Current Gas Prices

Last winter when I was in France I started a discussion comparing North American gas prices to gas prices in southern France ($9.90/gal at that time!).
I am back again with a Canada-U.S. gas price comparison question.
Toronto (8 weeks ago) - $5.08/gal
Vancouver (3 weeks ago) - $5.53/gal
Calgary (10 days ago) - $4.95/gal
DirtyAss, Alberta (today) - $4.36/gal
How do these prices compare to what you are paying right now? I am back drilling for the crude stuff again so my curiosity is intense.
last commentnorthern ohio peaked at around 4.20 a gallon a few weeks back, righr now it's about 3.70-3.75 a gallon. anything over 2.00 is too damn much!
Currently the low price for regular unleaded is $3.58 a gallon. It's been dropping this week.
This price is in Indianapolis at several stations. Illinois to the west was about $0.10 higher per gallon the other day.
You can also check out
type in a city or zip code and it brings up the local gas prices. it also has some Canadian cities in it.
Columbus Avg
3.638 and trend shows it is falling.
In Louisville, the price is right around $3.80 US, but Louisville is typically higher than the rest of the state.
Due to taxes, really difficult to compare various areas. South Florida, anywhere from $3.58 up to $4.09, is what I've seen.
OK, here we many remember "gas wars" in the mid-1960's when gas was 17 or 18 cents/gallon?
Back to topic: $3.66 today; cost me $72 to fill up. Heck, I can remember when my monthly car payment was less than that.
First thing I remember about gas was riding my bike about 5 blocks from home and buying a gallon of gas for mu dad. He gave me a dime for it. $.099 a gallon!
Geez, clubber, I wish. When I started working all those years ago I can remember gas as low as C$0.329/Imperial gallon and diesel at C$0.179/Imperial gallon.
As an aside, I can't believe you Americans don't convert to metric - life is just so much easier in that system.
The price I mention was in the mid 50's I would guess. As for the metric, NOT IN THE TIME I HAVE LEFT ON THIS PLANET. We did try that once.
Metric is too easy. Americans like it tough, farmerart. We still try to be the world's peacekeeper. Gas dropped $0.02 again yesterday. I filled up at a station for $3.56 a gallon.
In south-central KY, gas is currently $3.62 a gallon and falling.
Here in SE MI, 600 rubles per hogshead
I just filled up for $3.79 in Green Bay, Wisconsin.
SHEEESH, overnight here in Indianapolis, they shot up from $3.56 as I said yesterday to $3.95 a gallon. WTF !!! I am glad I filled up last night.
Indy!!! I remember in Daytona during speed weeks years ago, gas was ALWAYS more costly. In '67 I wouldn't pay something like $.60 for a gallon of Sunoco 260!
Yep, Clubber. Markets with upcoming attractions often do raise prices, but $0.39 a gallon?? The upcoming Memorial Day holiday probably is a factor, also. Any of you guys seeing a rise in gas prices as Memorial Day approaches??
I saw some stations in my area selling gas for $3.44 a gallon yesterday. I heard about someone who sometimes goes 95 mph. I calculated the extra cost for gasoline due to the expected extra consumption for every 5 mph faster than 60. In effect he's paying about $5.18 per gallon (at least using $3.50 a gallon which is what it was a few days ago).
Oh, I forgot the holiday, should have filled my tank today. Oh well. I might have to cut out one lap dance to compensate.
Cost doesn't make that much difference to me, since the company pays for most of my driving. As for my personal use, I hardly notice the gas prices.
The companies play a good game with us. A sudden spike to create a panic, then the price settles at the new, higher level that is (whew!) lower than the spike. We will be so glad that it didn't go to $5 that we will accept $4. Same thing happened when it first hit $4. Remember how glad we were to accept $3.50. They push it to the extreme price to make us grateful when the new floor price is set. This will happen again when they want $5 to be the new standard. A few years from now, the price will spike at $5 and settle around $4.50. Then $5.50 and settle at $5.00 and so on.
I believe that the assumption that prices are set by the "company" are flawed. What makes setting a gas price any different that what sets the price of a loaf of bread in a super market?
el paso texas 3.53
southern california
lowest $3.81
highest $4.91
Gas is so expensive right now, soon they gonna start selling gas in bars.
It's gonna be like, "i want to send a half a tank to the little lady over there " I think pretty soon people are gonna be fucking for gas. I think people already fucking for gas.
ladies, if a man fills up your tank, you got to fuck him. A quarter of a tank, hand job.
Got to get to work, right? Got to get to work.
Samsung: Make sure you know how big her tank is first. :))
Played golf on Tuesday near Bellingham, WA. $3.79 a gallon. A steal compared to Vancouver.
I heard that $3.44 price was the best price in the nation and in South Carolina. Unfortunately I stopped at a local Citgo station that ripped me off by advertising on their sign $3.429 for regular unleaded but because I paid with a credit card, they bumped the price all the way up to $3.519. I was ripped off. I won't go there again. I did walk inside the store to ask about the price difference and they said something like blah, blah, if you pay with a credit card or debit card, they charge a different price. hmmm, It's only that one station that apparently does it though. I looked to check I was using regular unleaded before pumping but did not check the digital price on the pump that suddenly popped up until I had already pumped some gas.
I see some gas stations figured out new ways to scam people. They should have a sign indicating you'll pay higher prices with a credit card instead of sneaking a digital price in at the pump. And some station managers wonder why some people are honest about not stealing money but if they accidently only charge something like $1 a gallon, they'll invite and tell all their friends before telling anyone inside the station.
Sharkhunter, most stations I've seen in Michigan do have signage indicating different prices for cash or credit cards. I agree it sucks, but let's not forget that all businesses are charged a per centage of their charge receipts run.
A well run business pays for nothing. The customer always pay. All a business has to do to be successful, provide a product or service at a price that more than covers their expenses, and that consumers are willing to pay. So simple, yet so difficult to accomplish.
My business made money, but I decided the work was not worth the reward.
Yes, Clubber. that is exactly what these gas stations are doing. They are charging more to cover the costs associated with them providing charge privileges for their merchandise. That's why us smart consumers refuse to pay for it and pay cash instead. Most of us don't have our workplace pay for our gas as your workplace does. I also don't have a motorcycle. You've seen my car, an fuel-efficient vehicle. Gas prices are what they are, it's up to us to minimize fuel consumption. Many of us have found as you have, that owning a business eats up far too much time. Time is precious. That's why I worked for another company for the last 20 years of my work life. When I left for the day, I was done (except for the times my boss showed me how valued I was, and called me for advice)
I think what you said is one of the biggest difference between working fr someone and being self-employed. When I am "off the clock" I do not worry about anything that has to do with my job, inventory, cash flow, employes, government, NOTHING!
I agree, totally, Clubber. I didn't "worry". Worry is a useless emotion, I don't employ it. What's going to be is what's going to be.It was a pain when my boss called, especially when he asked a dumb question, but it was good to know that I was valued. I contributed to my work off the clock because it was necessary at times. I liked what I did, I wanted our excellent work and product to continue. We had had an excellent reputation in our niche, I made fine cutting tools for 20 years. Ever see a 6 foot long drill??? I made them, it was a joy to create fine things.
still anywhere from 3.48-3.70 a gallon here. say art, why do you guys keep playing with our emotions and wallets? lol
I'm of the opinion, troop, that it isn't farmerart that is the problem. True, he needs money for his exploits, but. . . But YAYYYY, Gas is dropping again in Detroit, it's down to $3.74 for regular unleaded. WTF am I cheering for??
vince, i know, i was joking with art, wherever he is ;)
what's with the constant almost daily flucucations in gas prices anyway?