
Legal Prostitution

Avatar for Clackport

A friend told me a strip club is basically legal prostitution.

Do you agree or disagree?


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Avatar for Yoda

Your friend is wrong.

Avatar for mikeya02

Well, strip clubs are legal, and from what guys here report, more than a few clubs are basically whore houses.

Avatar for stenton1

Depends on which club you hit. I have noticed that since the economy has been in the tank, the episodes of extras have gone way up.

Avatar for ButterMan

Ummm no. Sex is technically illegal in the strip club is well not to say it doesn't happen there are legal whore houses in Nevada.

Avatar for jester214

No. Some strip clubs are basically brothels, but that doesn't make it legal.

Avatar for steve229

"Just 'cause she dances go-go

It don't make her a ho, no"

Avatar for shadowcat

What is your friend smoking? Of course not legal.

Avatar for goonster

A strip club is a form of sexual services in exchange for money.

I wouldn't call it all out prostitution, but being somebody who frequents AMPs and strip clubs, AND has been to a few Nevada brothels, from my experience, the line between them is pretty blurry.

Avatar for Fanky

Its still not legal

Avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle

Goonster almost expressed my sentiment: For years I've felt that lap dancing is "lightweight" prostitution. It isn't sex, but the customer is paying for the use of a woman's body.

Avatar for sofaking87

I think it depends on the state/country.

Avatar for sclvr5005

Only if its done right.

Avatar for Yoda

Just because half of the girls sucking and fucking in the CR have convinced themselves that they are not committing prostitution doesn't make it true...

Tolerated? Yes. Legal? No.

Avatar for carl95

Ask your friend, if that's the case then why do the police raid them?

Avatar for alabegonz

Strippers are not whores, hence strip clubs arr not brothels or places of prostitution.

Strippers provide fantasy by means within what is condideref allowed by the club.

Avatar for goonster

I said what I said, however outside of Nevada, what happens isn't necessarily legal, so I would not call a strip club a legal brothel any more than if call an AMP a legal brothel despite the fact that in a strip clubs case there are both legal and illegal sexual services happening.

Avatar for lopaw

lol yeah what sclvr said

Avatar for gatorfan

Legal prostitution involves fucking not getting fucked.

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