If you had the ability to fly out of Atlanta in the morning and fly back at night... where would you go? What city / strip club would you choose in the SE to go to for one day trip on a Saturday? Need some good suggestions... im leaning toward Tampa since I haven't experienced Mons yet but wanted some professional input.
The best cities are Toronto (Brampton), Tampa. Maybe Dallas/Houston/Austin. Or you could drive to Columbia SC and go to Platinum Plus. take a few hours though.
Since it's just a one day trip, I'd say go with Tampa. To truly taste Houston, make it a Friday evening/Saturday-return on Sunday trip. Friday evening go to St. James, Friday night, go to a black club. Saturday afternoon, seek Treasures, then some other westside club.
I honestly wouldn't bother. If I could not spend a night in the city then it is not worth it for me. This is particularly true in a place where you already have some decent local club options.
But if I had to choose I would say Miami. It is a close hop and there are a lot of clubs where everything can be had ITC.
Yeah, mr gray, what happened to your Dec 2010 Tampa trip that you mentioned in your 1st thread? Did you even go? Quite frankly, with the number of clubs in Atlanta, I'm surprised that you haven't at least dipped your toe into the club scene there and contributed a review or 2.............
Agree with others that Atlanta has decent AND modestly-priced clubs (Follies, Oasis, Pony) that provide some mix of mileage and lookers. Why go somewhere else? Well, if you're looking for something different, then my choices would be:
1) Tampa: For over-the-top good looking women dancing nude (Mons) - the prettiest, slimmest, and friendliest girls anywhere. 2) Cocoa Beach/Miami: For mileage. Inner Room is a high-mileage bargain at $10/dance. Miami and points north (e.g., Pompano Beach) feature decent mileage, but you'll pay more. 3) Detroit/Inkster: Mileage capital of the East, but at bargain clubs (H8 and Bogart's), the girls are a bit sketchy attractiveness-wise. The prettier girls at Fight Club and Penthouse will cost you twice as much, but good times can be had.
Again, it's hard to beat Atlanta for a mix of mileage, looks, and value. But if you do travel, the above are some good suggestions...
last commentBut if I had to choose I would say Miami. It is a close hop and there are a lot of clubs where everything can be had ITC.
My double post was not an accident. It was intended to draw a response so I could hit gray on the same issue. PARTICIPATE!!!
1) Tampa: For over-the-top good looking women dancing nude (Mons) - the prettiest, slimmest, and friendliest girls anywhere.
2) Cocoa Beach/Miami: For mileage. Inner Room is a high-mileage bargain at $10/dance. Miami and points north (e.g., Pompano Beach) feature decent mileage, but you'll pay more.
3) Detroit/Inkster: Mileage capital of the East, but at bargain clubs (H8 and Bogart's), the girls are a bit sketchy attractiveness-wise. The prettier girls at Fight Club and Penthouse will cost you twice as much, but good times can be had.
Again, it's hard to beat Atlanta for a mix of mileage, looks, and value. But if you do travel, the above are some good suggestions...