Reasons for dumping one of your favorites

avatar for sharkhunter
1. She seems to be taking advantage of you. In my case she started dancing right away cheating me out of a minute or two of dancing.

2. She no longer seems to excite you.

3. She was never very far from the bottom of my list in the first place.


4. You're just tired of her.


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avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
5. Found a better one.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
11 years ago
6. Hounds you constantly to come into the SC
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
@sharkhunter....the four reasons you gave makes me wonder how she was your favorite in the first place. How long have you known her?
avatar for alabegonz
11 years ago
7. Not enough money to cover her cosmetics, food interests, shopping fantasies.
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
For me it's usually that it's run it's course and it's time for some new blood. It starts feeling more like a chore than something to look forward to. Then you know it's time to cut the cord.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
11 years ago
8. Gained or lost two much weight.

Shark, I could have written that! I just recently said that at least a long time fave needs a rest. Maybe for good. All of your four reasons apply in my case, plus another. In her case she's also gained a lot of weight over the past three years. (I've know her for seven years, total.) Maybe I'm finally tired of the constant weight gain.
avatar for Lack4Oars
11 years ago
Question: so once you do decide to dump her, is it awkward going to the club now if she is working that day/night also?
avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
Business 101:

You hit the point of diminishing returns.
avatar for stenton1
11 years ago
She starts arguing with you and getting jealous of you paying attention to other dancers at the club. She accuses you of "cheating" with other dancers while at the club. I always found that to be hilarious. Bizarro world!! Go figure!!
avatar for gatorfan
11 years ago
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
Her drug use becomes abuse.
avatar for mjx01
11 years ago
- excessively taking advantage of you (cuz lets face it, there's always some taking advantage of... but now more than it's worth)

- she no longer acts happy to see you

- diminishing returns sums it up nicely (+1 tumblingdice)

@Lack2Oars: YES.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
I don't remember how long I've known the dancer I was referring to. She wasn't exactly at the top of my list of favorites so I didn't pay much attention. I'll just say no thanks if she comes over to me any time soon. I won't even bother visiting the club for a while if my plans turn out as expected. I do have other favorites so no big deal. Except for routinely tipping her on stage I didn't even always spend money on her. She was lower down on my favorites list. She'll probably notice me not tipping if she sees me.
avatar for alabegonz
11 years ago
Would be interesting to know how about dropping the one who is at the top of the totem pole, or your dancer who is at the top three?

Dropping a #2 or #1 happened to me, about two or three years ago. Her stage name was Lucky and she was my #1, but I had to drop her because she couldn't keep it straight, plus I was a bit wishy-washy at that time, making the situation a total FUBAR. She quit dancing, the night I was about to patch things up, her boyfriend showed and whisked her away. She never came back.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
I dropped my number one favorite one time I believe or we both dropped each other. It's possible she thought I was really some kind of sugar daddy or whatever. I had no idea what she thought. She wanted me to spend a hundred or more on her and it wasn't to get dances. She confused me why in the world she even thought I would give her money to go buy something with nothing in return. She went crazy. Actually she really did appear pissed off. I didn't have a clue why. She quit working at the club for 3 months just because she was mad at me and knew I would be there. Her "friends" gave me updates, lol, that she was working at club xyz if I wanted to see her. I didn't. She reappeared 3 months later acting reasonable again.

8. She went crazy and quit the club.
avatar for alabegonz
11 years ago
avatar for rl27
11 years ago
Usually its because she either went way down hill in dance quality or went bat shit insane. One of my past favorites started at a very high 9 in looks, 10 in lap dance and 10 in extras. In three years time she went from my #1 dancer to completely out of consideration. Her looks had degraded to a 6, lap dance to a 6 and extras to a 0.
avatar for rl27
11 years ago
I guess the one I talked about above is
9. She let herself really go
10. she went from hot extras lap dances to lame and no extras lap dances.
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