer site since customers seem even less wanted there now than ever.
  • Doc_Holliday
    12 years ago
    It's the internet. Individuals hidden by anonymity. Some are venting; some are pissing people off for their own entertainment. When you put an open board on the web, you have to expect some anarchy and embrace it.

    On the other hand, stripping involves a lot of bullshit and strippers want to go to the web to escape it, not wade back in it.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    I learned Dougster sucks a lot of cock.
  • Doc_Holliday
    12 years ago
    I mean in a perfect world, I guess that's what I would like to do. Remove the bullshit from strip clubs. I know it can't be the fantasy land I envisioned when I was 16, but it doesn't have to be a cesspool of lying, conning, and out right abuse that it is today.
  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    99% of what I know about clubs and mongering is from visiting this site. I don’t mind any of the “fluff” discussions because they give insight into the unique band of colorful characters who inhabit this site.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Interesting revival.

    So txtittyfag is a play on the user “txtittyfan?”
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ yeah, the infamous Dougster had txtittyfan continuously in his crosshairs as well as several other members
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago

    How did you dig this up?
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Seems there were more mature well-spoken PLs back in the day
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    @Echo what Papi Chulo meant is w t f is wrong with you duuuude. Mental in the membrane to dig up a 2004 thread
  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    ^ I want to avoid creating duplicate discussions, so if I have a topic I am interested in I will search for it before creating a new thread.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    ^ I want to avoid creating duplicate discussions, so if I have a topic I am interested in I will search for it before creating a new thread.

    So basically you have no new perspective. Just digging up shit from 10'yrs ago. Cool bro, it's a free forum so have at it, personally I think it's a cop out. Btw this opinion is from 2018 not 2004. If it matter to ya.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Not wanting to repeat a topic from 2004 is not exactly duplicating material - it's not as if someone is gonna say "hey what the hell we discussed that in 2004", LOL.

    Having said that I don't mind old threads if they are interesting and not just to continue an old-ass discussion - I found this thread interesting to read though.
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    I concur with Papi on both his posts: the PLs back on 2004 seem way more well spoken. And I'm talking about myself also in the group of not so well spoken PLs.

    And this was a cool topic to revive. And I've always had the same thought that Juice posted here five years ago: we should have a thread filled with links to the best and most informative threads in TUSCL history.

    And like nicespice, I FINALLY see where the txtittyfag name came from. I guess he succeeded in running txtittyfan off the board as I never see him post here anymore.
  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    ^ Woah! I didn’t realize until txtittyfag pointed it out, but TFP joined AFTER I did. I assumed by his posting style that TFP has been here for at least a couple of years.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    I only knew Yoda from posts on SCL. I wasn't aware of TUSCL at the time. The man got around...
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    Yoda quit TUSCL to participate more on Stripperweb. All of my posts prior to 2007 were deleted.
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    Wow, that IS a trip, Echo. I had been lurking the site for awhile before my join date though. Still, you joined before I even started lurking so yeah.
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    And I have txtittyfag on ignore so I had to logout to even see what he posted. Seeing his posts, plus the other threads he started, makes me remember why I put him on ignore. It was a lot worse when VM was around but generally he's still a pretty negative poster. I've only seen him post in a non insulting way a couple times out of the many other times he posts.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    So reviving a 2004 comment:

    “Many dancers have tried to post here over the years. Most give up after being ripped and called names by other posters.”

    This is an interesting viewpoint. I’ve only encountered one user like that who wants to come after me and my troll accounts. Otherwise, the board has been friendly enough with me.

    *Has* the bored gotten more female friendly over the years? I know the dancer directory helped, but it seems like BJ was very popular as well. And Nina, while controversial, is also well-liked here.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ The board has never been either female friendly or unfriendly, what really happens in my estimation is that it’s just a boys locker room, it seems that those gals that have an ingrown hair can find a reason to dump their neuroses here if they’re so inclined, I think the vast majority of posters and lurkers are just folks that want to have a bit of fun. If you take yourself too seriously this ain’t the place, if you are an arrogant asshole, against this ain’t the place, but if you can laugh a bit, and get along well with others you should be just fine make or female
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    “ If you take yourself too seriously this ain’t the place, if you are an arrogant asshole, against this ain’t the place, but if you can laugh a bit, and get along well with others you should be just fine male or female”

    Ah, thanks for that twenty.

    I suppose it makes sense that yoda has that viewpoint, which foreshadowed him being more regular on a different site.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Fuck you 25. You don't speak for the entire bored (sic, just for you nicespice).

    You grouchy senile ass fucker.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ Yoxa wasn’t around that much when I started here as.a lurker in 2010 or as a poster starting about 2012, but I don’t remember him as being very popular, but I never had a problem with him, one of the things I have found over my years here, has been that some of the posters that I had disagreements with, after meeting them in person, have become real friends, and everyone knows you can never have too many of them.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @flagooner eat your oatmeal before you grab a fruitcup.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Boys tend to play rough with each other - many dancers don't like the way we play on here on TUSCL, which is understandable
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Dancers and custies for the most part have different agendas w.r.t. dancing, they are not gonna see eye to eye on many SC related things, and why certain dancers are put l-off about what's discussed here - a dancer too strongly expressing her opinion/POV on here will likely get a good-amount of pushback, as a PL would on SW - it's a custy site with a custy agenda/POV.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ one guy I had a lot of respect for was Farmer Art, he knew how to have fun, and was always a gentleman.
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