
Why do strippers almost exclusively have black boyfriends?

When I sat down and thought about it, almost every stripper I've ever known--regardless of their own ethnicity or state they grew up in--had black kids. Just an observation I've noticed (and apparently Randy as well).

I have several theories as to why that is, but I wanted to hear your thoughts first. Strippers: feel free to chime in here too.


  • LMN
    10 years ago
    Urban culture glorifies stripping and prostitution.

    In standard WASP culture, a significant other that strips or has sex for money would be unacceptable. Rap music and inner city urban youths find it to be an accepted if not prized trait.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    Only one of 5 B/F's I can recall among 3 dancers I know well was black, and since my area has a sizable black population I'd consider that average. But it wouldn't surprise me if there are more black b/f's than average overall; my sample size is small. LMN nailed it, if true.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Being a fuck buddie and knocking up a girl does not make a guy a "boyfriend". And rappers don't sing about "girlfriends" that much. Its ho's and bitches, right?
  • stenton1
    10 years ago
    The striippers I've known have had black, white and Latino boyfriends. I haven't seen a real trend. One thing I do know is that the relationships never last. No man can deal with the madness a stripper girlfriend and the drug or jealousy issues long term.
    Fuck buddy, sugar daddy, friends with benefits....maybe. A real long lasting relationship? Not a chance in hell!
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    If you say so, but all strippers I've gotten to now well had white trash boyfriends, lol

    Anyway, I have no problems with black BFs, as along as they don't bring them to the club or pose with them on Instagram ;)
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Can't say I agree. The dancers I've know well enough to believe what I am told, well, one had a GF (white) and the other a white guy.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Most strippers don't make wise life choices.The trend you speak of is rampant here in S.Carolina,one of the regions you would expect it the least.If you have one stripper that you are friends with on FB go to her list of friends and you'll see what I mean.
  • Hard4Dancers
    10 years ago
    As stated earlier I had several theories as to why strippers tend to date mostly black dudes:

    - most drug dealers are black guys? We know strippers like their drugs and you can't beat the convenience of a boyfriend. This is probably the biggest reason

    - the loser boyfriends are often supported financially by the stripper, so they're literally pimps. Most pimps tend to be black dudes...

    - strippers often have unstable lives typical of the American underclass (homeless/mentally ill/prisoners/unemployable) and this group is filled with black dudes

    - the media glorifies thug culture and black dudes are seen as more masculine to women with low self-esteem (many strippers). These women are drawn to masculine types

    - black dudes are less likely to tolerate their bullshit at home and more likely to keep them in check?

    - the big dick stereotype? It's common knowledge that strippers are sluttier than other groups of women

  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    ^^^Can't say that I disagree.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Does that mean Asian strippers have Brack Boyflends?
  • sinclair
    10 years ago
    The media promotes miscegenation. It is fashionable to have a black boyfriend.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Buy them a Chihuahua.
  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    I had a friend that I've lost contact with over the years, but he ONLY dated strippers and the relationships were always drama filled and short. Needless to say he had plenty of his own issues too.

    Anyway my point is he had a theory about stripper boyfriends as well regardless of race. He would always complain that most of the strippers he would meet would have scrawny loser boyfriends that lived in their moms basements and played video games all day. His theory was strippers would only date guys that they perceived as sub-par to the their own image to protect their egos. (I.e.) if a stripper is dating a loser, that loser will put up with the bullshit and drama because they know they can't get a better girl. Which on the other hand most successful guys aren't going to put up with the bullshit and if the stripper acted up she'd be replaced quickly.

    He would always give me examples and he was right. This theory also continued into bars where girls are glorified as well in places like hooters, tilted kilt, etc. I used to think he was full of shit until I found out that at that at my local (sports bar which has female only waitresses who tend to dress provocative... ) every hot girl working there was dating a black guy.

    I'm not stereo typing African Americans as being lazy - it's just a common correlation that most of their boyfriends are either African American or losers.

    Looks like you're outta luck if you're a WASP, You can be her sugar daddy but not her boyfriend
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    My ATF has been with her BF for 12 years and he's a white loser who' been in and out of prison. She had one fling with a black dude when BF was incarcerated. He tried to become her pimp and she dropped him fast. Her favorite fuck buddy is Puerto Rican (drug dealer) and she says I don't care what color he is if he can sexually please me the way this guy can. She says he hits her g-spot with every thrust and makes her have multiple orgasms every time. She says no one has ever sexually dominated her the way this guy does and she says he's got the smoothest cappuccino skin.
    She says I accidentally hit her g-spot once and sadly I have no rhythm but she still loves me. Lol.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    "Most strippers don't make wise life choices.The trend you speak of is rampant here in S.Carolina," - tumblingdice.

    I have to agree.
  • deogol
    10 years ago
    Strippers are great long enough they are naked and nice. But as soon as they aren't (aka, you aren't paying for them) - watch out. Like many here say, nice white guys who want a nice secure woman won't put up with their bullshit. Better to date ex-strippers, they are in a better place with regards to relationships, but prepare to be disillusioned.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Shadow,I'm telling you,it's terrible.You're gonna have to send me a-Who's not living with a black dude-teeshirt.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    With the wide array of nationalities in Cali, I've found that the OP's experience might depend on a region by region basis. I also feel that some dancers choose boyfriends based on which ethnicity is hip for the moment.

    Right now, with the popularity of The Shahs of Sunset, more than a number of dancers I know of have a Persian boyfriend of some means.
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    I'm a black guy in my 20's and I strongly believe that most dancers (regardless of what color they are) are more likely to avoid black customers- ESPECIALLY the young ones.

    But I do realize who they approach in the club probably doesn't have much to do with who they choose to date.

    Either way, the results of this thread (so far) don't indicate that strippers boyfriends are normally black. There's no consensus view here.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    Good points across the board, I don't have anything to add.

    I asked this question on Stripperweb, but that faggot Yoda deleted the thread.
  • Hard4Dancers
    10 years ago

    I wasn't looking for a consensus view to begin with. Obviously everything I wrote was based on MY opinions and observations. It is generally assumed, when you post something on an online discussion forum, that the opinions shared by posters are just that: their opinions.

    Apparently my word is law around here now. Hey...cool with me. Everyone reading this sentence must give me $3000 right now.

  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    @H4D-Do you accept Bitcoins?
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Would you accept the non-fiction book "Black like Me"? It is very insightful.
  • Hard4Dancers
    10 years ago

  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    I hope Hard4Dancers doesn’t own an NBA team
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    @Papi-Shit, he better watch out for the WNBA. Them broads don't mess around.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    “Perception is not always reality” – as the saying goes.

    I *have* noticed some dancers date black guys - we do not live in a color blind society and interracial dating still raises eyebrows – if one notices a couple of dancers have black BFs; then it may appear as if this is the norm/trend – i.e. since interracial dating is still not kosher for many in society; a few white chicks dating black guys is a few too many thus making some react as if this was the norm or a trend – its kinda an overreaction IMO – I’d venture to say white dancers w/ black BFs is more of the exception and perhaps maybe just a bit more common than in general society but not by a large amount.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    “…"Most strippers don't make wise life choices.The trend you speak of is rampant here in S.Carolina," - tumblingdice.

    I have to agree …”

    @ shadow;

    I don’t think td got the jab LOL
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    "Perception is not always reality"-Very much agreed on.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Obviously. LOL.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Quick question H4D-From which one of your many reviews have you experienced this phenomenon?
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    "Why do strippers almost exclusively have black boyfriends?"

    Because they have big dicks?
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    @Doug-I was waiting for you to chime in. If my little birds ain't lying, I heard that you were doing some secret writing for Pete Holmes and Chris Hardwick. Are you the secret mastermind behind Nederist Industries?
  • Hard4Dancers
    10 years ago
    It was the review where the dancer told me she loved me because I blew several thousand dollars on lap dances and drinks with her.

    Oh, wait...

  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Thanks, slic!

    I wonder when bonesbrother will chime in on this matter?
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    "I asked this question on Stripperweb, but that faggot Yoda deleted the thread."

    +1 ranukam
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I wrote the same review
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    Because people that society treats like niggers are drawn together for mutual support and understanding.
  • chessmaster
    10 years ago
    @ ilbbaicnl, Society treats strippers like niggers? I don't think so. Maybe society treats them bad, but not as bad as us niggers. And niggers is so offensive. Of course in this context I don't know whether you're using it in the derogatory sense or not, but still...
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    sc is so far ahead of td, he would have to...

    Never mind. Not worth the effort to type it.
  • sexualchoc
    10 years ago
    All white girls love the black dick, remember that!!
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    A 1977 storyline about interracial dating on "All My Children" is to blame. That damn Agnes Nixon!
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Of course I got it.It's funny,you guys see a nice shiny storefront,you should take a walk into the dark and greasy boiler room.Papi and Clubber,you guys gotta stop looking for signs of global warming.And stop taking your cues from the Sam Champion of TUSCL.
  • jabthehut
    10 years ago
    Of the 10 or so strippers and 1 waitress (all white) whose children and/or bf/husband I have met, only one has a child by a black bf and that one has an older child by a white bf.
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    @chessmaster no I did not mean it in derogatory sense. I was trying to be sarcastic, since the OP seems to suffer from paranoid bigotry.

    Both Blacks and strippers are often treated as though the were inferiors. The way they are treated as inferiors is often different. I think it's very hard to quantify mistreatment. But if you think you've managed to do it, I won't argue with you. Does your opinion of strippers cause you to treat them negatively, is that why you resist my comparison?
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    @ibbaicnl: That's a good point about the questionable validity of quantifying mistreatment. I don't think anything of black people because they have a broad a range of personality traits as any other race, although there are certain stereotypes that come in to play in certain situations, like if I saw a black man in my neighborhood at 2AM walking down my street. But if he was a bummy looking white guy I'd feel the same sense of danger.

    Based on years of personal experience, I do pigeonhole dancers as all being flakes. I'm sure there's some out there that aren't, but that's not been my experience. I'm amazed how to a woman they don't have the same sense of personal integrity as average people. Of course if I knew as many dancers as I do black people, maybe I'd stop thinking that way...?
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    @rockstar I'm not convinced that the personal integrity of strippers, on average, is any worse than for people in general who live on 100% commission.

    Yes lots of strippers are flakey. But hello, George W. Bush was elected US President. Once again, not a unique population parameter of strippers.

    BTW I'm no foaming at the mouth W hater, I'd enjoy having a few beers with the guy. I just have my doubts he'd even be able to run a supermarket well. And I'm talking one store, not a chain.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    I don't know too many with whom I knew who their boyfriend was where the boyfriend was black. But the ones who did have black boyfriends were all pimped out. Of course, it makes me wonder whether they are really dating each other.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    Reading some of the comments does make me think it could be regional. I know in Michigan it's pretty common. Let's take a hard look at statistics. Studies have shown that about 7.5 percent of marriages are interracial. For co-habitating couples, that nearly doubles to around 14 percent.

    Does the same hold true for the dancer population? Not from my observations. All one has to do now is become Facebook friends with a handful of dancers. Then you can find just about every dancer in the club. Conservatively, it's about one out of four, or 25%

    In other words, almost double what you would predict from the general population. So, while it's no where near what the OP suggests, it does seem to occur at a much higher rate than expected

    But like I and others said - I think it very much could be regional.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    A deep; thoughtful; conversation from some great minds w.r.t. interracial dating:

  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Another masterpiece – very entertaining:


  • nickifree
    10 years ago
    I said it four years ago. Rap and hip-hop have the greatest influence in strip clubs. What you see now is a reflection of how strip clubs are views by women and not how men view them.

    Strip clubs draw girls (as the commodity) because of the draw to rap and hip hop. However, a large marojity of women are not drawn into stripping because they are not drawn into rap and hip-hop.
    Which strip clubs are more an more in the domain of rap and hip hop.

    A white girl who likes a group like "The Cranberry's" is not going to be drawn to stirp clubs in the way that a white girl who likes .50 cents. That's just the nature of realitly. So of course in that domain a white girl is morel ikely to have a black boyfriend.

    It's just a reflection the culture that presently has the greatest influence on strip clubs. It's not something that about strip clubs in an of themselves.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I remember the good old days of strip clubbing when White girls who liked the Cranberry's use to dominate the club scene from Long Beach to Long Island. Remember all the White strippers who use to dance to Julianna Hatfield? They sure were mellow.
  • rl27
    10 years ago
    It likely depends on the area of the country. The few boyfriends, pimps or husbands of strippers that I have ever noticed mostly were wanna be rockers or looked like rednecks or hillbillies. One very hot stripper I liked had a fiance that would have fit right in as an extra on the movie Deliverance.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Bottom line, to each, their own. If it isn't illegal, who's business is it but your own?
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