13 yrs ago•GSWx4reviewedShotgun Willie's490 S Colorado Blvd Glendale, CO 80246Perverts may not like Shotgun Willies...
13 yrs ago •GSWx4commented onSay It Ain't So!!!Alucard “NEVER had a Dancer confess to lying. Sounds like SS to me.†LOL at the SS comment – she lied to me by telling me the truth.…
13 yrs ago •GSWx4commented onThe Latest from ColombiaSnakePlissken. “Germany has cheap, legal, clean, and hot prostitutes. Why would you bother visiting a German strip club.†Two different experiences. The whorehouses tend to be warehouses…
13 yrs ago •GSWx4commented onThe Latest from Colombiashadowcat “I have looked at a lot of reviews for clubs ouside the U.S. just for comparrison. Excluding Canada & Mexico, Israel appears to have the best…
13 yrs ago •GSWx4commented onDancer Defends Booty Bus@F_D. It is important to define terminology in any serious debate/discussion. The common usage of the terms conservative and liberal have become simple pejorative labels.…
13 yrs ago •GSWx4commented onstripper vehicals“so tell me the worst stripper car you've seen†That would be the stripper’s car that was torched in the club parking lot one night. And just to burst the…
13 yrs ago•GSWx4reviewedScores Tampa2310 N Dale Mabry Hwy Tampa, FL 33607Follow up review. My first...
13 yrs ago •GSWx4commented onITC StalkersI’ve encountered this many times over the years but not as frequently as you describe (20 times in 10 months). If this is all happening with the…
13 yrs ago •GSWx4commented onInvoluntary servitude.The true extent of sex slavery would shock even the most cynical person. Its victims are not limited to poor Hispanic or eastern European immigrants. Africans,…
13 yrs ago •GSWx4commented onHooters Lawsuit Claims Rival Restaurant Stole ‘Trade Secrets'A thief is a thief and they should be prosecuted criminally. As for the corporation, whether the stolen information provided them with a competitive advantage or not…
13 yrs ago •GSWx4commented onWhy Is This So Difficult ?Hate to call it stupidity and it was a stripper so it’s not fair but… In a full liquor club that is notorious for hiring under aged (not yet…
13 yrs ago •GSWx4commented onDancer HygeineCan’t say for sure about all dancers but I’m reminded of when a dancer was trying to clean up her life and got a job as a cocktail…
13 yrs ago•GSWx4reviewedFlash Dancers4201 W Cayuga St, Tampa, FL 33614, USA*Previous review said Latinas so I...
13 yrs ago•GSWx4reviewedDiamond Cabaret1222 Glenarm Pl Denver, CO 80204First time visit. Nice building...
13 yrs ago•GSWx4reviewedClub X1196 S Santa Fe Dr Denver, CO 80223Afternoon visit. Small stand alone...
13 yrs ago•GSWx4reviewedShotgun Willie's490 S Colorado Blvd Glendale, CO 80246My second review of the club....
13 yrs ago•GSWx4reviewedThee Dollhouse1010 N Westshore Blvd Tampa, FL 33607First time visit at about 3...
13 yrs ago•GSWx4reviewedScarlett's Ybor Strip3819 E 7th Ave Tampa, FL 33605I rarely come here but I...