Is there any point to getting 2 dancers at once for an LD?

Although I totally have the guy-girl-girl fantasy, it just seems like my LD money is better spent getting double the time with one girl at a time. (I assume you pay double for two dancers.) This is why I've never been tempted to raise the issue, even with my current favorite. Maybe if I had some inside knowledge as to how two specific dancers had chemistry with each other AND me, my opinion would change. Anyone have any thoughts from experience? I'm not referring to two dancers tag teaming you cold turkey; I'm referring to the customer raising the issue with two hotties.
last commentMost times in my experience, it's a waste of time and money. There are the logistics, sometimes they get more interested in each other(which can be interesting) or it can be great. I've seen good 2 dancer on a guy action in some clubs, but I'd rather be the focus of one dancer's attention.
double blowjob
Unless it involves any "extras" action, it is a waste of money.
I've done a few double-dances without much success, or at least much beyond simply having one. There's the access issue - how do two girls really grind on you at one time? They don't, but rather take turns, so it's like two sequential dances (at the double cost) but you only get one girl at a time anyway, and for only one song.
To Realist's point, if you're getting a double-hummer, that's a different story and one worth pursuing. Otherwise, get your LDs like your marriages - one at a time.
I agree with the point that it's usually a waste of money. I've only done a couple of them. To be successful, the two girls do have to have good chemistry between them, usually meaning that they are already friends. But the chances of both of them being "your type" is rare. The two dancers have to know how the share the time and space with the customer equally. If they don't, and one dancer dominates, it's not too much fun. I wouldn't go for it again, myself.
It is hit or miss. I have done it 3 times and only once I would say it was worth it.
It all depends on how well you pick the right girls.
I would agree that it depends on how you pick the girls, but that's the question. I think chemistry has something to do with the right answer.
You pick by observation and perception. If you can not see the difference between good and bad dancers you need to improve your awareness.
LD's-Waste of time & money
BJ's-Waste of time & money
in bed-two is company, three is a crowd-someone feels iced out. Don't do it.
The best for me was with a current fave. As a friend of hers was leaving the LD area, she stopped by us. They said "goodbye" in a most erotic way! And it didn't cost me a penny! And yes, vm, it was "C".
If you want to watch your money, don't do it. If money is not an issue and you want to try to have a little bit of fun, it can be if you enjoy a lot of girls all over you and you chose the right two girls. They need to mix it up a little and if one just sits back all the time and they don't do the double very well, it ends up being a waste of money. I've lucked out a few times with lap dances and table dances. Double table dances is a lot less expensive. One time I was on pretty good terms with both dancers and we did a three way kiss after they finished the lapdances. Generally I avoid them because I'm usually interested in getting my dollars to stretch. Every once in a while I get talked into it. I suggested it once or twice (for table dances) because I once had two hot girls both ask me for dances at the same time. That was fun. It only cost me $20 total for one song and I had two very hot girls all over me and against each other. It's possible I even asked for them to do it on a second song. I think I enjoyed it more because one dancer was sitting on me leaning back letting me see everything while the other girl moved in on both of us, then they alternated. It can be expensive and/or a waste of money so I don't typically go for it.
I once had a free double table dance. That was even better. I never did find out what caused that. I just arrived at the club so I don't know who was responsible for it either. The dancers told me someone else was paying and then they started dancing without hesitation. Not finding out who was responsible for it made me wonder if the dancers decided to do it themselves.
Well according to some blog I read a while ago, one dancer blocks the cameras while the other dancer does extras.
Really good point gillydon.
Most of the time, it is not worth the extra money compared to what you would have got from one girl for double the time. If you let the first girl of your choice pick the second girl, there is a better chance for success. That way, they feel comfortable with each other, and are not afraid of the other one seeing what extras they do.
Got a double once from twins. had gotten single from each, but during the second song of second twin the other who was walking out of private dance area joined in for fun I guess for a short time.
Only if they both are sucking and fucking you
Gillydon, Care to share which blog that was that you're referring to? Any chance it was ??? He's an outsanding blogger: A former strip club manager. He's seen it all, and now he's telling it all (well most all of it).
The idea of one girl acting as a look-out or camera blocker while the other does some deed goes back to the beginning of lap dances. I have not encountered this duo mode in quite a while, but there probably are clubs around where that happens. I would think if mgmt is really monitoring cameras, then they have figured out what the (usually the same) 2 dancers thing is all about. Then they have to care.....
Hiring 2 girls to dance at the same time is usually twice the price for 75% as much fun.
Last I checked I only had one lap.
I do it once in a while just to add some variety to my life. There are 2 things that are important when going for it. The dancers have to be compatible with each other. And second I want to be the center of their attention. I don't want to pay to watch girl on girl action. Many years ago on a very slow afternoon in my favorite club, I was sitting and talking to 3 of my favorite dancers. Just for a lark, I was about to suggest that I take all 3 of them to the couch room. But then a 4th dancer showed up and my mind went back to reality.
Yes I think 2 at once is necessary in order to establish a standard value for cock suction. You cannot be certain the stripper is giving you an adequate amount of suction on your dick without having a suction point of reference. Since strip clubs do not permit bringing vacuum cleaners another stripper will have to do.
Getting a double lap from dancers that you don't have a strong "dancer/customer" relationship with is asking to get double fucked, and I don't mean in a sexual way.
I've done it a few times but only in the name of sibling immorality. One night at my my usual club, there were three sisters working. I got all three of them in on a dance. If that wasn't enough, there happened to be a pair twins and I took them back for a dance. Three of a kind and pair, that's a full house!
No. Simply put an ITC threesome PROBABLY isn't worth it, speaking as a MFF fantasy goes.
Let me explain. You'll probably have to give each of them what they would receive if dancing alone...and you'll only get to pop once instead of twice (once per individual dance).
A threesome using condoms is just so-so. As mentioned above, the girls need to be into each other and into you. This gets into a really gray area as I don't fuck strippers without using a condom. However, for a great threesome experience the girls need to be willing and want to lick/eat the cum out of the other girls pussy. Its kinda like spit vs swallow. They both need to be willing to work to get you aroused again after a few minutes of rest. They can play with each other during this time, but don't let them satisfy each other while you're down for a few minutes. This is definately an OTC adventure as a couple of hours is needed to do this the right way.
This is also a case where several threesomes with the same girls work out better. You'll all be more comfortable with each other. As for leaving someone out, practice eating one while the other rides. Yeah, its the porn movie scene, but done right everybody is happy.
For anyone that's a little repulsed by the suggetions above, you probably shouldn't be in this thread...
In general, I would say that you should only do it if the dancers initiate. Because if they initiate, then it's a much better chance that they know what the hell they're doing in a 2-girl LD.
The last time I was in one particular club, I had one dancer give the one who had just blown me a deep kiss out at the bar and recognize what had just gone on. She proceeded to take me to the back and try (successfully) to prove she was better. I am definitely going to try to get those two in the back together if I get the chance.
Why would any man want two women at the same time? Twice the nagging. Can you see your afterglow spoiled by "what are you thinking" in both ears? lol I think I hear Wanda Sykes use this in her material years ago.
As mentioned above, two girls are not for the budget-conscious. I really do enjoy it when I have the cash. But I believe there is a science to it. First of all I only get do it after sampling one of the dancers first (previous visit or same visit). Secondly I don't invite in any random dancer, I as the familiar dancer if she ever does girl/girl, then if her friend is available to come back and get me.
Most clubs I visit the girls can touch you, but not vice versa (unless the dancer okays--and not during the bouncer check walk). So getting two girls guarantees way more contact. Some from the confines of 3 people in a 2 person space, and some from the weight of 2 girls, and some from the chaos of 6 hands. Plus the dancers know you have money and are spending it, so they usually kiss, fondle and try to get each other off.
I have done this quite a bit, with all kinds of results both good and bad. If the dancers initiate it, go for it. That generally means they have done it before and have some kind of routine that they know works and that they enjoy. If I want to do this, I will ask a dancer if she has a partner that she does duo dances with. If she hesitates,I move on. If she gets excited and says she will be right back, that is usually a bingo.
I've had great FFF encounters but only OTC. Everytime I've tried it in a SC it wasn't worth it. Asses & elbows flying everywhere in a very confined space....someone could put an eye out!
"Most times in my experience, it's a waste of time and money
I agree with Vince. I've tried it twice many, many Moons ago. Very unsatisfying & a total waste of money both times. I stay 1 on 1 now. LOL
It's fun if the two of them get along. But they have to get along and they have to be willing to share.
I did it once when one dancer I was friendly with suggested it and said she'd do it at a discount. She was totally bi and was also into the other girl I was interested in so I went for a 15 minute private to try it. Never had had two girls before.
It was a pretty good one-time experience, with both girls servicing each other, me servicing them, them servicing me. Very hot and memorable. I would not rush to repeat it ITC, however, due to time constraints and expense and the fact that the truth is it's just much better and easier to focus all attention on one partner.
Glad I did it that one time, though.
Also bear in mind that often girls pushing the two-fers I find are lesser girls who have glommed on to a better looking dancer to try to sell doubles with the hotter since they can't seem to sell any VIPs themselves.
Oh, and for a regular lap dance I wouldn't bother, except as a goof for fun.
This thread was originally posted almost a year ago - how did it come back to life just now? Weird - is this common?