
What Kind of Car do you Drive to the Club ?

Sunday, July 3, 2011 9:01 AM
In the past, we've commented on strippers driving POS cars, but I was wondering if you were comfortable enough with club parking to take a new or nearly new car to the club ? Have you ever had a car broken into in a club parking lot ? Do you leave valuables in your car while it is parked at the club ?


  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Yes. No. Yes.
  • harrydave
    13 years ago
    Considering that 75% of my club visits have been during business trips...whatever POS I could get at the company rate. As for my personal car, I never take any special precautions. Hell, I don't have a luxury car. I'm saving all my money for the ladies.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    I only have one car. A 2011 Mustang GT. So yes I drive it to the clubs. But I alwas park it in a visible spot and will not go into a ghetto neighborhood with it and will not turn my keys over to any valet. So far I have never had a problem.
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    well, i only have one car. it's a used 97 honda, so it's nothing fancy but gets me where i need to go. i've never had my car broken into at a club parking lot. the only 'valuables' i leave in my car are my CD's and my cd player
  • brewerfan
    13 years ago
    I don't drive anything fancy. Besides, most of the time I go to the club it's usually packed anyway, meaning there are all sorts of different types of cars. I never leave anything valuable that I cannot in my car anytime, not even if I'm gonna be a quick couple of minutes.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    Car? I never leave the club
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    I've driven both my trusty bomber and my Corvette to clubs. The Corvette has sat on the street with never any problems, and if anyone wanted the bomber, they haven't availed themselves of a fine piece of machinery. Elsewhere, the bomber had a window busted out once, but that was in a downtown area and in retrospect, it wasn't the best place to leave it on a Friday night.
  • newmark
    13 years ago
    Like Harrydave, most of my trips are on business. That means a rental, a cab or public transit and walking. If I were close to home, I would have a bigger problem with being recognized than being robbed.
  • DandyDan
    13 years ago
    I only have one car, a 2007 Saturn Ion. When it was new, I would go park it in the strip club parking lot, although two of the clubs I visit have security in the parking lot, or at least did in the past. Nowadays, considering they don't make Saturns anymore, I wonder if anyone would ever consider stealing one. The only time I go to a club and don't park it in their lots are the two in downtown Lincoln, NE, which don't have lots of their own, but there are plenty of downtown parking garages, and then I walk from there. As for being broken into, once, with my old Saturn, which you had to manually lock (couldn't lock with your keychain). In winter, I don't like to wear my winter jacket into a club, so I left it in the back seat of my car and I guess I forgot to lock it up and someone broke in and took my jacket. It made for a terrible trip back home, although the heater worked great. Since then, I always lock it up in the trunk. As for valuables, I got a little cubby hole in my armrest to keep my cellphone (I don't like being interrupted in the club) and my old XM radio hookup in, so that's nothing, but I do keep CD's in the car, which turned out to be a bad idea once, but I wasn't at a strip club when I had those stolen, but that was the old car, too.
  • gillydon
    13 years ago
    I've seen some very nice cars in club parking lots, especially in vegas. I usually assume they belong to dancers.
  • TABB
    13 years ago
    Half of the time I usually roll up with my 2007 jeep compass or I just park my 2010 Kawasaki ninja up front next to the door way. For now on im just going to SC with my bike. So if anyone stops by in Phoenix at one of the high end SC and see a blue Kawasaki ninja thats me.
  • sinclair
    13 years ago
    I drive my Bangbus to the club.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    No one notices my Bentley.
  • runrdude
    13 years ago
    I drive a very distinctive high dollar sports car. I do feel nervous leaving it in the lot sometimes, but it has never been bothered. I usually get some comments from the door guy or bouncer. I really should drive my truck to the clubs more often, but since I am usually on a business trip, I hate to drive it the whole time.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Usually my company car. If I go when not working, I am on my Harley.
  • DarNat
    13 years ago
    I drive a 1995 Honda Civic. I once parked two buildings down from the club I was visiting in a Pizza Hut parking lot. Someone broke in and took my stick bag (I'm a percussionist), (non-perishable) groceries I'd purchased before going to the club, my cell-phone charger, and my emergency flashlight. I later found the stick bag tossed behind the Pizza Hut with all the sticks, brushes, and mallets intact.
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    ^ nice, another honda owner. mine is a civic too. and it's decked out in vikings gear. :) sorry to hear about the break in pal. :(
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    ^ nice, another honda owner. mine is a civic too. and it's decked out in vikings gear. :) sorry to hear about the break in pal. :(
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    When I am in the East, I use cabs or anonymous rentals. In Vancouver, I walk. In Alberta, my trusty F-150 provides the needed transportation. I even drove a Kenworth rig to an Alberta SC on a couple of occasions.
  • bumrubber
    13 years ago
    Most of the clubs I go to seem to have safe parking, but I never leave anything visible inside my car anyway. I drive an "economy car" as well as an older, but still modern looking, Mercedes S-Class. The Mercedes is actually worth less. When I drive the Mercedes I get a much warmer welcome. I'm sure the doormen pass the word about who/what just drove up.
  • minnow
    13 years ago
    I drive my own car(s) to local clubs, an economy-midrange rental car on the road. On road trips, I pocket the rental agreement in valet clubs. With my own car(s), handing over my keys to valet is a dealbreaker. No self park ( I don't mind paying the parking fee)= No patronage from me.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Car? U guys have cars ? Wtf! I'm saving my money 4 the girls! I walk 2 the club : ))
  • m00tpoint
    13 years ago
    We have two Lexus (one SC and one LS) and that is all we have ever taken to the clubs. Usually we take the SC because that is what we prefer to drive when it is just the two of us but we have taken both. We have never had any issues. Usually, we use valet parking and tip the valet well. Of course, use the valet key.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    Just remembered this story. About a year ago when I was still in my stupid 'big boy toys' phase in retirement I hop in the Ferrari and head down Hwy 2 to Calgary for a SC hit. I know the road well and I wind up the beast until I get scared. I am slowing down, nowhere near to burying the needle, when a horseman catches me on his radar gun. I pull over and the horseman tells me I maxed out his gun at 280 kph. Last time I looked at speedometer in the beast I was doing over 300 kph when I started to get scared. Horseman gives me a bit of a break and writes the citation so that I will have three demerits left on my driver's licence. Didn't make it to the SC. Turned around and went back to my farm. Sold that sexy red beast and kept to my trusty F-150 ever since. Driving sedately now until I eliminate those nasty demerits from my licence. You wouldn't believe the hit I took when I renewed my personal vehicle insurance package this year!
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Sheesh, farmerart. You dog !!! I'm jealous. My Vette only does 230 kph. Fortunately, I've never been pulled over at that speed, just at 150 kph. :)
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    Gotta love that speed thrill, though, don't ya vince?
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    300/8*5=188. 280/8*5=175. 230/8*5=144.
  • runrdude
    13 years ago
    VM I can't believe your vette just hits 230kph. I've hit that in my two seat Beemer (speedo tops out at 260kph) and I know you have more muscle in your car than me.
  • rell
    13 years ago
    for me it depends on the club im visiting.. there are some clubs i wouldnt care bring my nice car to but most of the clubs im comfortable with .. my 2 cars are a 08 and a 04 so i usualy bring my 04 to the clubs that arent in great locations.. but ill take chances if im coming from somewhere else and ill take whatever car im driving. i havent had any bad experiences but you can never be too sure
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