Ten Commandments of Strip Clubs

avatar for uwotm8
10. Thou Shall not kiss her or ask for her number
9. Thou shall not compliment a dancer on her perfume
8. Thou shall tip the bathroom attendant
7. Thou shall appreciate pole skills
6.Thou shall not inquire for her real name
5. Thou shall not regard her to be a prostitute
4. Thou shall go to private rooms with caution
3. Thou shall not attend by your lonesome
2. Thou shall not fall in love with a stripper
1. Thou shall not complete himself during a lap dance

Found these on Elite Daily, was curious if anyone else out there had an opinion on them. Any stories or input on these 'laws' of strip club etiquette are welcome.


last comment
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
10. Thou Shall not kiss her or ask for her number
Then how can I set up OTC sessions?

5. Thou shall not regard her to be a prostitute
Then how can I get her to fuck me?

3. Thou shall not attend by your lonesome
I'm a big boy. I can go places alone.

1. Thou shall not complete himself during a lap dance
You're going to kill LapDanceKing.

avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
LDK is going to hell.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
LDK.....are you up yet and reading #1?
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
#10 no kissing

Maybe there is no kissing baseball

But there is certainly kissing in strip clubs. That's now a requirement for me
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
Whoever wrote those is on the beginning of the learning curve
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
WTF uwotm8? Don't you believe in freedom my man? There is ONE commandment for strip clubbin'


OK, maybe there are two...

2. If you bring the Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay to the club make sure you bring enough for your bros.

But everything else is on the table. Fuck yeah!!!
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Right on brotha zip. That's the rule to live by.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
I don't get #9 about the perfume
avatar for uwotm8
11 years ago
haha zipman. I'm not saying I agree with these, I just saw them and figured I'd put them out there.

....Obviously the writers for Elite don't actually attend strip clubs. Or if they do, they want to sound like the ultimate do-gooder

And I don't get #9 either... don't comment on the way she smells? that just sounds ass backwards.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Cool, cool. I thought that uwotm8 made it up. Elite don't know sheet.
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
Guess I'm going to hell. I broke most of those yesterday. :)
avatar for bang69
11 years ago
Well I'm going to hell. I broke all the rules last night.
avatar for Lack4Oars
11 years ago
Dumbest rules I've ever read.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
11 years ago
Commandment no. 11: Forget the first ten.
avatar for Slam
11 years ago

10. Thou Shall not kiss her or ask for her number
She asked for my number. Oh and I do Kiss her all the time.

9. Thou shall not compliment a dancer on her perfume
Better things to compliment...
8. Thou shall tip the bathroom attendant
7. Thou shall appreciate pole skills
6.Thou shall not inquire for her real name
After phone conversations I got it.
5. Thou shall not regard her to be a prostitute
4. Thou shall go to private rooms with caution
I went w/ Reckless abandon it more than worked for me.
3. Thou shall not attend by your lonesome
I only go by myself
2. Thou shall not fall in love with a stripper
Not yet...
1. Thou shall not complete himself during a lap dance
Didn't, but...

avatar for sclvr5005
11 years ago
Number 3 is ridiculous.
avatar for uwotm8
11 years ago
They have no idea what they are talking about.

What would you make the ten commandments?
avatar for Yoda
11 years ago
Fortunately I'm a boomer and don't read any of the BS that sites like Elite Daily espouse. A collection of rules written by manginas or women who have either never stripped or only done it in air dance type gentleman's clubs are of no interest to me.
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
Well 7 is a decent one, if you like that sort of thing (I do), and 6 is OK, but only because it can make them uncomfortable.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
10. Thou Shall return kisses only, and not badger her for her number
9. ???
3. ???
1. Thou shall not soak through during a lap dance
avatar for Subraman
11 years ago
I'm okay with:
7. Thou shall appreciate pole skills
6.Thou shall not inquire for her real name
2. Thou shall not fall in love with a stripper

I mean, I do appreciate pole skills, who the fuck cares what her real name is, and caveat emptor if you fall in love

In addition, I have no idea how you horny fucks manage to come during just a lapdance. Damn, are you all 14? So like it or not, I'm stuck following:
1. Thou shall not complete himself during a lap dance

This one is among the more retarded ones:
10. Thou Shall not kiss her or ask for her number

Even non-extras girls who don't do OTC use her number -- google voice set up for just this purpose, if she's smart -- to keep in touch with regulars, send out her schedule or "I really miss you, will you come see me today" messages. Whoever wrote this has no idea how thing work.

I don't understand this one. Why not?
9. Thou shall not compliment a dancer on her perfume

Fuck da bathroom troll
8. Thou shall tip the bathroom attendant

And total bullshit:
5. Thou shall not regard her to be a prostitute

That's usually code words for "you're not even allowed to ask for extras or OTC"... again, someone has no idea how things work

avatar for gatorfan
11 years ago
Thou shalt not shit thine pants
avatar for ButterMan
11 years ago
I agree with 2,7,8...the rest are silly especially the one abt perfume and her number.
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
Actually, for us married dudes, perfume is a real issue! A strong perfume smell that lingers on you for hours and is different from your wife's scent is a sure path to an ugly argument when you get home.

I prefer gentle scents SPARINGLY applied.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
Strong perfume is awful most of the time.
I texted a dancer last night. I guess they didn't think about adding thou shall not text a dancer.
She texted me back.

This thread reminds me of a safe hiking sign rules to follow. I found it off trail up about the 9 to 10,000 foot level on Mt. Rainier if I remember correctly. Actually I might have descended because it was in the ground and I was no longer on a glacier. I think there were only one or two rules I didn't break. I would have never found the sign otherwise. There was no trail anywhere near the sign, lol. Stay on the trails was one rule.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
One rule I would have added for safe mountain hiking
1. Do not walk out on thin ice next to a whie water river at the 9,000 foot level.

My younger brother wanted to. We would have seen him die I believe if he had. At least there wasn't anyone stopping us from doing whatever we wanted. We were not wearing hiking boots, rope or any gear so the mountain climbers up on the glaciers were giving us some strange looks. lol
avatar for stenton1
11 years ago
Sounds like these rules were written 2 decades ago. Anything goes now, and each dancer is different. Use whatever you want, to get what you need. They're looking at you from the same perspective!
avatar for ButterMan
11 years ago
Agreed stenton1!!!
avatar for fun12times12
11 years ago
Agreed ATAC. There is a dancer at the club I frequent that goes the extra mile. But I can smell her on me when she walks by. My ATF doesn't wear strong perfume or lipstick just to be courteous to her customers. Says she can taste the other dancers lipstick when she kisses an ear or nibbles on your neck. I appreciate that from her.
avatar for MrDeuce
11 years ago
Stupid list. I agree only with #2, 5, 7, and 8.

10. Thou Shall not kiss her or ask for her number
Getting kissed by a dancer during or after a VIP session is HOT. More and more non-extras, non-OTC dancers are offering to exchange digits.

9. Thou shall not compliment a dancer on her perfume

6. Thou shall not inquire for her real name
Increasingly they offer it up voluntarily: "Hi, my name here is Angel but my real name is Ashley." Sometimes if they don't tell me, I ask.

5. Thou shall not regard her to be a prostitute
Some are, some aren't. There's no advantage in making a blanket assumption.

4. Thou shall go to private rooms with caution
Also ridiculous, unless it means "Negotiate services and cost up front".

3. Thou shall not attend by your lonesome
I always fly solo in the clubs.

1. Thou shall not complete himself during a lap dance
To rephrase: "Thou shalt not satisfy thy hunger in a restaurant." *Many* guys happily "complete themselves" during lap dances (even though few besides LapDanceKing and me admit it) and *many* dancers gladly encourage it. Some of my favorite dancers over the years have asked me "Did you come?" when we're finished.
avatar for sofaking87
11 years ago
I like zipman's commandments!
avatar for sflguy123
11 years ago
10. Thou Shall not kiss her or ask for her number
Violated sometimes in the past.

9. Thou shall not compliment a dancer on her perfume
Never have.

8. Thou shall tip the bathroom attendant
More times than not do not. I go a lot when I drink I don't want to pay him more than the strippers.

7. Thou shall appreciate pole skills
I don't not why I go to SC.

6.Thou shall not inquire for her real name
Why bother.

5. Thou shall not regard her to be a prostitute
They make money off their naked bodies. Sorry become a doctor or lawyer.

4. Thou shall go to private rooms with caution
I don't do pvt room.

3. Thou shall not attend by your lonesome
Only by my lonesome.

2. Thou shall not fall in love with a stripper
More like lust.

1. Thou shall not complete himself during a lap dance
Sorry been there done that. Consider it a compliment.
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
Pretty stupid shit.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
I'm almost never alone in a strip club. A dancer keeps sitting with me or on me. When they aren't, I get to spend time tipping dancers on stage. A buddy can save your seat or beer but can also be a major drag. He can say stupid crap to dancers and spend most of his time looking at his phone like he has more important things to do. If he only brought ten to twenty bucks to the strip club, I'm just left thinking wtf is this guy here for anyway? Just to sit and look at his phone?
avatar for shmutz
11 years ago
It seems we all agree that this list is rather ridiculous. The question is, though, what are some USEFUL and INTELLIGENT rules for attending Strip Clubs? Let me try a couple:

1. Always be polite and gentlemanly when interacting with a dancer you don't know well yet.

2. When sitting at the rail, tip every dancer (or don't sit there). Some clubs have this rule themselves.

3. If you're tipping at the stage and you like the dancer, be generous.

4. If you have a bad experience with a dancer, don't make a fuss, just walk away from it without arguing or getting angry (even if it costs you some cash!).

Any opinions? Any additions?
avatar for alabegonz
11 years ago
nope you're not going to hell, you're going to where bad girls go: strip clubs.
avatar for Electronman
11 years ago
Commandments are made to be broken, or at least bent.
avatar for uwotm8
11 years ago
shmutz - those rules are sounding a bit more reasonable than Elite's ancient Commandments

Rule 5: Don't bring a reluctant girlfriend. It makes everyone uncomfortable.

Anyone else got opinions? Additions?
avatar for Tiredtraveler
11 years ago
11) Thou shallt know all rule except number two are optional.
avatar for warhawks
11 years ago
Thou shall not got to the bathroom to take a dump in the strip club.

If you have to take a dump, you have probably been in the club for WAY too long!!!! Either that, or wherever you ate last should be reported to the health dept. Ha!
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