
Getting change back as funny money

Wednesday, January 16, 2013 5:10 PM
there is a club in ohio that gave me back "diamond dollars" when I paid for a drink/food with a cash $20 bill. This is in club currency. I did not mind because it was only a few bucks and I was going to spend it anyways but it caught me by surprise.


  • Corvus
    11 years ago
    I have never encountered "club currency" but would be very unhappy about it if I did. Of course if it wasn't much and spent dollar for dollar I would be less upset. It still doesn't sit well with me.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I freakin hate that funny money shit. There was a club in Miami which closed about two years ago (had been around since the 70s) which used to do that crap. One could pay with the regular cash you brought w/ you into the club, but if you ran out of money, there was no ATM and you would have to get funny money from the house if you wanted to keep on playing. I think there was like a 20% fee on top of that if I remember correctly; i.e. it was not 1 for 1. The dancers also hated it since they also did not get 1 for 1 when they changed the funny money at the end of the night – assholes!!!
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Another thing that sucks about funny money is that if one does not spend it all, then you are stuck w/ it until the next time you go to that club; *if* you ever go again; and if you go again, you may not remember to take it w/ you or remember where you put it.
  • dalex
    11 years ago
    i'd imagine it being rather easy to counterfeit.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    IMO the answer to this is easy, DON'T patronize the club. GO ELSEWHERE!!
  • looneylarry
    11 years ago
    Yeah, Papi, I share your frustration. I have had the funny money before, and for a guy on travel, it is basically worthless. It makes you spend the rest in the club, whether you wanted to or not. You can't take it back home. And the dancers hate it, too. When you try to use it for a tip, they treat you like scum. When you try to tell them that you just got hosed by the club yourself, the girls don't care.
  • michael_oxbig
    11 years ago
    or you could always make counterfeit club money and play for free.
  • boogieknight369
    11 years ago
    I wish we had funny money in Detroit. I'd counterfeit the hell out of that shit.
  • pabloantonio
    11 years ago
    The Men's Club in Houston used to have funny money back in the 90's. All the dancers called it "monopoly money". If you ran out of cash, you could purchase the monopoly money which was valued at $20 within the club, but it only applied towards dances. The funny bills cost you $25, but the dancer only got part of that. Desperate dancers would try to sell them to you the ones they had for $20, since I recall they only got $15 for each one they turned in.
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    I received a $100000 bill back once
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    If they tried to give them back to me as change I would demand real cash or leave. That strikes me as not totally legal, unless of course they are willing to exchange it for cash at the door.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    I would be irritated and would demand real cash back.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I have to agree with jester214.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    F that ,Legal Tender.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    I have a million dollar bill
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    I know its real because I bought it at Walgreens
  • smokeshopjoe
    11 years ago
    In most states they have clearly defined statues on what is "currency" in many states "currency" includes gambling tokens/chips and coupons (hence the 1/100th of a cent value) thus making it a felony forgery to copy them. However if they didnt have a clear notice on the door or have a policy of exchange I am sure you could sue them to get your change back. Which would undoubtedly cost more than the change as it costs at least $25 to file a small claims case in every state. While I have never got back "club money" as change a waitress gave me back clearly fake dollar bills as change. wanna guess which ones she got back as a tip?
  • Longneck
    11 years ago
    I know Diamonds I'm a Dayton boy and am familiar with the club they have been doing that crap for years
  • carolynne
    11 years ago
    i prefer to give change in the form of favors...
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    11 years ago
    In most cases I try to treat waitresses/ barmaids well, but if they gave me back "FUNNY MONEY" change they would find themselves tipped with the same rather than green backs. .... maybe slightly defaced with a note to the manager/ club owner that they won't get my business again. In INK. Keep their overhead on printing the shit high LOL
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    Longneck, At least 20 years, as I recall. That is one reason I quit going to Diamonds and became a Cheeks freak.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    How about when they try to give you change in $2 bills. I hate that crap too. Hasn’t happened in a long time and I let it go the 1st time it happened; but every time after that I said “hell to the no” :)
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Papi - All 5 of the Platinum Plus clubs do that. I learned along time ago to bring plenty of singles when I go to one of their clubs but also I have never had a problem requesting 1's instead of 2's.
  • Corvus
    11 years ago
    At least $2 bills are real cash and not monopoly money. Frustrating (or novel) as they are, you can spend them anywhere.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    “… but also I have never had a problem requesting 1's instead of 2's …” The few times I’ve gotten the $2s; I have also requested singles instead and have gotten them – but also recall the girl kind of rolling her eyes when I was making the request – but I didn’t really give a shit :)
  • pabloantonio
    11 years ago
    Gee Carolynne, why can't I find any dancers like you when I need change?
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    Diamonds gave change in real $2 bill and they are legal currency, I have been in clubs that the cash machine dispenses club dollars only good in the club and they will not give you cash if you try to trade them in. They must post signs to that affect in the club and on the machine. If I see that kind of sign I generally spend only what I have in small bills and avoid change. Some clubs give you change for drinks and for largere bills in club money and I never change more than a $20 or so so I can get rid of it before I leave. It is legal as long as they post it. It is no different in an arkade that only takes tokens or amusement park that only takes coupons.
  • tenisbum1776
    11 years ago
    What's worse is these "Diamond Dollars" are bought for a premium (10%) I think and the girls get paid 90% of face value when they cash them in. So the club gets you coming and going.
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