
She's Fucking a The Tile Guy, Too

Avatar for SlickSpic

So my brothers and sisters, here we go again. I get this call from a sweet thang that I met at her club. Our relationship went from P4P to friends with benefits. Cool.

That being said, I always keep my wits and quick wit with me. She called me up this last Thursday. She wanted me to meet her at her medical school so that I could be her guinea pig. No sweat. Been there, done that. Afterwards, we go back to her place for a little r&r.

While we're at her house, she's showing me her remodeled bathroom. Let me tell you, it looks great. While admiring the tile work, I ask her who did it. When you can get quality tile work, go for it. She paused, uncomfortably, and replied, "Oh, just a friend."

Then and there I knew that I wasn't the only guy getting some. That's all right with me. I don't hate her hustle. She's not the only gal that I'm fucking, either.

On the Brightside of things, all I have to do is show up and get scanned for pussy. This other dude has to actually labor for that sweet, sweet punani.


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Avatar for jackslash

Strippers fuck a lot of dudes. If you expect faithfulness, you will be disappointed.

Slick, how did she use you as a guinea pig?

Avatar for tumblingdice

Who's laying tile with my old lady?

Avatar for SlickSpic

She's going to school tone an ultrasound technician. I've had my heart, thyroid, and legs scanned. I need to write about the leg scanning story.

We all fuck a lot, men and women. Sex and sensuality are part of the strippers everyday life. If you deal with them, get use to it. I know that some of us have.

Avatar for steve229

Was it a complete remodel? That could mean more "friends" - plumber, electrician, carpenter, painter, etc

Avatar for SlickSpic

@Steve-Don't forget the landscapers and their dirty fingers.

Avatar for stenton1

Tile guys have to check her plumbing too! You guys are right. Many strippers fuck a lot of guys, but many of us are equally guilty in that category. It's part of the game.

Avatar for motorhead

Why are men like floor tiles?

Because if you lay them right the first time, you can walk all over them

Avatar for Clackport

I fuck with a lot of strippers, and I realize they fuck other guys besides me. Strippers just love sex.

Avatar for gawker

I needed an ultrasound of my left testicle recently. The young attractive technician was nervous as hell as she grasped my balls with her gloved hand and explained the procedure.

I asked if she remembered the Ticle Me Elmo dolls and she brightened up and said she'd had one as a kid. I explained that on the production line there was one woman who had to test every doll by tickling it. Her title was the test tickler. (Testicular!)

The girl didn't even laugh .

Avatar for farmerart

If she wanted me to drill a well in her back yard she would have to do a hell of a lot more than just fuck me.

Avatar for carolynne

i never have to pay for any work around the house.

Avatar for SlickSpic

@Carolynne-If I was a a chick, I do the same. Gotta work that hustle while you can.

Avatar for Prim0

I cannot believe that the phrase "pipe layer" didn't come up in this thread!

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