Is the economy that bad?

avatar for localbob
I live in Vegas. I have a few close friends (Really, friends, just friends) who are dancers. I dated a dancer here in Vegas for several years. Seems they are all going broke. Roumors of more and more girls doing OTC services. Tons of previously unherd of milage in the VIP. Door men looking the other way.

My question to the board is this: Is the economy creating a situation where we get more banfg for our buck, or is it just getting a little more sleezy and sesperate?


last comment
avatar for bubbaloo
14 years ago
It seems to me that people in charge always paint a picture of things being better than they really are. Some of us are in recession proof professions (myself included). Business is good, but just try and get paid- that's the real problem.
My trips to the club have been reduced just for the fact that my cash flow is terrible. I had my best sales month ever this May, but you would never know it by looking at my bank account. Collecting overdues has become a nearly full time job for me.
I guess the real problem is I need the club to relax more now than ever. Gonna be a good summer though.

Well, I've already expressed the opinion that stripper sex isn't some new phenomenon, but has been readily available since at *least* the early 80s, but even I will agree that it's more *obviously* available now. I think it's patently obvious that the economy is a contributing factor in that.
Both in my opinion. Despite some economists claiming Michigan is now out of the recession. (Yeah right, numbers are manipulated all the time) Try walking a street in Detroit where 98 % of the houses are gone and no prospect of the city pulling itself out of the economic hole it is in. The babes are doing more in the clubs to make a living, go to any of our good Detroit area clubs and you'll get just about anything you want for a price. Sleaze sells in good and bad economies
avatar for chukko
14 years ago
I'd imagine that sleaze spreads and increases in bad economies then becomes the norm in the next good economy, because more girls with less inhibitions and more men with higher (or lower depending on if you're talking about moral vs. mileage. lol) expectations of dances and mileage.
avatar for chukko
14 years ago
My opinion is all theory from what I know from human behavior. I haven't lived enough decades to know from experience.
Some strip club owners and some dancers have not yet realized that you do not increase income by increasing prices. You do it by increasing volume. I agree that mileage is increasing. Competitiuon is driving that. The only way to fight higher prices is to just not buy. Wait for the deals. The same with mileage. Observe first and then buy. I keep telling everyone in my reviews for my favorite club that if they are quoted more that 2 for $30 to pass or negotiate but I still see dumb asses bitch about paying more.

No I am not a financial advisor to Mr. Obama.
avatar for TimboAtl
14 years ago
I started to work for myself in 2006, and I'm having my best year ever. Just wake up with a smile on your face and go out and make money. Same for any profession, including stripping. Quit watching and reading all the BS put out by the news media. Seems like we have 40 - 50% of the USA willing to live on handouts and 100% of the politicians willing to let them.
I have dancer friends who tell me how they used to make $1000 a night. Now they sometimes don't make enough to cover their tip out. So girls are doing more to make more money, making the recession a good thing for us strip club regulars (as long as we still have jobs.)
avatar for kumasdaisy
14 years ago
Shadowcat - you can't always negotiate, though. At my club, the dances are fixed at a specific price and we don't negotiate for tips... So, no negotiation.

Also, I have not felt the sting of the bad economy. Like someone said, sleaze sells, no matter what the circumstances.
Also, with government budgets being tight, LE doesn't appear to be cracking down as much. The Sacramento Bee reported back in December that prostitution arrests dropped almost 50% since 2008. (source:…)

Given that, there's less risk of getting caught doing OTC.
I go to the same clubs now that I always have and the recession has hit them hard. 2/25 dance specials when 10 years ago it was 1/30 and even then the clubs aren't packed. Drink specials abound and 10 years ago there were none. Rhode Island is quirky so actually contact is less since they made indoor prostitution illegal.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
Rick's closed down their las vegas strip club recently because the Las vegas economy was so slow.
avatar for how
14 years ago
None of the factors that harm the economy have been addressed correctly, which is why the economy continues to falter. I'm less amused and more annoyed by the use of the word "recovery" by those whose approach caused and worsens the problems.

That almost certainly contributes to more willingness by some to provide services they would not previously have done.
There's more ITC and OTC opportuities in Vegas? With nine weeks until I get there that's just the news I like to read.

Samsung, do you really think it was the slow economy that closed Rick's? I'd always found it to be one of the busier clubs, maybe it was bad management that caused it's downfall?
avatar for Stiletto25
14 years ago
I have never felt the hit from the bad economy. I come to work to work. I don't take a lot of breaks and I stay out of the dressing room. Making the most of the customers that show up is my main priority.
However, if the time came where I did start to lose money, there are plenty of things in my life I could stand to cut back on.
avatar for dudeanonymous
14 years ago
Since the recession hit, I get probably twice as many unsolicited OTC offers as I did before. I'd say yes.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
I fucked before the recession and after.
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
Shadowcat and I both go to clubs where dance prices are negotiable. I don't pay more than two for $30 either. Sometimes I am offered two for $20 lap dances. I do visit other clubs where dance prices are fixed. I rarely ever buy any lap dances in those clubs. The business in those clubs has died off dramatically in the last few years. One club changed management and made it appear that they offered more on paper by offering topless, nude, and liquor in different club buildings but they only messed everything up big time. I was routinely visiting before and stopped last year. Every time I think about returning, I keep remembering how boring it was last time.

The economy doesn't seem that bad to me. I don't know of any unemployed people personally. Gas prices have been dropping. When they went up to almost $4 a gallon, I did dramatically cut back visiting strip clubs and start saving a lot more. When I did visit, I severely cut back on dances I spent money on. I've reverted back quite a lot since then. Gas prices are now $3.249 or so. I got some recent lap dances at two for $20 and two for $25 without even saying no thanks first.

I'm reading if health care changes take effect in 2014, our taxes will dramatically go up and employer sponsored health care will get dropped possibly by most companies and we'll have to switch to the new rationed Obama care insurance plan. That may not be a problem if congress keeps playing games with the US credit rating by not raising the debt ceiling by mid July and agree to cut spending and raise the growth rate of the US economy. Greece could light a match setting off all kinds of defaults putting US banks and our country in jeopardy. Our currency seems to steadily get devalued. It seems like there is no end in sight. The drop in gas prices seems temporary. It seems like taxes will be going up. It's depressing. Obama supports unions at the expense of everyone else who wants to work. The unions are trying to take away Boeing's expansion plans in South Carolina after Boeing already added over 2000 jobs in Washington state. Our current government doesn't seem to care.

I might even go so far as to say God may be punishing the US as a result of who we elected to be president and his policies. Record amounts of tornadoes have been tearing apart the US. Nuclear reactors have melted down and the radiation is still falling on the US and our current president thinks you can spend your way out of any problem. The Republicans think it's ok to play games with the debt ceiling. Yes, things are going great. (sarcasm).

If you know your neighbor in unemployed, it's a recession. If you're unemployed, it's a depression.
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
I guess I could have just said some of my favorites probably think it's bad when I say no thanks to getting dances from them.
every one is getting desprit for money
avatar for chukko
14 years ago
I never go more then 2 for 30 dances. I just can't justify to my self paying any higher rate. The club that I went to when I first started was always 10 dollars per dance and only for one period went to 15 dollars per dance. I still went to it when it was 15 dollars, because it still had the lowest rates. I'm just used to lower rates.

Most lap dances are the same unless they are all air or include extra. Any of the normal routines where dancers dance in your lap are no better from one girl to the next so don't waste your money.

I believe that if you are not going for extras then it shouldn't cost more than 100 dollars to enjoy your night.
avatar for mmdv26
14 years ago
In my neck of the woods, some combination of soft economy and recent law change has caused a significant reduction in strip club spending. Over the past three years regular customers have cut back - say 30% overall, but newby's and occasional customers are down substantially more than that. While regulars are the girls' bread and butter, the ability to constantly fill in the gap between regulars with dances has diminished.

I don't see that the supply of hot ass has been reduced at a corresponding rate, which sets up a situation where the girls have fewer opportunities to create a transaction, therefore each opportunity must generate more dollars, and that leads to extra things being done to prop-up the value of the sale. Cash-strapped cities are cutting police manpower which corresponds to fewer LE visits to the clubs; and reduced management is increasingly comfortable with looking the other way.

Nice situation for the customer.

avatar for how
14 years ago
If the trend of greater dependence of more individuals on the central government continues, America would be as cooked as any other nation that went "left." The constitutional principle of strictly limited central government worked to create the most prosperous nation in the modern age; I am saddened to see it abandoned by private citizens and trampled by career politicians.
avatar for potheadpl
14 years ago
Florida has been DEVASTATED by the recession(or is it a depression?). The Tampa Bay area, which is where all the best SCs are, has been hit especially hard. Unemployment is high, the forclosure rate is through the roof.

The strip clubs are PACKED. I went to my favorite club last weekend and it was basically standing room only. Lots of dancers.
avatar for troop
14 years ago
i know people that are doing ok, afterall someone always excells when others are down, but overall i think yes the economy is bad and i don't see it getting better.
avatar for sandyman
14 years ago
The Strip Club Hound blog (http://stripclubhound.blogspot…) has some pretty interesting insights into this.
Sandy, thanks for the link but in all candor I didn't find his insights particularly revolutionary. You can find a dozen guys who share his opinions posting on SW.
avatar for sandyman
14 years ago
His current blog has some comments from dancers about the pressures (economic and otherwise) they feel to provide more services than they did in the past.
avatar for Player11
14 years ago
Yes its the economy allright. The Repubilcans (who represent the wealthy) and their bankster friends have declared war on the middle class of this country. They have sold out America and support Corporate scum who ship our jobs overseas. You would think China is a 51st state the way their products dominate our store shelves. One day their will either be a national union movement or revolution where many of these bastards are beheaded. I look forward to the day the American people wake up and these guys finally get theirs. I have an AK 47 and several other guns. I may die in combat one day but will not die of starvation or being homeless.

I had FS in ViP last nite with blonde spinnner for $120. I can get SA gals for $100. BP call girls are offering $60 specials and ECCIE call girls can be had for $150. In Houston there are a lot of whores and they are in fierce competition. Dancers who dont fuck? Funny, havent run into any lately.
avatar for Player11
14 years ago
I really dont have an AK47 (wishful thinking?) but have been disturbed by crime in my area. It is way up and I am sure strippers are hurting. There are certain SC I will not go into. A friend was threatened in the parking lot of one by gangstas.
avatar for how
14 years ago
Leftist policies wrecked the economy. All leftist (big government) policies are disastrous, and agressively anti-American.
avatar for troop
14 years ago
clinton forced nafta through and did favors for china and was paid back with campaign contributions. liberal obama continues many of semi-conservative bush's policies and has expanded many of them. although i lean to the right, most politicians are rats whose main goal is getting and keeping power and anyone that doesn't see that is stupid, naive, lying or all of the above.
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