To be a racist you have to have and show hate for an entire race. I have never slandered or said anything offensive to the whole of the African American race. My beef is solely with juicebox69 et and anyone that supports him. Calling him a nigger is my way of showing my contempt at what he has done to the discussion board. I don't find him one bit funny and don't understand anyone that does. This is supposed to be an adult site. Not one for 3rd graders. I refuse to argue the point because I would just be wasting my breath and it pisses you trolls off if I don't respond.
Yeah, I understand exactly where you're coming from. All the non-sense on this board really takes away from the site. What makes it worse is TUSCL isn't like most message boards nowadays that have different sections (like stripper web for example)- this board is stone age and still has all the threads dumped into one location. So when the board gets trolled, all the good threads get pushed onto the second or third page. But hey, that's what happens when you don't have a moderator, whose sole purpose is to maintain order. founder should look into that.
As far as juice, I don't think he's real and I never have. All his posts obviously are a bunch of BS and if you've read his reviews you can just tell they aren't real. To me, juice is just some made up character by someone who has far too much time on his hands and enjoys causing disruption and trolling a message board.
We're all playing a character to some degree, so it depends what you mean when you say Juice isn't real. There is one way that Juice is far more real than BonesBrother. The person playing Juice doesn't wrap himself in a robe of faux altruism when challenged. The person playing Juice knows that some people enjoy his character's antics whereas others hate them.
Look at BonesBrother's answer above. Basically, his position is "I'm not a racist, I just use racist language to show contempt for Juice because he's ruining TUSCL". Hmm...he uses racist language to show contempt for a dude of unknown race playing a character that sometimes uses stereotypical rapper language. BonesBrother should know that racist language will get a negative reaction. So I question whether this is a useful tactic, if he is sincere.
Personally, I don't think BonesBrother is sincere. He is a butthurt dude just like TDHQ that devised an obnoxious character to troll a troll. Indeed, I suspect he is the same butthurt dude as TDHQ.
Vikings my friend, you've always been a good guy. We may disagree regarding the amount of funny stuff vs crap that the guy behind Juice puts out there. Personally, there are times I'd like Juice to dial it back. Other times he makes me laugh like a motherfucker. If you or the guy behind BonesBrother don't like ANYTHING ol' Juice posts that's cool. But there is one difference between you and BonesBrother -- you don't troll Juice and pretend you're doing a service for the rest of us, BonesBrother does.
@BonesBrother -- "I refuse to argue the point because I would just be wasting my breath and it pisses you trolls off if I don't respond."
So why did you start this thread, Mr Attention Whore?
Seriously dude, if you mean what you say about disliking Juice's impact on the board I can respect that. I disagree, but I respect it. But becoming a hyper offensive troll to fight a troll some of us like isnt helping.
Why don't you just admit that you enjoy being a troll?
We're all playing some character to a certain degree? Man, I don't get why you're playing dumb. There's a clear difference between someone who signs up to a message board and creates a name for him or herself because they want to discuss a similar topic of interest (in this case SCs) and someone who is very obviously a troll just trying to cause disruption. Not hard to figure out which one "juice" is.
I'm black and Bonesbrother doesn't bother me, that should tell you something. Sure, I'd like for him to not use some of the terms he's used when expressing his frustration, but I fully understand stand his premise: which is that this site gets ruined by whoever controls this fake character named juice.
Calling Bonesbrother an attention whore while being a supporter (which you clearly are for some stupid reason) of "juice" is hilarious. Bonesbrother rarely posts on TUSCL. "juice" posts all day and his posts are obviously nothing but a bunch of BS. What's really sad though is that there are people who have the time to troll a message board all day and somehow get some type of "enjoyment" out of it.
I'm black and Bonesbrother doesn't bother me.That should tell you something.Yeah ,it tells me you're a fucking Uncle Tom.If B'bro's use of the "N" word did not displace you,then you have serious character issues.
Clubber- I use ignore sometimes. But trolls can just create new names and nobody wants to keep having to put another new name on their ignore list over and over and over again.
I love TUSCL, I've just never come across a discussion/message board that has absolutely no order like this one does. Other than TUSCL, I'm a member of a couple of other message boards and what goes on here would never pass on those forums.
It doesn't look like TUSCL is going to change anytime soon, so I guess I'll have to just put up with it/block it out.
Seems to me that GV understands that it is better to dig up the roots, than to keep having to cut branches off. GV- check, that looks like a juvenille chat board too.
Just can that "nigger" talk. No room for it here, and I find it deeply offensive. That's like going to a Jewidh area, and calling one Jew you don't like a "kike." It's still highly offensive and you'd be knee deep in lawsuits and perhaps violence. Just refrain from racist talk period.
Perhaps it's just me, but as a child, there was the old, "Sticks and stones...". Take it to heart! Who gives a fuck what some ignorant fuck calls you? Bottom line, those that object are giving them exactly what they wish! Very stupid.
Bonesbrother is an idiot. He uses the racial language to be deliberately inflammatory. Just about the attention like all the other trolls. Unsurprisingly most of you fall right into the trap.
What amuses me is how many of you flip shit of him and have no problem with Dougster and his language and tactics.
last comment#ILoveYouBonesbrother
As far as juice, I don't think he's real and I never have. All his posts obviously are a bunch of BS and if you've read his reviews you can just tell they aren't real. To me, juice is just some made up character by someone who has far too much time on his hands and enjoys causing disruption and trolling a message board.
Was there some kind of falling out between him and the KKK? Did he finally realize they were just using him for sex?
We're all playing a character to some degree, so it depends what you mean when you say Juice isn't real. There is one way that Juice is far more real than BonesBrother. The person playing Juice doesn't wrap himself in a robe of faux altruism when challenged. The person playing Juice knows that some people enjoy his character's antics whereas others hate them.
Look at BonesBrother's answer above. Basically, his position is "I'm not a racist, I just use racist language to show contempt for Juice because he's ruining TUSCL". Hmm...he uses racist language to show contempt for a dude of unknown race playing a character that sometimes uses stereotypical rapper language. BonesBrother should know that racist language will get a negative reaction. So I question whether this is a useful tactic, if he is sincere.
Personally, I don't think BonesBrother is sincere. He is a butthurt dude just like TDHQ that devised an obnoxious character to troll a troll. Indeed, I suspect he is the same butthurt dude as TDHQ.
Vikings my friend, you've always been a good guy. We may disagree regarding the amount of funny stuff vs crap that the guy behind Juice puts out there. Personally, there are times I'd like Juice to dial it back. Other times he makes me laugh like a motherfucker. If you or the guy behind BonesBrother don't like ANYTHING ol' Juice posts that's cool. But there is one difference between you and BonesBrother -- you don't troll Juice and pretend you're doing a service for the rest of us, BonesBrother does.
So why did you start this thread, Mr Attention Whore?
Seriously dude, if you mean what you say about disliking Juice's impact on the board I can respect that. I disagree, but I respect it. But becoming a hyper offensive troll to fight a troll some of us like isnt helping.
Why don't you just admit that you enjoy being a troll?
Where we call people we don't like "niggers". Okay. Got it!
We're all playing some character to a certain degree? Man, I don't get why you're playing dumb. There's a clear difference between someone who signs up to a message board and creates a name for him or herself because they want to discuss a similar topic of interest (in this case SCs) and someone who is very obviously a troll just trying to cause disruption. Not hard to figure out which one "juice" is.
I'm black and Bonesbrother doesn't bother me, that should tell you something. Sure, I'd like for him to not use some of the terms he's used when expressing his frustration, but I fully understand stand his premise: which is that this site gets ruined by whoever controls this fake character named juice.
Calling Bonesbrother an attention whore while being a supporter (which you clearly are for some stupid reason) of "juice" is hilarious. Bonesbrother rarely posts on TUSCL. "juice" posts all day and his posts are obviously nothing but a bunch of BS. What's really sad though is that there are people who have the time to troll a message board all day and somehow get some type of "enjoyment" out of it.
Don't forget "ignore".
I love TUSCL, I've just never come across a discussion/message board that has absolutely no order like this one does. Other than TUSCL, I'm a member of a couple of other message boards and what goes on here would never pass on those forums.
It doesn't look like TUSCL is going to change anytime soon, so I guess I'll have to just put up with it/block it out.
Nope a moderator would go contrary to our predominately Libertarian values.
What amuses me is how many of you flip shit of him and have no problem with Dougster and his language and tactics.