I think that situation has caught many of us at some point in the past. Just keep clubbing, and rotate around, there's always a new improved version around the corner. Just leave your heart at home, never bring it to a strip club!
"We don't love them hoes!" -Snoop Dogg
Very true!

Comments by stenton1
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Feel depressed leaving ATF11 years ago
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Attempts to win a dancer's heart11 years ago
@Duke; your story could be considered a success by stripper standards, yet exceedingly rare. I would bet that 98% of the stripper relationship tales crash and burn very quickly, leaving you with a light wallet and a lesson learned.
As others have said, these women many times are master manipulators with skills exceeding most men with huge player skills.
I had a few stripper relationships, that ultimately end up in the trash heap. I think if you're going to attempt this, go in with both eyes WIDE open, get what you want and get out. Many of you are right! These strippers have no heart, and are using their skills to con customers in any way possible.
I have found that if a stripper is really into you, she will make that known to you right away, but still get what you want and move on. When strippers think they have your heart, you're in for a whirlwind of lies and entertaining stories to tell your friends.
My advice? Outplay them at your own game. I know many civilian women have issues, but giving your heart to a stripper is basically signing your own death warrant. Keep it light, and just have fun! Anything else? There are a million women out there if you want a relationship. Otherwise, play to win, never to lose.
As others have said, these women many times are master manipulators with skills exceeding most men with huge player skills.
I had a few stripper relationships, that ultimately end up in the trash heap. I think if you're going to attempt this, go in with both eyes WIDE open, get what you want and get out. Many of you are right! These strippers have no heart, and are using their skills to con customers in any way possible.
I have found that if a stripper is really into you, she will make that known to you right away, but still get what you want and move on. When strippers think they have your heart, you're in for a whirlwind of lies and entertaining stories to tell your friends.
My advice? Outplay them at your own game. I know many civilian women have issues, but giving your heart to a stripper is basically signing your own death warrant. Keep it light, and just have fun! Anything else? There are a million women out there if you want a relationship. Otherwise, play to win, never to lose.
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Reasons for dumping one of your favorites11 years ago
She starts arguing with you and getting jealous of you paying attention to other dancers at the club. She accuses you of "cheating" with other dancers while at the club. I always found that to be hilarious. Bizarro world!! Go figure!!
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Regretting commitments11 years ago
I wouldn't worry about it. Follow through on what you said to her or not. Just know that if you do help out, don't expect a return in gratuities. Strippers have very short term memories, so don't do it unless you're prepared to possibly get nothing in return, or you may get some great ass! Who knows? Fucking with strippers is like going to the casino, except you'll rarely get any comps.
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Why do strippers almost exclusively have black boyfriends?11 years ago
The striippers I've known have had black, white and Latino boyfriends. I haven't seen a real trend. One thing I do know is that the relationships never last. No man can deal with the madness a stripper girlfriend and the drug or jealousy issues long term.
Fuck buddy, sugar daddy, friends with benefits....maybe. A real long lasting relationship? Not a chance in hell!
Fuck buddy, sugar daddy, friends with benefits....maybe. A real long lasting relationship? Not a chance in hell!
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Legal Prostitution11 years ago
Depends on which club you hit. I have noticed that since the economy has been in the tank, the episodes of extras have gone way up.
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How cool was the Clippers revolt?11 years ago
There are too many other ways Mr. Sterling can continue to make money. I find it interesting the he would date a half black/half Mexican woman, yet espew such ignorance. Gold digger or not, that was just damn stupid on his behalf.
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Broke my favorites heart11 years ago
There's a weird double standard that happens with many strippers, they think you should be loyal to them. It's insane! She'll get over it, or not. That's why we go to the clubs. No point of having a "club girlfriend", otherwise why bother? Enjoy your new fave, just as she'll find another ATM to syphon dry.
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You cock suckers don't know what a racist is.11 years ago
Just can that "nigger" talk. No room for it here, and I find it deeply offensive. That's like going to a Jewidh area, and calling one Jew you don't like a "kike." It's still highly offensive and you'd be knee deep in lawsuits and perhaps violence. Just refrain from racist talk period.
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stripper in need11 years ago
All of these posts reflect an ironclad rule in the game. Never loan more money than you are willing to lose. Always have some type of OTC set up before you give any money.
These women could win Academy Awards. Unfortunately , I have never been paid back a dime. That's why I have to cover my bases in terms of OTC. Don't get played!
These women could win Academy Awards. Unfortunately , I have never been paid back a dime. That's why I have to cover my bases in terms of OTC. Don't get played!
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What Was the Surprise?11 years ago
The surprise was that she wants your ATM pin code so she can thoroughly deplete all of your money.
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Tight Pussy11 years ago
I have found no corelation to the size of a woman to the tightness of her pussy. Two of the tightest pussies I've ever hit, one woman was a short spinner, and the other was almost 6 ft tall and at least 15 pounds overweight.
You never know what you're going to get!
You never know what you're going to get!
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CF wants a date?!?!?!?!11 years ago
I agree. It seems that within the past 2 years, many strippers are looking for OTC that leads to them wanting a relationship. Now, if you can get past the money requests, daddy issues, and head games....you're in great shape! I've only had one who walked away from stripping, only to return a year later. Have fun, but keep them at arms length.
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Which First Lady to bang?11 years ago
Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush or Eleanor Roosevelt. This is why ALL presidents cheat.
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Make Out Session11 years ago
Two weeks ago. One of the best make out sessions ever. Turned into covered FS ITC, which since then has gone OTC. However, these comments make me think twice. I did get a sore throat after the incidents. The dumb risks of mongering. She's fine as hell though!
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Dancer does not want my money?11 years ago
90% or more are flakes. Do them before they do you. Keep an insurance policy or three in your back pocket. This way, you'll always have them on rotation. You'll be able to find one whose not feeling flakey on any given day.
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The Best US Cities for Strip Clubs11 years ago
I assume that list is based on extras available. I travel a lot on business, and I would put Providence and Tampa towards the top. The mileage was insane! Baltimore is good, but it's hit or miss if you hit "the block" because some clubs are great with extras, others...not so much. This forum helps me weed that out.
I am from the Philly metro area, and there are several high mileage clubs. In north Jersey there are also several FS clubs if you like Latinas, which I love!
I am from the Philly metro area, and there are several high mileage clubs. In north Jersey there are also several FS clubs if you like Latinas, which I love!
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OT (sort of): TGTBT BP Escorts11 years ago
When in doubt, copy the picture, go to tineye.com, and paste the photo there. This site will tell you if the picture has been used before and on what site. It's quick, but it's saved me a lot if guessing about the provider if the identity is in doubt.
If not, just say fuck it and hit a strip club.
If not, just say fuck it and hit a strip club.
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Dating dancers11 years ago
I have dated several dancers (not for pay) either while they were stripping or after they stopped. Most of them on the surface seemed to be nice women, but after a few dates, things always expose themselves. Most of them turned out to be alcoholics, weed heads, excessive late night parties, low self esteem or anger issues. This was all due their upbringing or mental issues from stripping.
Admittedly, I tried to be Captsin Save A Hoe which never works. I've had to ask myself why I date strippers in the first place. Between the lies, mind fucks, and a host of other issues, nothing worked beyond 6 months at best. The sad part about it for them is that they can't keep a stable relationship with any man. Ultimately after Id stop dating one, 90 percent will end up calling me back to try to get back together within 3 months or less.
I could write a book about my past experiences. It's been a tiring game, but if you do date strippers, just know that the clock starts ticking towards the end of your relationship the second you start going out. If you can find a diamond in the rough, you have defied the odds!
Admittedly, I tried to be Captsin Save A Hoe which never works. I've had to ask myself why I date strippers in the first place. Between the lies, mind fucks, and a host of other issues, nothing worked beyond 6 months at best. The sad part about it for them is that they can't keep a stable relationship with any man. Ultimately after Id stop dating one, 90 percent will end up calling me back to try to get back together within 3 months or less.
I could write a book about my past experiences. It's been a tiring game, but if you do date strippers, just know that the clock starts ticking towards the end of your relationship the second you start going out. If you can find a diamond in the rough, you have defied the odds!
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She's Fucking a The Tile Guy, Too11 years ago
Tile guys have to check her plumbing too! You guys are right. Many strippers fuck a lot of guys, but many of us are equally guilty in that category. It's part of the game.
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What did you do for income before stripping ?11 years ago
Many of these strippers have told me they "guest bartended" at different bars for tips. Others worked in retail or fast food. Many said they were supported by their ex boyfriends who were drug dealers. I think many of them have PL sugar daddies and drug dealers for support. Better make that money now! That lifestyle ages them fast.
What they can sell today, they won't be able to give away tomorrow!
What they can sell today, they won't be able to give away tomorrow!
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Fuck buddy vs ATF11 years ago
Fuck buddy all day long!
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OTC Signs?11 years ago
Good thing you asked the forum early on. I'll bet most of us here have been in that situation at one time or another, myself included.
Just say no! Look at it two ways; If she's playing you for the money, don't get obsessed thinking about her. Guaranteed she has done this with numerous others. On the other hand, if she really likes you, you have opened up a Pandora's Box of issues in her life, mentally and financially. Trust me, you don't want any parts of that!
Keep a strong rotation of dancers, and hit other clubs. I've always said that dating a stripper can be the best short term relationship you'll ever have, and you'll be left with an empty wallet and a scorned heart if you try to take it any deeper. Just have fun, and move on. That's exactly what she's doing.
Just say no! Look at it two ways; If she's playing you for the money, don't get obsessed thinking about her. Guaranteed she has done this with numerous others. On the other hand, if she really likes you, you have opened up a Pandora's Box of issues in her life, mentally and financially. Trust me, you don't want any parts of that!
Keep a strong rotation of dancers, and hit other clubs. I've always said that dating a stripper can be the best short term relationship you'll ever have, and you'll be left with an empty wallet and a scorned heart if you try to take it any deeper. Just have fun, and move on. That's exactly what she's doing.
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Ten Commandments of Strip Clubs11 years ago
Sounds like these rules were written 2 decades ago. Anything goes now, and each dancer is different. Use whatever you want, to get what you need. They're looking at you from the same perspective!
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How are clubs changing in your town ?11 years ago
Definetely fewer customers and the dancer quality is sharply declining.