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Joined Mar, 2011
Last Seen Oct, 2022


avatar for chukko
8 years ago
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Flight Club ruined strip clubs for me.
@shailynn I've never been to any of those places yet. So my model grade comment may be based on my limited subjective experience. FC…
avatar for chukko
8 years ago
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Flight Club ruined strip clubs for me.
@desertscrub I'd say in attractiveness that they were 8 and 9.
avatar for chukko
8 years ago
Flight Club ruined strip clubs for me.
After 10 years of LDKing in my pants I finally visited FC and had my first CFS ITC experience not once, but twice in…
avatar for chukko
8 years ago
Tijuana Cost Benefit Analysis
I became newly single this year after being tied up in relationships for many years and I feel like I foolishly blew my money…
avatar for chukko
8 years ago
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Anybody ever had there email account hacked?
That's why I have my email set so that I have to enter an authentication code sent to my phone whenever a login is…
avatar for chukko
8 years ago
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I giggle at the thought of women falling in the toilet.
Thank you shadowcat! It's blatantly irresponsible to not check the toilet seat before sitting on it, but I kind of get it if a…
avatar for chukko
8 years ago
I giggle at the thought of women falling in the toilet.
It's funny, because women call guys lazy for not putting the seat down, but they they are too lazy to look before they sit,…
avatar for chukko
9 years ago
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OT: Newly single
Papi. I can only hope. Haha!
avatar for chukko
9 years ago
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OT: Newly single
John, I totally agree about the AIDS thing along with a shit ton of other problems that Africa has. It seems like a hot…
avatar for chukko
9 years ago
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OT: Newly single
Shailynn. I'm being REALLY general. The groups that you described are suitable. I could probably tackle the ethnicity goal in one trip to right…
avatar for chukko
9 years ago
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OT: Newly single
I'm not too worried about changing my mind*
avatar for chukko
9 years ago
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OT: Newly single
I'm too worried about changing my mind about the kid thing. I'm open to adopt, do a vasectomy reversal, or get sperm extracted from…
avatar for chukko
9 years ago
OT: Newly single
I'm newly single and almost 30 and have decided to create a Sex Bucket list. I have at least identified 2 goals.

1)Have sex on…
avatar for chukko
9 years ago
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Haircuts and Happy Endings
Haha! Thanks for the info SJG. I might swing for a Haircut the next time I go for a massage.
avatar for chukko
9 years ago
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Haircuts and Happy Endings
A "Thanks for coming into the BMV now step back here for you happy ending" would make the wait less painful.
avatar for chukko
9 years ago
Haircuts and Happy Endings
So I experienced my first AMPs w/HE over the last few months. I now understand the hype and get why SJG is obsessed. After…
avatar for chukko
9 years ago
Have you ever neglected to write club reviews?
I have went to so many clubs in the last few months and grabbed so many pairs of tits and ass that I have…
avatar for chukko
9 years ago
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Millennials Don't Like Pussy
Mgtow and feminist.
avatar for chukko
9 years ago
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You wanted kilts eh...
A guy probably needs to already look uber masculine in order to pull off the look.
avatar for chukko
9 years ago
You wanted kilts eh...
I saw this video that might interest some of you:…

This is the company's website:
avatar for chukko
9 years ago
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[OT] Chelsea Clinton
I'd bang the shit out of that presidential pussy!
avatar for chukko
9 years ago
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Clubbing with a friend/co-worker/acquaintance?
I have a buddy that I clubbed with once. He wanted to club again one time ago and he start telling everyone about our…
avatar for chukko
9 years ago
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No more Porn surfing at Starbucks
Some places I've visited have blacklisted TUSCL as well. They categorized this site as porn. That is when I switched to using my cell…
avatar for chukko
9 years ago
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Has anything like this ever happened to you?
I'm guilty of doing this a time or two.
avatar for chukko
9 years ago
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Your last statement was a hypothetical question without the question...
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