Comments by minnow (page 96)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Letting em know
    Another hell no here. Like others, I value unbiased commentary on club. I'm curious what kind of "upside" OP sees, or expects, from outing himself as a reviewer. Putting oneself in anothers' shoes: If someone came to my workplace, and announced that they were a website reviwer from the get go, my reaction would be- "what planet did this asshole come from"?
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    13 years ago
    Lions Now 4-0!!!
    2012 could well be the first super bowl with both teams coming from strong stripclub cities. Detroit Lions vs Houston Texans, anyone ?
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    13 years ago
    Kill The Dollar Bill? I don't know.
    I've already commented on subject in similar thread started by "steve229" a few months back(21 July). Basically, I favor going to dollar coins, discontinuing production of $1 bills, pennies, and just rounding cash purchases to the nearest nickel. Also, ramping up production of $2 bills. Before I put flame suit on, consider that federal government, and at least several states round tax refunds/bills the the nearest dollar already. I suspect many tuscl members can recall buying bubble gum for a penny- a nickel now is worth what a penny was then. I'm sure even "younger" tusclers can recall reaching into pocket for 2 quarters for a convenience store purchase- now those are $1 or so. So, if carrying 2 quarters in pocket wasn't a big deal, carrying nearly similar sized dollar coins shouldn't be, either. As for last point having fewer dollar bills to circulate, forcing to consider $2 tip: IMO, not as big a deal as some may make it out to be, as I suspect tip $ are relatively small portion of club visit budget when compared to VIP's, lapdances, drinks, etc.
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    13 years ago
    Strippers and their loser boyfriends
    +1 on ttf post. In all the time that I've been clubbing, I have yet to **knowingly** encounter a strippers BF/SO. (Well, maybe twice. Two instances at podunk clubs- I found out that one dancer was married to bouncer, and another to DJ. Both cases worked on same shift. Found out afterwards from ex-dancers who moved to other clubs.). In the times I've seen dancers arrive/leave club, they've driven solo, taken a cab, or rode with other dancer. People have been watching too many HBO specials, or listening to bathroom troll.
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    13 years ago
    Have you ever been fooled?
    Back in the 90's, there was a "shim" at 1 Indy club who was arguably the hottest dancer there. This Hawaian/Islander had a deeper voice than normal, but not enough to set off alarms. It was only when I encountered a former club dancer who moved to another club a short while later did I catch on. I had to look real hard to find the "Adams Apple", I just walked away from that club. Judging by some ads out there, some guys are interested in trannies. (I am not amoung them). I've heard of some alternative underground trannie clubs in some large cities. With that, I'm live and let live. But like one prior poster, I'm against a tranny working at a straight club passing themselves off as a female, plus club management that would *knowingly* hire one. I put that in the same category as a coin dealer selling a counterfeit coin as a genuine one. As for sc's comment about "amazing surgery in Thailand": I thought going to a nude club would be "safe", but then I read on zbone board about a supposed tranny at one COI club. When subject dancer approached me for a dance, the deepness of voice set off alarms. That, and dancers freaky appearance- NO THANKS. I'm not sure, but I think "shim" did have a stage set later- I didn't bother watching as I had "other distractions". I've wondered if "shim" did "spread it", if there's some reliable telltale signs down there. (My interest is more educational than prurient/voyeuristic on this). To offset this pissing in cornflakes, I read somewhere that the incidence of male transexualism is 1 in 10000.
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    13 years ago
    The Line-Up
    I have likes and dislikes on the lineup. PLUS: A good way to see the entire dancer lineup, and gauge who you might like to spend more time with. Particularly so if they do a quick parade, and the DJ announces each dancers name as she walks up on stage. I don't like lineup in conjunction with a silly t-shirt, etc. promo. (regular 2fers OK). MINUS: Mandatory all dancer parade sucks if it happens in the middle of your dances. Some clubs exempt dancers from parade if she's already getting VIP.
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    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    What Percentage Of Strippers Do You Think Know Of/Read TUSCL?
    I would guess a very small percentage.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Rick's Austin
    While I recognize Scott's enthusiasm, and desire to improve things, this is a CUSTOMER REVIEW site, not an ADVERTISING space. I'm tempted to flag review as a shill review just for those reasons. Can you imagine how clogged up site would be if each and every club manager were alotted free space to "plug" their club? Lastly, I'd ask Scott if he were to consider buying a car, whose reviews he'd rather read: 1) From car owners/users just like him. 2) From dealership owner/salesman ?
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    13 years ago
    Off Topic- I'm doomed, would really appreciate some advice.
    GV- I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this, but did you report accident to police, or did they otherwise get involved? In an an accident I had on a road trip to stripclub several years ago, that was one of the 1st questions insurance co. asked me. I'd hit a deer 1 hour from home halfway to club. Car was driveable, left regular headlamp busted out, left high beams worked, though. I drove to next fwy. exit with 24 hr. diner, called the local police to report accident and dead deer on fwy. After some time, an officer showed up, looked over damage in car, filled out report,handed me a copy, and sent me on my way home.(I aborted club visit, and got police report mainly as a CMA thing- car condition would raise eyebrows and elicit a pullover from any cop that saw me.) I'm curious how your deal turns out. One thing I'd seriously consider would be collision insurance, if having your own transportation is important to you. I was driving a fairly expensive sports car, the repair bill was $3K, which made me glad I had collision insurance. Best wishes on this event.
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    13 years ago
    In The SC World, North Dakota Sucks Worse Than Alberta
    re: Sept 6 post- farmerart a minnow??? LOL,LOL!! ND has 6 clubs, many cities have at least that, DUH!! Number of clubs, and number of reviews (paucity of reviews would be a more apt description) tell the tale. I hope farmerart has either 1)A very good high speed internet connection 2) Some good videos 3) A very vivid imagination. Mrs. Palmer can only do so much..............
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Enough about economics and politics. Lets talk about food. Strip club food.
    sc- A lot of stripclubs offer food service of some sort ITC, and many others offer a grill service just outside, or a nearby pizza delivery. Two clubs that I've visited in recent years that stand out as being a cut above average ( good food without laying out too much $$) 1) Bare Ellegance- LAX. Besides boilerplate regular menu, free lunch buffet Friday ~ 12p-2p (1 trip- 2 meats, some veggies, sliced boiled taters, rice, rolls, veggie and fruit tray, sometimes pie or cake) 2) Mens Club- Dallas- They have honest to goodness chef on staff, with some afternoons discounted prime rib, and some Friday evenings, a pool side buffet with good stuff varying from bbq chicken or ribs, cajun jumbo shrimp, tater and vegggie tray, etc).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    f_d- I don't get it either- from both sides of the tip rail. I don't bite, nor do I like being bitten on nipples. I've had more than a few dancers bite or pinch my nipples. It doesn't do anything for me, but apparently it is a "buzz" for some people. We've all seen some dancers ( and "civilians" of both sexes) with pierced nipples, so there's something there for certain folks. On the other side of the coin: In my ~ 2 decades of going to stripclubs, I've only been asked by ONE dancer to bite her nipples HARD, and maybe 3-4 others to squeeze/pinch nipples hard. So, few may actually like it, and fewer still want a total stranger to pinch or bite the nips.
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    13 years ago
    Golden Showers
    sc- $500 for a urine sample?? Maybe it does pay to "study" to pass the urine test............
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    13 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Review Standards
    I hear you, Rick. That said, I really can't offer any foolproof standards. Length of review and detailed descriptions of club doesn't always prove legitimacy or usefullness as anyone can go to club website replete with detailed pictures enough to glean some details from. In all honesty, a review that stated " I dropped in on a Tuesday afternoon, club had 4 fugly dancers, lame stageshows, and indifferent beverage service, so I left after 20 minutes" to be more useful to me than a "Dear Penthouse" genre detailing a night visitors VIP session with ONE dancer if I were from out of town considering an afternoon visit before catching flight home. I can say that I've flagged reviews and, prior to flag feature, pm'ed founder about suspect reviews. In almost every case, founder took appropriate action.
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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    3 strikes and you're out!!
    With the plethora of clubs available in most cities that I go to, very often its 1 strike and you're out. At the very least, put at the bottom of the rotation barrel. On the flip side, a club that I've had several good initial visits to will have a halo effect where I brush off the subpar vists.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Tats do nothing to increase the attractiveness of a woman, and a lot of things to detract from ones appeal, imo. That said, good luck going home without blue balls. While not a deal breaker for me, less is better.
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    13 years ago
    Senator Tom Coburn (R-Okla) Proposes Eliminating the Dollar Bill
    How about going to dollar coins, and stop production of pennies/round to the nearest nickel. Shoot, federal, and at least several states already round the tax return bill or refund to the nearest dollar. The time is here for considration to be given to the cost of printing/minting vs the face value and/or longevity of the denomination in question. There was a time when the half cent was a staple of US coinage (up to 1857). One utile factor of this coin was exchanging for peso (centavo?) where 12 1/2 c equaled 1 of the other. Since I last bought something for a penny, inflation has gone up six fold. Thus for several tusclers, the nickel today has less or equal value/relevance as the penny did not so long ago. We've all probably heard the moniker "pocket change." Consider that CPI has doubled since the late 80's. I haven't heard anyone griping about carrying a couple of quarters change around, current presidential dollars are lighter than 2 quarters and buy what 2 quarters used to. I also propose ramping up the production of $2 bills. Remaining $1 bills would still be usable in circulation, but phased out. Before the howls of outrage begin on the increased cost of stage tipping, ask yourself what percentage of your total visit budget is consumed by stage tips vs drinks, lapdances, and VIPs. While I don't kid myself that reducing the cost of printing money will be the silver bullet to our nations budget deficit woes, at least some reasonable options should be pursued.
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    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Confrontations with ROBs and Management
    I wouldn't pay in this miscount situation. If you can't recall 1st song as suggested by tttc, I'd say- OK, review security tapes and tell me how many songs I'm back there. I did just that in my last set-to with a club (It involved continuous running 2fer and not being informed about it). They reviewed the tapes in their office, and refunded me the difference.
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    13 years ago
    Tampa extras
    shadowcat has the right drift- "surprised" OP hasn't contributed any reviews during the 5 yrs. that he's been a "member". I hear there are some 24 hr. doughnut shops in town that have takeout............
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    13 years ago
    Where would you go?
    Yeah, mr gray, what happened to your Dec 2010 Tampa trip that you mentioned in your 1st thread? Did you even go? Quite frankly, with the number of clubs in Atlanta, I'm surprised that you haven't at least dipped your toe into the club scene there and contributed a review or 2.............
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    13 years ago
    What Kind of Car do you Drive to the Club ?
    I drive my own car(s) to local clubs, an economy-midrange rental car on the road. On road trips, I pocket the rental agreement in valet clubs. With my own car(s), handing over my keys to valet is a dealbreaker. No self park ( I don't mind paying the parking fee)= No patronage from me.
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    13 years ago
    Visiting New Orleans in Sept. Where should we go.
    DC- If you can, (back issue or website), there's an issue sometime in 1992 or 93 (Deja Vu - Showgirls Magazine) written by an intrepid staff writer about his visit to several New Orleans clubs. Print out several copies, and distribute to your buds to see if you can't change their minds. If unable to procure, Cliff Notes as follows: Writer goes to Nola, has 2 so-so visits to top clubs. In between that and "accidentally" going in a tranny club, pops into various music clubs, consuming many multicolored alcoholic shots/beverages, hears some good music in between. At end of night, writer barfs his guts out. DC, between reading this article nearly 2 decades ago, and now, I've had various reasonable chances to visit Nola clubs and have passed. Actually, my money is on any argument falling on deaf ears, as I suspect DC buds aren't true mongers, and are more interested in hitting music clubs, and getting shitfaced drunk.
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    13 years ago
    The men dancers marry
    kd- If you're who I think you are, you have a few months to figure out how wearing a wedding/engagement ring will affect your earnings. That said, I have very little clue as to the marital status of my various "faves". I don't bring up their marital status in conversation. I assume most dancers have SO/BF/GF anyway. I don't recall noticing a "ring" on any dancer, may have missed it on some dancers wearing a lot of jewelry. If I were to actually encounter a dancer obviously wearing ring, that would probably kill the fantasy element for me if I were meeting her for the 1st time. If I had prior good sessions with a familiar dancer, the continued quality of the sessions would dictate my continued spending on the particular dancer. Agree with samurais' last 3 sentences.// rd- I dub thee Sir Rick,OTWK.
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    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Annoying Strip Club Practices ... Part 4: Strip Clubs that Close Without Notice!
    I hate it when I drive over an hour to another town only to drive up, and see police raiding the club.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The 50 Best Strip Clubs in America
    Ok, I'll input some comments on my visited clubs that made the list: #45 Tropical Lei- Not fancy, but solid COI like mileage minus a lot of the BS. A worthy go to club, and a reasonable addition to list. Can be wallet draining, though. #34 Brass Flamingo- Go to club in Indy- best value, with very little drop off in dancer attractiveness from top Indy clubs for eye candy. Definitely belongs on list. #22 DV-COI- I didn't enjoy my visit there all that much a few years ago, but can understand how some people like it, offering the cheapest COI area dances. Dancer attractiveness was mediocre on weeknight visit, mileage just OK, didn't measure up to SRI or TL. Not on my T50 list, but it does have its fans. #15 Baby Dolls- Dallas- Absolutely belongs on list. Mileage definitely better than several high-tier area clubs (eg- Lodge, Mens Club), with very little attractiveness dropoff. Those liking more the cozy bar atmosphere might be turned off by the emporium size of it all. If I could only go to just 1 club in Dallas area, this would be it. #11 Crazy Horse- SF- I'd say it belongs on list, but maybe on 25-50 slot. This club isn't for everyone, but those who relish good stageside interaction with nude dancers will love this place. Dancer attractiveness solid midrange. Probably "best value champ" for SF area, much like Cheetahs is for Vegas. #3 4 Play- Los Angeles. It is a good club, but overrated at #3 slot. There are some very attractive dancers here, some who have bona-fide acting credentials ( both mainstream, and X rated). Club is medium size, with only 1 dancer on stage at once, and 20-25 dancers on shift, tops. (Contrast to 3 dozen plus walking around at places like Mons Venus, Cheetah- ATL). Reviewer mentions food service- good appetizers, but not like steak dinner at some high end clubs in some other cities.