Not sure what kind of "blackout" you're talking about, but I was in a club once where the power went out, leaving everyone in pitch black darkness. How did I handle the situation? By touch, of course...
I had it happen once. The power went out, so they set up a boom box for music. One dancer approached and asked if I wanted a private dance. As I thought about it she said, "I suggest you get one. The power's out meaning no cameras. We can do anything we want!" And we did. The power came back on right as we were leaving the room. Perfect timing!
Hmmmm...normally I prefer going to clubs solo, or with a highly experienced fellow TUSCL member, but this thread suggests another strategy....go with an electrician. Why, to disable the power of course. An electrician with a battery operated boom box in his truck would be even better. Be prepared!
That's what I figured guys, but "blackout" could also refer to someone passing out. That's why I sought clarification. I can't recall the lights going out totally, but I've been in some very dark VIP areas and they are fun, indeed.
was at OGE in ATL when lights went out. security lights came on but really didn't do much to lighten the place up. was sitting with one of my favorites at table near back bar. she used the time to give me a good crotch rubbing thru my slacks almost to the point of blast off. I returned the favor by first rubbing her pussy thru her bottoms but she pulled it to one side and gave me access to her pussy. diddled her clit then the lights came back on. game over !!!
Most clubs these days are subject to building code which requires emergency lighting that comes on in the event of a power failure. The purpose of the emerg. lights is to guide you to the building exits. Since there typically aren't building exits in the VIP room, that area could get very dark. If the club doesn't run you out, it certainly can be more fun. Stay dressed, the lights come back on with no warning.
I had the power go out before. I was in the dark with some strippers for a few minutes. I can't remember what happened.
Another time the lights and power kept flickering one night. When I stepped outside, I was like, oh hell. Several inches of snow, sleet, freezing rain all mixed together fell in those few hours I was in the club and I had a 17 mile drive home in a transam with big wide tires. That was fun. (if you like slipping and sliding). 17 miles south there was nothing but rain.
I had it happen once on a hot summer day. An extremely drunk stripper proceeded to sing a David Alan Coe song very that isn't on any of his records if you know what I mean. I believe someone took her home in short order.
The lights went out for two hours at the club where I work, dances were allowed but no stage dancing. The clubs response was to hand out glow sticks and shots. The only downside was the heater went out and the inside of the club was so cold you could see your breath.
Manager and bouncer broke out industrial strength flashlights and walked to floor checking on customer conduct. "Everyonee sit still until power is restored. If you want to leave, yell for a bouncer. We will refund half of the cover." Lights came back on in 5 minutes.
last commentDark room, no cameras, no annoying DJ...a blackout's sounding better by the minute!
Another time the lights and power kept flickering one night. When I stepped outside, I was like, oh hell. Several inches of snow, sleet, freezing rain all mixed together fell in those few hours I was in the club and I had a 17 mile drive home in a transam with big wide tires. That was fun. (if you like slipping and sliding). 17 miles south there was nothing but rain.