What would you do if you were sitting with a dancer and she was getting friendly and rubbing on your pants and youasked her for a dance or a vip and she says," well I guess...no job too small?".
@gsv no I havent been told that by a dancer. I was watching tv today and a commercial for a show had an escort saying that to someone. I thought it wouldnt be much of a stretch to have a dancer say something stupid like that.
@ motorhead that's an awesome comeback
@ juice man you know exactly how that shit goes down
If she was rubbing my pants, I would not ask for a dance. I would be happy to stay right there. Unless she was irritating me.
If I did hear such a comment, I would probably say no thanks or never mind about the dance. If her attitude is that bad, I don't want to be around her.
I like women with a sense of humor. I'd request a half price VIP session by pointing out that guys with short cocks only needed to rent the outer half of her pussy.
last comment@ motorhead that's an awesome comeback
@ juice man you know exactly how that shit goes down
There are plenty of smart dancers who want my dick.
If I did hear such a comment, I would probably say no thanks or never mind about the dance. If her attitude is that bad, I don't want to be around her.
"You're right pimp smacking a hoe is not a job too small"