Advantages to Bottom Feeding
With comments like "If a club is that busy, I don't want to be there" and "I just don't need the services of any one dancer badly enough to chase after her," and to tolerate addiction, dishonesty, and other traits you typically wouldn't in any other services industry, say your lawn guy or mechanic, it seems a common thought to put no effort into clubbing and to take whatever comes to you. This racks my brain! It goes against my consumer mentality that if you're going to purchase something, buy the best you can. I'd rather swim after and catch a bluefin.
But there has to be something I'm missing, here... so, what are the advantages to bottom feeding at the strip club?
But there has to be something I'm missing, here... so, what are the advantages to bottom feeding at the strip club?
We ain't even talkin' "bucket o' da Colonel's XXXTRA KRIS-PAY" here. We're talkin' CHEAP!
I almost always get the best looking dancers come my way anyway. If they know you are a regular and spend money, that attracts a lot of dancers. I suppose this is like talking about a reality I don't experience, lots of people competing for a limited number of dancers who don't have time to dance for everyone who wants a dance. I'm not familar with that reality. That sounds like the way they hire people where I work at making the current employees work long hours on occasion to get more and more work done with no significant pay increases.
The problem is that you are thinking in terms of black and white when there are a lot of shades of gray in between. For starters, we have to be on the same page with the fact that most women could never imagine doing this type of work and the ones who end up being the most suited for it often have certain issues. We must also be aware of the natural evasion and defensiveness that some girls adopt after a while at having to deal with horny and emotional guys for a living - this job changes these girls. Net-net, these girls are naturally prone to substance abuse and being evasive with males becomes an almost natural reflex.
With all of that said, trying to compare our expectations of how lawn guys and mechanics should behave to the actions of strippers is kinda' silly- Mother Theresa is not going to be working in a strip club.
Each guy has to decide what he is willing to tolerate. On the honesty front, I have tolerated a little OTC lead-on in order to ultimately bag the highest grade talent, who are often the ones most likely to run that type of game, but I will not tolerate outright ripoff attempts. On the substance abuse front, I will tolerate a fair amount of alcohol, pot and coke use, but I won't deal with a girl who is fucked up on anything or who is strung out on stuff like meth, heroin or crack. I also avidly avoid girls with signs of needle marks.
Shades of gray. A guy who requires his OTC target to be a well adjusted person without any issues is going to be picking from a small pond indeed. ;)
Oh, if I don't like how a dancer looks, forget about it. I'm not buying any dances. I'd rather not buy any dances and just leave a club if there is nothing that interests me. I've done that too. Although I might stay a while to make sure there is nothing that interests me if that is unusual.
If bottom feeding is getting dances from 8 and 9's, rather than a hot 10 who wants lots of extra cash for the same dance, then yes I do bottom feed. I remember one 10 was wondering why I did not get dances from her, after she sat close by in the lap dance room while I was talking to another dancer, I lost all interest in getting dances from her. She did a running summersault into the guy's lap and warned him not to move or he could get hurt. I wasn't interested in that for a lap dance.
Ok, that's his story for today. But in the past he has said that he find 9s and 10s very difficult to score OTC with, and admits he rarely does it.
Whatever he feels like saying in the moment. Can't remember what it suited him to say before so is constantly contradicting himself. One of the traits of anti-socials is not being to look beyond the moment to see what it is best to say. (What a dumbfuck.)
#1 table side $5 ultra high mileage cause she don't give a Fuck about that club
#2 vip $10 and your going to get laid I mean all you can deep.fri and eat
#3 girls looks will range 4,5 and 6 and will be on something
#4OTC will just be free....cause she Probly will fall in love with you cause no man has given her that much affection in a long as time....
$5 80% of all money given to her will go to a pimp called Da juiceman
As for the idea of picking less than perfect dancers, sometimes they are just the ones who come along. At one club I visit regularly, sometimes the only girls who come along are the less than spectacular, at least in the looks department. But I've often found they are not all full of themselves as compared to the better looking girls there, and at least a couple of them do good private dances, so maybe there's something there, but I don't know if it's necessarily bottom feeding. It probably depends on how you define the bottom.
Your analysis is excellent, Che, but you are overlooking one very important thing. We are not talking about your average club goer here, but about THE RICKYBOY.
You see most people would say you have no idea if a girl you are doing BBFS with has an STD or not, so you are taking a big risk. And especially if you are married. But the RickyBoy knows. How the RickyBoy knows? Well that is not for the rest of us to know.
So just as the RickyBoy knows whether the whore he "seduced" into having sex with him, by being the only one wearing a suit in her dive club, has an STD or not. The RickyBoy just knows whether she is a heroin addict or not.
Bottom line: The RickyBoy knows even if the rest of us do not.
Heroin use can be difficult but not impossible to determine. Difficult to see needle marks in a poorly lit strip club. Most telling symptom is a general "drowsiness". Does the girl lose track of conversations? Does she seem like she might fall asleep while sitting up in a chair? Is she lathargic during dances? Is she pretty luberal with extras or much more high mileage than the average girl at the club? These can all be warning signs.
While I agree that heroin addicts can seem functional, with the risk of heppatitus C I'm not so sure I'd want one as an OTC partner. Facts are you need more and more heroin to keep getting the same high. Eventually, if a person doesn't stop the habit, they'll get a hot dose and it will eventually kill them.
Are you going to be shooting up with her? Because if you are using a condom you don't have to worry about any realistic chance of hep-C transmission. Heck, even if you are going to go BBFS, not clear the transmission rates are high enough that there is an realistic chance you'll catch you.
Might want to actually read up on the facts about hep-C, before you babble non-sense here tenishomo. Learn what you are actually talking about before posting. What a concept, huh?
(As for your "lethargy test". Nope. Plenty of them can have lots of energy when they are actually strung out at the moment. Fuck, you're a dumbass.)
Whatever he feels like saying in the moment. Can't remember what it suited him to say before so is constantly contradicting himself. One of the traits of anti-socials is not being to look beyond the moment to see what it is best to say. (What a dumbfuck.)"
LOL. Fraudster, any perceived discrepancies that you identify are a product of your ignorance rather than any inconsistencies in my posts. With the man-crush that you obviously have on me, I am surprised that you missed the posts about my more recent adventures with local club favs, but there it is.
And these true 9s were indeed much harder to crack than my average road girl. They are 9s in the true sense of the word, not only beautiful with stupidly sexy bodies but also bright, elegant and poised. It took a lot of work to finally move them out of the club.
For anyone who is interested, the later posts in this pink side thread detail what I had to do to get these 9s OTC. It also chronicles an almost 2 year odyssey relating to moving among multiple OTC favs in a club that is fairly clean and where most of the girls are hot as hell:…
"I have been seeing Anne on nights that Sexy Italian does not work, and vice versa, and this has been fine except that it further limits the nights that I can visit this club."
RickyBoy letting strippers dictate to him the night he visits the club? What the fuck kind of a pussy-boy faggot is he?
[... a million other things I could say about his latest non-sense, but let's he him address how he can let strippers dictate his schedule, because he doesn't want them getting pissed off, and still insist he is "the man" as opposed to some pussy boy faggot. Way too fuckin' funny!]
But feel free to keep reading and wishing...
Little RickyBoyDuncan sitting at home.
"Oh, I want to go to the club tonight. But SI and A will both be there. Oh, dammit! I can't, because if I spend time with SI then A will be mad, and if I spend time with A then SI will mad! Oh, dammit! Can't go at all, until it's only one of them!"
And unable to even try to provide any explanation of his behavior whatsoever! What a faggot!
Of course I could have gone to the club and sat with whomever I chose. In fact, the girls in this particular club know my policy re: drama and neither would have given me an iota of static. However, that doesn't mean that SI would have continued to see me OTC if she knew that I was shopping for a replacement, which is why discretion was necessary.
LMFAO @ u pussy-faggot!
:-) :-) :-)
a) posts mostly on stripperweb now, because he can't handle it here where there is no moderator. Knows we will tear him to shreds if he slips up like he did above
b) Too scared too meet any TUSCL'ers in person
c) Too scared to post the stage names of any of the girls he interacts with in clubs, or which clubs he received extras at in his reviews, because he is worried the reviews could be linked back to him (renders said reviews next to useless)
d) Scared to go club on same night two of his favorites are there, because they might be offended if he interacts with other girls
e) Runs from any and all questions here which pin him down to anything he is embarrased about having said or point out what an idiot or pussy-faggot
f) scared to defend "the system" anymore
g) scared to defend any of his ideas unless he is confident he will get support from others; when this changes he just shuts up about what he said before
Run, Ricky-Boy, Run!
I just love the smell of roasted RickyBoy in the morning... smells like... Victory!
I'm the guy who puts it all out there, the good, the bad and the ugly. I'm the guy who walks into a local biker club in some fuck all part of the country, in a suit, like I own the joint. I'm the guy who sources pussy from all over the country and then shares the experiences so guys like you can jack off in his wheel chair in between Meals on Wheels food deliveries. I'm the guy who is just as willing to share his stuff on stripperweb as I am on tuscl because, unlike I don't have to change up my game to fit the venue.
Oh yeah, and I'm the guy who will provide others with intel about any club that I've visited because, unlike you, I'm not afraid of my info. being held under the light of day. ;)
You are a shit stain that gives nothing and exists here solely for his own amusement. If you are going to give others grief, you could at least give back a little. I hear that the Seattle clubs are wheelchair accessible if that is the concern. :)
Too funny. :)
Now allow me a victory celebration over you, pussy-boy-faggot:
"ell, my friends, the time has come
(To) raise the roof and have some fun
Throw away the work to be done
Let the music play on....(Play on, play on, play on..)
Everybody sing, everybody dance
Lose yourself in wild romance
We're going to Party, Karamu, Fiesta, forever
Come on and sing along!
We're going to Party, Karamu, Fiesta, forever
Come on and sing along!
All night long (all night)..."