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Joined Dec, 2013
Last Seen Apr, 2014


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11 years ago
How would you define types of clubs
When you think about it, each club kinda has its own 'marker', some sort of pull factor. What would you say makes up the…
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11 years ago
(If) There can be only one...
My buddy hit me with this one the other day:
If you had to choose to only have one for the rest of your life,…
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11 years ago
commented on
Ten Commandments of Strip Clubs
shmutz - those rules are sounding a bit more reasonable than Elite's ancient Commandments

Rule 5: Don't bring a reluctant girlfriend. It makes…
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11 years ago
commented on
Ten Commandments of Strip Clubs
They have no idea what they are talking about.

What would you make the ten commandments?
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11 years ago
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Ten Commandments of Strip Clubs
haha zipman. I'm not saying I agree with these, I just saw them and figured I'd put them out there.

....Obviously the writers for…
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11 years ago
Ten Commandments of Strip Clubs
10. Thou Shall not kiss her or ask for her number
9. Thou shall not compliment a dancer on her perfume
8. Thou shall tip the…