Broke my favorites heart

In true PL fashion, I spoil the shit out of my favorite. Drink, food, generous tipping, good conversation etc..
Even when I see another dancer I want to spend time with, I always ensure my favorite is taken care of first.
That was true until I saw my new, and improved, favorite this week. Exotic, Asian, tatted, sensuous. LD's that make me get on my knees and thank a higher power I was born with a pecker.
I skipped all pretense of taking care of my old favorite and went directly to spending all my time, and cash, with this new exotic beauty.
Truly, I didn't think my former favorite would really give a shit. It's all part of the biz right? Wrong! The look of disappointment and hurt on her face was obviously genuine as I sat buying drinks for my new honey. Former favorite avoided eye contact and looked away whenever I walked by.
Hey, I would have spent time with her too as soon as I was done with the new beauty. I guess it is not going to work that way though.
last commentMost of us don't go the strip clubs because we're faithful. Not sure why they think it's anything different than what it really is...a business transaction and a fun diversion from normalcy.
The last time your fav was so upset was when the cow died. She left the farm and became a stripper.
I spoil, too, but I make no pretense of having a favorite who is owed spoiling. The first girl I see who's worth it gets it.
No you didn't,they have to have a heart to start with.
I broke a past favorites uterus. Does that count for anything?
They're human too and can actually like you and think that you could be their exit plan. Finding out that you've been replaced can hurt, even if it was wishful thinking on her part.
Goon,hold your nose cause heres the cold water.They don't think,they respond.If you think the titted Taliban have your best interests at heart you are surely skewed.
Shame on you! You hurt a stripper's feelings! How could you leave your favorite just because you found a hotter dancer? She would never have left you if she found a customer with more money.
"You're a heartbreaker
Dream maker, love taker
Dancers are people too. Sure, she misses the money, but being yesterday's news isn't easy in any context.
Strippers need an ego and a big one to do what they do. Being thrown away in a manner in which everyone can see isn't an ego boost for anyone. I turned my favorite down for a dance once for another, not intending to get rid of her for more than an hour and it was no more than 30 months before she ever looked at me and spoke.
I'm surprised the ex didn't come over and have a few words with the other dancer. I've seen that many times.
Skichick,I've about had it with you.They need what little air they can pump into their low self esteems.Look I'm a nice guy until taxed.Gave a stripper a franklin for talking with me for 15 minutes and showing me her tits,told her to put it in her boy's college fund.You just smack of Shadowcat.
I don't know if her heart was broken, but she was definitely mad you spent your money on someone else. I've had previous faves that wouldn't talk to me again if I got a VIP with another girl.
Oh it hurts!
why did you do that to me?
Like you? Maybe.
Like the predictable & steady $$ & attention? Definitely!
Reaction to losing steady income. Expectable.
There's a weird double standard that happens with many strippers, they think you should be loyal to them. It's insane! She'll get over it, or not. That's why we go to the clubs. No point of having a "club girlfriend", otherwise why bother? Enjoy your new fave, just as she'll find another ATM to syphon dry.
tumblingdice, I know they don't have my best interest at heart, however, they are human and do eventually want to leave the business with somebody who will take care of them.
I had it happen to me once. I found a hotter chick at another club, problem was the other club had a friend of my former ATF working there at the time and she told my former ATF that I was about to change things up without my knowledge. I was attempting to slow things down with the former ATF only to discover that she knew about the new ATF. She was more than a little upset. Had me straight up 86ed from the club. Haven't been back or heard from her in over 3 years. I'm fairly certain she is keeping track of who I'm seeing even today because my current favorite has heard about her asking around about me through the stripper grapevine.
When we were good, it was almost too good to be true, to the point that I thought she was just doing an awesome job of long conning me, but in retrospective, based on her reaction, and from what I've heard about her post fallout, there's the distinct possibility that I might have been her exit plan. I wasn't planning to be her exit plan, but apparently she was thinking along those lines.
It happens.
Strip clubs are bizarro world – the same rules don’t apply as in the real world.
Would she be losing any sleep if instead it was your bank account that was “broken†(by her). If you didn’t have any $$$; would she still act towards you the same way?
Sure she was disappointed – she lost a good sale/customer.
"...lost a good sale/customer." Happens many times daily in the sales/customer arena with one exception. Sex is involved in the SC environment. :)
" it was almost too good to be true, to the point that I thought she was just doing an awesome job of long conning me,"
That to me, speaks so loudly it took me out of The Zone.
I dunno, there is this weird feeling I get that there is always a hustle waiting around the corner.
Like a lion waiting in the bushes.