Would you ever marry a Stripper? Or do they simply function better like a lease

avatar for Player11
I know of a guy (thru frinend) who has 2 divorces from strippers he married and both got settlement in the neighborhood of $10-$20K. He currently has a new one living with him who he moved into a new house he built. He has considerable money and she gets probably $3-5K a month. But then she sleeps in his bed at night so gets to do all night long. She has indicated she wants to marry him and have a baby. He is 55 and she is 26. She is also doing a frined of mine whom she has been seeing 6 years (this is how I know all this).

What is your basic view of strippers - Sluts, harlots, or just nice gals trying to make ends meet.

To me its a moot issue as I would never marry again, so any woman I bed is essentially a leased property sort of like a timeshare. Since I prefer hot gals, strippers have been the main dish on my menu.


last comment
avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
On the rarest of occasions it works out for the stripper and her beau (i.e. shadow & Gridget), but the overwhelming majority of them are poison.
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
Nearly all strippers have some sort of problems before going into to the job, and while they are in it. Some (and don't get me wrong, it's not very many) are inherently decent people who will, and do work it out with time (usually a bit after they quit). So it really depends on the girls. It's not impossible just very unlikely that they are okay.
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
Rhett Butler knew that Belle Watley had a better heart than his wife, Scarlett. Remember she married Frank Kennedy to save Tara. But that's fiction. If you expect monogamy from your wife, don't marry a stripper. They marry when they fear their looks and regulars are fading and they think they want a traditional life with children. When they get into the straight life, they find out they can't handle patio parties, company picnics, church bake sales and cocktail party chit-chat. Then they want out--quick-- with a lot of money for the services they provided the former customer, now husband. Timeshare is the best idea going.
avatar for joesparty
14 years ago
I can count on one finger the number of strippers I've met who have enough street AND book smarts to make it in the non-peeler world. But even she has returned to the club life after her marriage went south. Good for me, but I wouldn't want to be next in line to see if she really is marriage material. It does make for a good fantasy, though: getting to fuck that every single night. Even then, though, who's to say it wouldn't get boring?

Biggest red flag in your friend's situation: he's 55, she's 26. She only wants to marry this guy's bank account.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
The lifers (stripper who have been doing it for years and have no plans to quit) are the worst.
avatar for gsv
14 years ago
> He has considerable money and she gets probably $3-5K a month.

Straight up cash of $3-5K per month? Damn. I can understand covering the girl's living expenses (living together is one way to solve that), taking her out, etc. but I cannot understand paying straight up cash - that sort of nullifies any thought there's any serious relationship there (beyond what many of us refer to as a typical OTC encounter).

> She only wants to marry this guy's bank account.

Not much different from the average golddigger. This happens all the time. Not something I'd personally do - but as long as the guy is happy I guess. I'm sure the girl is quite attractive.
avatar for gsv
14 years ago
What I've found also is that while a lot of girls say they're going to quit, and this is particularly for those who make a -ton- of cash doing what they do (special cases, to be honest), they're probably not actually going to be quitting anytime soon. I know one girl who originally said she was going to quit this May...well she's still working at the club quite actively, and is now saying she will be working for most of the summer. So the whole plans to quit thing should honestly be taken as SS, unless they legitimately have something lined up for them outside that's better. And even after that, don't be surprised if they go back to it or start sucking dicks and fucking OTC for $$. Once you get into this type of profession and realize the money that's there, I think it's tough to get out.
avatar for Stiletto25
14 years ago
I have two good friends who are dancers and married a customer. One is going on four years and the other is going on two years. They are the same age as their spouse and they are happy.
Some girls are nuts and you wouldn't want to marry them if it were the end of the world.
While I can't speak for any other dancer, if I found a great guy, I would be willing to get married and I would be monogamous. In my life that would be the only way to go.
avatar for gsv
14 years ago
@Stiletto25 - but could that ever be a guy that you meet in the club?

avatar for Realist123
14 years ago
Does he fuck her everyday? multiple times?
$5000 a month divided by 30 days of fucking per month = $166 per lay
avatar for Stiletto25
14 years ago
@gsv: Yes it could, if he was honest from the start. Strip clubs are not honest places which is why you usually don't find a lasting relationship there. If he was straight up with me about his situation and I had a gut feeling he was a good person, then yes, I would give it much consideration.
I don't categorize all customers as " PL's" just like I don't categorize all strippers as " whores" or "crazies", although there are A LOT of bad apples that ruin it for the good few.
It is possible to find love in a strip club. If it lasts is up to the two people involved and how hard they want to work at it.

avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
My answer to the question is a resolute "NO". I enjoy the activities of the SC world but the reality is that I am 62 years old. Hot dancers look at me merely as an ATM. I am OK with that. Love just does not happen between guys like me and dancers half or a third my age.

Marry a dancer and she has the key to half of my assets. Enjoying her services in the club gives her access to a tiny pittance of the big pie.
avatar for jackslash
14 years ago
I might try living with a stripper if she wasn't a crazy, drug-addicted whore--but where would I find one of those? But marriage? You've got to be kidding. The stripper could divorce you and take half your assets. That would be expensive pussy.
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Would you marry an accountant, or only use her when you need to deal with large sums of money? The question doesn't take into account the person behind the label. I will certainly agree that many of the girls who take up stripping are not someone I would want to marry, but that is in large part because of other aspects of their personality. That doesn't mean no stripper is marriageable.
avatar for Stiletto25
14 years ago
This is little off the subject but I did date a bouncer at one of the clubs I worked at. We were together for about four months before I got smart and put an end to it, which didn't go over well either. I was an idiot to get involved with someone I worked with.
I did think he was secure, especially having worked at three upscale clubs in the six years as a bouncer. Yep, he wasn't. It turned out to be big trouble.

I remember an instance where a group of businessmen in their 30's came in the club and sat in the second row. They were very attractive and one, in particular, was gorgeous. I started talking to him, touching his leg and moving up, etc etc.
Out of the corner of my eye I recall seeing the bouncer I was dating and he was pacing the floor three isles back from me, staring at me, and rubbing his hands together. He was obviously really upset. I felt uncomfortable so I asked the guy for a dance, he said yes, and we headed to the VIP. On the way to the VIP, the.customer grabbed my butt and all I saw out of the corner of my eye when I turned around was an arm around the customers neck and he was going down. That really cut my time working there short.
avatar for Stiletto25
14 years ago
And I agree with georgmicrodong
avatar for Player11
14 years ago
Thank you for comments. The gal in the example is Jessica (my photos). I have had her too aboout 3 dozen times. I dumpled her for current fav who is better in bed. The guy who she is living with is getting it more than once a day. He has lots of money and the capability to keep her in orbit but he is a fool to think she wont go out and do other guys. farmerart I agree with what you say as unless one is in their 30's forget about any kinda traditional relationship with these gals. But leasing them works well for me and like the guy who enjoys timeshare vacn in different parts of world I get to enjoy different hot gals. Besides, why would I want to be the cuckhold husband of one of them like my fav I have been doing going on 3 years LOL.

My take is these gals want somebody around their age (dont blame them) and I would not want one of them to be able to get a big piece of the pie (my assets) anyhow.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
Do you, insert name, take lying thieving whore for better or for worse, for your money and your life insurance etc etc
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
It would be illegal for me to marry a stripper.
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
If I were 30 years younger, I would marry gridget.
avatar for bhunter5252
14 years ago
I knew a stripper who was living with a regular. She gave him a deep throat BJ every morning at breakfast before he left for work. Then after her shift, she went home, woke him up for some nasty sex. She told me all this one night when she was plastered. So, while I can see some advantages to this sort of arrangement, the drama and certainty of it being a limited time engagement make it out of the questin for me. I like the rental property analagy.
avatar for mmdv26
14 years ago
Had an OTC thing going on with a stripper who I could have had a relationship with, but I was already married and I wasn't really looking to get divorced. Eventually, stripper and I had a very honest conversation; she went on her way and I stayed with my wife.

Have had a few "really good friends" relationships with strippers. Those are fun.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

I agree with your last statement. And part of it, as "friends", quilt doesn't enter into the equation. I see one dancer that I know at many bike events. We give each big hugs and a kiss and no one is the wiser. We are just bike friends. Well at least as far as others are concerned, including our SO's!
avatar for minnow
14 years ago
p11- Have you heard one "adage" going around: "If it floats or fucks, rent it." Must have been a boatowner and (ex) stripper spouse who coined this phrase.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
Let me revise my statement, is the lying thieving whore going to give me blowjobs daily for the next 5 years until her fake tits sag, her ass enlarges to 10 times normal size, and she has not contributed 1 cent to the marriage. I'm going with the rent option thank you.
avatar for trojangreg
14 years ago
Lets see he's 55 she's 26. In four years she will be 30. Her lease is up time for the 59 year old to get a newer model. Someone around 22. Timeshare is the way to go.
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
I actually thought about this topic before.
I thought about her job skills.
Only makes money off of guys.
Never worked a real job in her life.
Likes to sit around when not on someone's lap.

Then I thought about other qualities.
Manages money poorly.
Is not always that reliable as far as times go but better than most dancers.
Probably can't trust her with any significant funds.

Then after time I thought,
hmmm, lied to me for over a year about not having a boyfriend.
Didn't want to have sex because she didn't want to cheat on her real boyfriend.
Suddenly has a change of heart and wants to develop a relationship with me after
telling me she's pregnant and her boyfriend left.

One of my friends joked when I told him the situation.
He said "Hey, you could have instant family!"

I said bye, bye. Not all at one time though.

Now if I had married such a person and got divorced I could have
1. Lost half of my life savings
2. Been stuck paying child support for a kid that wasn't mine.

I'd rather not get that involved.
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
It was after that point that I promised myself not to go out with any more dancers. From one extreme to the other. There was one dancer I liked and visa versa that I did not go out with because of my personal promise. The club did not lend itself to get too frisky. A few years later I apparently forgot everything one night with a different dancer.
avatar for mmdv26
14 years ago
To clarify...strippers are intended to be rented. If she becomes a non-stripper, remember she used to be a stripper, and you still might not want to own it. The personality aspect of it makes the time-share analogy difficult.
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