
Comments by mmdv26 (page 39)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Polk County Couple Charged with Obscenity for Homemade Porn
    Misguided government should encourage it. This country might actually start making things again, like porn.
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    13 years ago
    Is the economy that bad?
    In my neck of the woods, some combination of soft economy and recent law change has caused a significant reduction in strip club spending. Over the past three years regular customers have cut back - say 30% overall, but newby's and occasional customers are down substantially more than that. While regulars are the girls' bread and butter, the ability to constantly fill in the gap between regulars with dances has diminished. I don't see that the supply of hot ass has been reduced at a corresponding rate, which sets up a situation where the girls have fewer opportunities to create a transaction, therefore each opportunity must generate more dollars, and that leads to extra things being done to prop-up the value of the sale. Cash-strapped cities are cutting police manpower which corresponds to fewer LE visits to the clubs; and reduced management is increasingly comfortable with looking the other way. Nice situation for the customer.
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    13 years ago
    I am a child of the 60's. We only used a rubber if we were going all the way with high school girlfriend and didn't want to nock her up. After HS, the whole dating scene was all about balling - the idea of wearing a rubber almost never came up....the pill was available, and therefore birth control was the girl's responsibility. Disease prevention was almost completely alien to anyone...I mean really, what was the free clinic for...go there, get a shot, and two days later it didn't hurt to piss anymore. And be sure to tell your friends not to be ballin' that chick...she's got the clap! By the mid 80's AIDS was beyond the bung hole of gay guys, and the language had become very clinical...putting a condom on a penis....bodily fluids....ejaculating on her face...jeeeez. There was genuine fear about what had been in that hole before you...talking about girls, now....so a younger generation became comfortable with the idea of carrying rubbers around and actually using them. Even if it was just for sharing the load (hahaha) of the birth control burden. I have done BB straight sex with strippers. I've had to get a shot as a result of doing that. So my club review might say "don't be ballin' any of the chicks in that place, they've all got the clap"....or worse. Since the big head is doing a lot more of the thinking these days...and even it is getting feeble...I am beyond BB with below the waste penetration of strippers. If I have to dress up for oral, then forget it.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Your favorite type of stripper?
    Favorite type? Naked.
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    13 years ago
    Pretty much truth
    I have only bot a bottle of champagne at a SC once in my entire life. It was at a place called the French Quarter in Dallas in the late 70's. OTC was available. We went out in the parking lot got in my car and I got a CBJ, while her "body guard" stood outside the car. I don't really recall, but I think it ran a couple of hundred bucks all together for cover, drinks, the bottle and the suck. Pretty expensive for just a CBJ, and the "champagne" was fake to boot. I have seen CR rooms now and then, and it always seems like the customers in there are "high roller" type guys...guys who have some easy money scam business going on. I think the primary reason for being there is so others can see how cool they think they are. Most of the CR's I've seen are way to visible to allow for much extra action to occur without the rest of the club watching.
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    13 years ago
    Black Out!
    Most clubs these days are subject to building code which requires emergency lighting that comes on in the event of a power failure. The purpose of the emerg. lights is to guide you to the building exits. Since there typically aren't building exits in the VIP room, that area could get very dark. If the club doesn't run you out, it certainly can be more fun. Stay dressed, the lights come back on with no warning.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Same old stripper names
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you really give a shit about the club layout?
    The club info should have accurate pricing and details like valet parking and BYOB. I appreciate a heads-up on the layout because it gives me the illusion of familiarity on my first visit... I agree with S-cat that words like reasonable or customary aren't very valuable. If the place has clean carpet, I don't care to read about it in a review. Most clubs have *reasonably* clean carpet, so don't mention it. If the mens' room has a toilet in it, don't mention it. If you have to piss in a five-gallon orange "homer" bucket, say something about that not-so-customary situation.
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    13 years ago
    What does a stripper kissing you mean?
    ...i feel bad for entertainers who have to work in an environment that they feel they are required to go the extra mile for an extra 20 bucks.... LOL, I like entertainers who want to go many extra miles to earn a couple of extra $20's.
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    13 years ago
    What was your best dance
    We were all alone in VIP, I had on gym shorts; commando, pulled aside. She took her bottoms off, and we proceeded to do a lap dance that got her so wet we made that squishy, squishy sound as she shoved her pussy against me harder and harder. Lots of DFK, titty and ass grabbing, until she collapsed in a moaning heap on my lap as I reached a body wrenching climax. Then we stood up, I paid her $60, she asked me if I would buy her a drink and I said no and we both headed off to the restrooms to clean up. We did just about the same routine every week for about six months. I never fucked her, and never bought her a drink either.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    How Often is to Often???
    Category 2a, Likes to have sex with different women several days a week. Perpetually horny. Can afford $2k per month SC habit. Category 2b, Likes to feel-up pretty girls frequently, Perpetually horny. Can afford $1k per month SC habit. Probably come up with another dozen or so...
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    They're playing our song
    During the day, many things are possible. I got them to load the 17 min version of In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida...they cut it at around 10 minutes after several dancers figured out that they were not going to get $100 if they danced the whole song. I kept urging them to be patient - the drum solo alone would be worth it.... @troop...the "yodeling cowboy"...there was a time when the record industry would record ANYTHING....sorta like rap today, LOL.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Clubs Adjust (or not) To Nine Month Old Missouri SC Law (sort of)
    The "adult industry" is a fish in a barrel. Add to it that we are talking about stuff "down there", then the puritan ethos sticks its nose in and we end up with a political form that says, "we'll tell you what you can do and how and when you can do it, because you can't be trusted to be like us." Unfortunately, that statement extends waaay beyond "adult" these days.
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    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Something tells me he didn't like this club
    I'd go with Realist on this. If the guy behaved in the club like he wrote, they were probably just fuckin' with him.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The Strip Club Price/Pleasure Index
    iphone app to guide us through the computation would be handy.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Are We the Only Ones Who Would Like to See Some Artistic Dancing?
    @m00tpoint. Even the customers have gotten lazy. Sometimes it's a lot easier to go to a strip club and have sex sitting up on a couch than to go through all the BS associated with hooking-up with an escort these days.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What do you guys think of this?
    Is that considered good rap, or average rap or bad rap? I know I like eminem's "watch me burn" a lot better than this. Without the video, I would have stopped the music after 30 seconds. Even naked, I don't like to watch fast movin' ghetto booty like this. My conclusion is that it pretty much sucks.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Is there any point to getting 2 dancers at once for an LD?
    The idea of one girl acting as a look-out or camera blocker while the other does *some deed* goes back to the beginning of lap dances. I have not encountered this *duo* mode in quite a while, but there probably are clubs around where that happens. I would think if mgmt is really monitoring cameras, then they have figured out what the (usually the same) 2 dancers thing is all about. Then they have to care..... Hiring 2 girls to dance at the same time is usually twice the price for 75% as much fun.
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    13 years ago
    Any mileage in Illinois?
    Safe to say that many readers here have attained high mileage and OTC at Midwestern clubs. Maybe you're hanging too close to Chicago; after all the Midwest does include a lot of non-Chicago territory.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Prostitution sweep results in arrest of 27 in Waterbury
    Since lap dances are a pay for simulated sex situation, and most strip clubs in the universe allow lap dances, AND since simulated sex is very similar to actual sex in 4 out of 5 attributes, then information about girls getting busted for charging for actual sex is of interest to most (maybe not all) guys who go to strip clubs and read stuff here at TUSCL. Thanks sam1 for posting this information; I appreciate it.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Crime in the USA accordint to USA Today
    Note that #3 St. Louis refers to St. Louis, Missouri. ESL, as we like to call it, is across the Mississippi River in Illinois. ESL certainly has the *potential* for violent crime, but I think the Missouri side is "professional grade" by comparison. There are no SC's on the Missouri side worth going to...make that, looking for... as far as I know.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    OTC question
    @deepest. Going back to one of your original questions about OTC on the menu....many girls WILL let you know early that OTC is on the menu. Probably more are willing to do OTC after they get to know you a little better. And some need to have a major reason - whatever that might be - because they are content not doing OTC. Bottom line is that the majority of strippers will see you OTC unless you're a total a**hole, or don't have any money. If she isn't giving you hints after a few sessions, then - as others here have noted - you need to be giving her strong suggestions that OTC is what you are interested in. Keep in mind that if you "like her a lot", she will sense that - remember 8th grade - and she may play you for your money for a while - not 8th grade, LOL - so, you have to decide when you are going to stop playing (who's got the phone number) games and get down to the meat of the issue (pun intended). FYI, she tipped the bouncer with that phone number dollar bill the same night you gave it to her, so that's why she hasn't texted....maybe the bouncer will text to see if it's a dancer's number, or....... If you are falling in love with a stripper, then you need to switch over to another thread here that deals with that phenomenon. Look for topic heading: "I'm a huge PL".
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    13 years ago
    Hot Damn
    Mélissa Theuriau...VERY NICE!!!! I've wanted to see more of MILF Mika Brzezinski.
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    13 years ago
    Current Gas Prices
    OK, here we go...how many remember "gas wars" in the mid-1960's when gas was 17 or 18 cents/gallon? Back to topic: $3.66 today; cost me $72 to fill up. Heck, I can remember when my monthly car payment was less than that.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Would you ever marry a Stripper? Or do they simply function better like a lease
    To clarify...strippers are intended to be rented. If she becomes a non-stripper, remember she used to be a stripper, and you still might not want to own it. The personality aspect of it makes the time-share analogy difficult.