How are clubs changing in your town ?

With the state of the economy and increased competition from other adult "entertainment"( AMPs, escorts, online porn), there seems to be a consolidation among the clubs here in Phoenix. One upscale club has all the best girls and its main competitors are struggling. A few neighborhood clubs are doing okay, but their competitors are nearly empty much of the time. A few, small "extras" clubs are also doing okay, but keeping a low profile. My guess is we are going through a consolidation and only half the clubs will be around in 5 years time. What are you seeing in your town ?
last commentNot much that I have noticed.
More drugs
Women getting fatter at my usual spot
In my area the dancer quality has gone down significantly over the past couple of years. If the dancer quality was this bad when I started clubbing 5 years ago, then strip clubbing would never have become a hobby for me.
Not much change on the club side the last few years. Fewer customers, on average, at least during the week days. I don't go on weekend nights anymore, so I can't speak to that.
I don't know, I just visit them from afar, I don't live in a town full of whores and crack pipes.
Jealous much, Estafador?
My area is South Florida.
During the worst of the recession; ‘09/’10 – a few clubs that I know off shut down (very few though – maybe 2 or 3).
But; in 2013 alone; there were about 6 new clubs that I personally know off that opened up in So. FL – so this is in addition to the many many SCs that already existed.
Almost all the new clubs seem to be struggling to get custies and dancers (and these 2 variable seem to be interdependent – no custies no dancers – no dancers no custies).
I like variety but I think we have too many SCs in our area thus watering/thinning down the talent. It could be b/c the Miami area is considered a party and tourist spot and perhaps the reason for so many SCs; i.e. focusing on the entertainment market.
fewer customers
lower quality dancers
Interesting Papi. Maybe strip clubs are like the airline industry ( there's a joke there somewhere ). Lots of rich guys want to own an airline. They think it's sexy even though the cutthroat competition makes it almost impossible for a startup airline to make money. I'll bet a lot of guys who start new clubs are letting their little heads do the thinking.
Definetely fewer customers and the dancer quality is sharply declining.
Spearmint Rhino (and to a lesser degree DejaVu) are buying up alot of clubs here in LA. Seems like it's an effort to buy up the small independent clubs in their quest for a stripclub monopoly.
In DeKalb county just north of Atlanta, 4 newly incorporated cities have annexed land that have strip clubs in them and are now trying to impose stricter rules than what the county was imposing. There are 4 clubs in litigation with 4 cities. Keeping our fingers crossed.
^ what are the 4 clubs shadow ?
Oh Georgey Boy, you can read me like a book can't you? :D
Papi - Flashers in Sandy Springs, Pink Pony in Brookhaven, Oasis in Doraville & Follies in Chamblee.
^ thanks – sorry to hear Follies is one of them – hope everything works out well
@Eatafador: Given where you appear to be clubbing, I can understand a bit of jealousy. At least with regard to price and availability. :)
Mostly by going out of business.
Out in the COI, the new ordinance has clubs closing at 2 AM. Only Paradise, which is in La Puente, can stay open later. And they were raided a couple of months ago.
Close but no cigar, Slick. Its Bliss that is open til 5am. Flabadise like all of the other COI clubs has to shut down at 2am. To help compensate for the early closing now club Synn now opens at 10am....ya gotta love it!